Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blind Item #12

Her A list husband is always the one in danger of going back to rehab, but this A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner is the one who needs it now.


  1. sandybrook3:47 AM


  2. GoTrollUrSelf3:48 AM


  3. Freckles4:12 AM

    I think it's just the excessive botox seeping into her brain.

  4. Jasmine4:23 AM

    Out of all the celebrities discussed on CD, Nicole Kidman's blinds are by far the most intriguing ones to read.

  5. Riven4:38 AM

    I don't know, I think she got some bad PR advice. She's always been called an ice queen with no personality, I think someone advised her (or she advised herself) to just let people see her having a good time. And yeah it came off as a little coocoo to us, so of course CO$ PR weasels pounced.

  6. Mooshki4:38 AM

    Maybe that also explains her idiotic statements about Trump.

  7. Sarah4:43 AM

    I know Keith has a history of rehab/alcohol abuse, but recent appearances by him haven't indicated to me that he's been drinking heavily again. He's seemed very lucid and clear in everything I've seen recently.

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:50 AM

    Those statements were so stupid that michelle hussein obama said the same a couple of weeks before


  9. Angela65:31 AM

    Really? I think she was thoughtful, I can mail you a diaper pin if you need one.
    This nonsense has to stop, no, Trump wasn't my choice, but the kindergarten attacks are getting old and juvenile.

  10. Dannette5:46 AM

    v. talented couple, hope everything is okay.

  11. RenShaw6:11 AM

    WTF is with Keith anyway. Get help already. Considering Nicole will be blacklisted, he better get his ish together.

  12. Keith's latest single just spent a second week at number one. He can afford the substances. And, substances he will need if he's expected to kiss an ice queen

  13. Dudette6:50 AM

    Yeah, this is a payback from the looney left or CO$. Prolly the looney left. Can't get off the reservation.

  14. Derek Harvey7:19 AM

    I would need a little something something to get with Keith. He is so...corny looking. Those highlights and eye make-up? Those clothes? She is a fashion icon and he is stuck in 2006...

  15. Riven7:29 AM

    LOL Yeah that's why there's a Looney Left over here actually DEFENDING her. For fucking fucks sake, is your tin hat on properly?

  16. Riven7:35 AM

    @Derek Scott Stapp! That's who he reminds me of, I couldn't figure it out. Thanks lol. of course Google now shows me they look nothing alike, but Keith is a throwback to the late 90s - 00s corny rocker look. with a mannequin face, kinda creepy.

  17. Robert9:14 PM

    It's not a kindergarten attack to be very concerned about the very fate of the country. If you saw the contest as a mere "choice" in the manner of a popularity contest, you're deeply mistaken. Yesterday the first steps were taken to take away insurance from 30 million people.
