Monday, January 09, 2017

Blind Item #15 - Golden Globes

She has a handful of Golden Globes wins/nominations, most of which are for the same show, despite being in a show so much better than her iconic show. OK, so different, maybe not better. Anyway, our actress, who is aging, has given up botox and lots of people told me last night she looks a decade older since she stopped. That kind of buzz leads to a drying up of roles. You don't want Hollywood to think you are old even if you aren't.


  1. Tricia133:01 AM

    Felicity Huffman

  2. sandybrook3:02 AM

    Julia Louis Dreyfuss?

  3. Maggie3:02 AM

    Julia Louis-Dreyfus

  4. kevinn3:21 AM

    Come on. JLD is 55 years old. She wasn't going to look 30 forever.

  5. Barbara RiceHand3:28 AM

    Oh how sad. There was a blind the other day about an actress covering her grey. Nothing like having it pointed out all the time. I do agree about Julia L Dreyfus. I noticed her picture earlier looked way diff then her usual self.

  6. Libby3:33 AM

    Sarah Jessica Parker

  7. GoTrollUrSelf3:42 AM

    But "craggy" men still get roles. Seems fair.

  8. TanGyal3:49 AM

    I more think this is Felicity Huffman than JLD.

  9. Dr. Albondigas4:05 AM


    How shocking it must be for enty to see a woman over 45 be able to emote.


  10. SJP, my first thought. She doesn't have a good makeup team on Divorce either.

  11. parissucksliterally5:10 AM

    I thought Felicity looked great last night, but also looks like she has had a lot of work done over the past year.

    Just my opinion.

    I think it is JLD, who has more money than she can ever spend and never has to work ever again.

  12. I think you may be right. Her makeup and dress last night were really awful.

  13. If it is Julia Louis Dreyfuss, good for her. She is a lovely women in her 50s. No sense trying to look 30 anymore.

    Also, her billionaire father died recently. I am pretty sure she no longer gives a shit about making a living acting after Veep ends. She can do what she pleases for the rest of her life. And her kids, and their kids can to.

  14. lemonsorbet7:39 AM

    Bernadette Peters?

  15. I believe you're right, but she probably doesn't care less. It's not just that she comes from megabucks, but she and her husband could always write something for her to do if she really feels the need to continue acting.

  16. Jess Sayin'8:54 AM

    Pretty sure JLD made enough $$$ off of Seinfeld (and hey, 5 years' worth of lead paychecks from "New Adventures of Old Christine", for that matter) not to have really been concerned about the Veep paycheck or Daddy's money, either. Not that Julia wouldn't have minded the extra season of Seinfeld that Jerry turned down.

    (He was offered 24 episodes at $5,000,000 per; I think it was $1.25 million for the supporting players. So that's $30,000,000 Jerry cost JLD…but she seems to have held up okay.)

  17. Antonio1:59 PM

    I saw some pics of her on IMDB and wow, black don't crack and white does not age right.

  18. Julia Louis Dreyfus is so hot on Veep (not her character's personality necessarily, but wardrobe, appearance, she looks amazing). Anyway think she got a ton of globes for her current show, so this probably is not her.

  19. Gillian Anderson, X-Files/The Fall?

  20. Sarah6:59 AM

    I think this is meant to be SJP...but I need to say, it makes me sad how rude people are about actresses aging. SJP is 51. She's not GOING to look young anymore. I agree her look was bad last night, but heaven forbid a woman in Hollywood show signs of aging.

  21. Erin C.12:14 PM

    It's like their little lives weren't held aloft by SotC broadcasted by TBT or god knows whatever sorry cable plans they have to endure. Yes, there was a before. When we didn't have Netflix and all that shit. Or Roku/Haiku/WTF ever....respect your elders. Google that bitch and watch all those iconic movies she was in...then judge, if you must. #girlsjustwanttohavefun

  22. Willow7:02 AM

    exACTly, goTrollUrSelf!!

  23. Cynthia2:03 PM

    IKR? First the gossip sites snark about actresses who do too much filler and botox, and now it's up in arms about a very brave actress who chooses to eschew cosmetic overload. A girl can't win for losing.
