Saturday, January 14, 2017

Blind Item #1

This A+ list producer/record executive/former reality star with a name like an initialed city is in big trouble with his employer. It seems as if the A+ lister brought in his personal barber on company time and also allowed another handful of employees to also get their hair cut by the barber. The cuts were not cheap but the executive billed them all to the company on his expense account so was getting reimbursed by the company every couple of weeks for the haircuts of others.


  1. Derek Harvey1:02 AM

    LA Reid

  2. longtimereader1:20 AM

    Yup, the D.L. stories about him are legendary...

  3. Guesser1:33 AM

    This is pretty funny ,I doubt this compares to the amount of money charged for drugs and hookers. LA Reid of course.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf2:10 AM

    Haircuts? If he wasn't buying cars & houses on the company account, this kind of stuff happens every day, in every business. Haircuts? Really?

  5. Haircuts, well damn if that's not a scandal...

  6. texasrose2:50 AM

    Haircuts!! Scandalous!!

  7. Barbara RiceHand3:16 AM

    Weird he would have a personal barber. Isn't LA Reid bald as shit??

  8. Zilla17:07 AM

    Haircuts might sound petty, but if you are talking about a couple hundred dollars each time, and lots of haircuts, it's not a small deal. Neither is filing fraudulent expense reports. It's effectively theft.

  9. hunter1:29 PM

    "bald as shit" requires tight & frequent maintenance - most people are only partially bald and require a close shave to maintain the look.

  10. RenShaw2:38 AM

    The president of France spends $10K a month on haircuts for himself and there's that other disgraced politician that spent $700 a shot. I can see his employer being upset because no way was this a cheap deal.

  11. Sounds like a good friend. But he should have paid out of his own pocket, he's rich enough.
