Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Blind Item #12

Out of my normal range, but apparently this elderly A+ list royal used a mild cold as a great excuse to stay away from several possible threats against her life that intelligence services said were likely. Apparently this all came to light because one royal family member used the absence to garner himself a bunch of publicity. That has not helped his relationship with his older brother who knows the younger brother uses opportunities like this to line his pockets with questionable income.


  1. Weekenderbedford3:48 AM

    If this is QE2, it'll be the first time terrorists ever stopped her. Prince Andrew is the dodgy royal, with Prince Charles as the disapproving older brother.

  2. sandybrook3:49 AM

    Why is this a blind? Queen Lizzie :(

  3. MontanaMarriott3:52 AM

    Queen Elizabeth's really bad cold/flu and the press for The Ginger prince?

  4. SilverAngel4:25 AM

    Not Harry, but Andrew. He's always trying for something

  5. There was a very strange police chase and shoot out with U.K. Police up near Manchester today. This is a rare occurrence there. Wonder if it's related? Hope Betty Windsor gets well soon.


  6. Guesser4:34 AM

    Of course the Queen, with Prince Andrew the Royal with questionable income, some reports claim the Queen is very ill, she didn't make any appearances.

  7. TiggyTea4:37 AM

    Her 2 week absence is unprecedented. There's obvi more happening than a mild illness.

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:52 AM

    She is 90, even with the lack of hard job of a royal, she can step aside sometimes and rest.

    If muslims were going to do muslim things, I do not think that they would have stopped if she missed something where the rest of her family would be, wiping Dumbo, Baldie or Megan's Carrot top would be better for their interests than killing a nonagenarian.

  9. At least she has the "smart" to listen to her security briefings.

  10. Guesser5:25 AM

    @TiggyTea, wouldn't they have expected her to make a holiday statement? She needed have gone out.

  11. GoTrollUrSelf5:29 AM

    He's such a tool.

  12. GoTrollUrSelf5:33 AM

    I don't think this is a blind, Elizabeth's "heavy cold" has been a topic for many days.
    Use of that phrase makes me imagine they have to lug around a block of lead that's usually stored in a freezer.

  13. GoTrollUrSelf5:34 AM

    Is Andrew charging people to give messages to The Queen? That scheme worked for Fergie.

  14. If I was a betting person, I would put my money on Queen Elizabeth, she never misses a royal duty( and she is defender of the Faith).
    It must have been a credible threat.
    The elder son was Prince Charles, the younger Prince Andrew

  15. I ate my own head5:53 AM

    I figured the cold story was rubbish because she's 90 years old and would be in the hospital if she was that sick. Andrew is still a sleazebag I see.....

  16. A Limey Writes....6:20 AM

    Obviously Brenda. But Andrew's not been in the papers. Only Anne. And that was about her Madge's sniffles.
    The filth slotted a guy in a 'pre planned operation' ( not as reassuring as they think it is) up North. Is Brenda still in Balmoral ?

  17. nancer6:38 AM

    but who got themselves a 'bunch of publicity?'

  18. shakey6:45 AM

    Is Charles afraid Andrew is going to raid the cookie jar?


  19. Enty: Ugh....a severe cold....how boring.....mmmmm....now let's make it an attempted terrorist attack......now that is much more interesting.

  20. Sarahb6:56 AM

    "Muslims doing Muslim things", seriously? WTF is wrong with you?

  21. Last I read, she was in Sandringham. But who knows.

  22. Sadly the analogy is true, since we don't hear about Christians, Jews or Buddhists ramming trucks into Christmas markets.

  23. Sarahb7:55 AM

    True, we just hear about them walking into cinemas or schools and shooting people and are the Israelis not Jews? Guess they haven't murdered a bunch of Muslims and Christians in Palestine? They probably don't count as people though?

  24. I ate my own head8:40 AM

    What is wrong with YOU? Are you blind? Avoid the news?

  25. I ate my own head8:41 AM

    Sarah take your PC nonsense elsewhere.

  26. Robert8:59 AM

    Thank you for saying this for me. This guy is a real jerk.

  27. Robert9:02 AM

    We only hear about the largest and most powerful Christian nation on earth invading Muslim nations on dishonest pretexts and leading to the death of millions.

  28. Pink Escada9:10 AM

    Betty Windsor...LOLOLOLOL

  29. This one is pretty obvious, QEII...Andrew is pretty well known for dipping his fingers in whatever cookie jar he can find to line his pockets. However, Edward has been known to be a bit pushy with raising money (It's a Knockout). I found this little gem today: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-102856/Queen-pays-Edward--Sophie-1-4million-quit-jobs.html. I've no idea how recent it is (although it says it's from today), but it references the queen's golden jubilee, which I thought was a year or two ago. Take it for what it's worth.

    BTW, I've been gone for awhile, good to be back!

  30. Geto Ho'10:12 AM

    Not every Muslim is a Terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim.

  31. information desk10:35 AM

    I have a feeling once Queenie dies Andrew will have an unfortunate accident...

  32. religiouslyconfused12:32 PM

    Maybe this is Queen Elizabeth II but with Prince Harry and William. Harry being the Prince that is getting questionable income.

  33. I ate my own head3:36 PM

    Bingo. And Robert is intent on being a victim to prove his "moral superiority".

  34. marlo6:34 PM

    SarahB - you inbred ignorant turd should go phack yourself with a large cactus, you insanely cretinous prostitute for Islam. People such as yourself should all be rounded up and dropped in Gaza, so you can be amongst your won.

    Poor phacking Palestinians, ey? They have only ethnically cleansed all PA territories from CHRISTIANS - when Israelis were under control in the West Bank, there was a christian population of over 20%, today there are less than 3% - guess what happened, you vile pos Sarah....

    Israelis are bloody superstars - they have defied nasty vile warring Islam for 70 years, against parasitic leeches such as yourself, telling them to bow down and roll over. Palestinians get the most aid per capita on the planet, $8 per year, and what do they do with it? Atrack a nation much stronger than them, that has always kicked their useless arses! And they continue - because they are useless sociopaths. Palestinians use their own children as human shields and strap suicide vests onto them, like only MUSLIMS do.

    I live in Britain, and the Muslim plague is becoming too much. I don't care what any of your clueless villagers who have never left your corner, think or say - you have seen nothing, you have been nowhere, and you are nobodies.
    You pearl clutching leftist socialist prostitues, who'd sell out your own daughters and your own cultures to the petro-dollar of goat0shagging pedophile worshippers: THE TRUTH IS HATE FOR THOSE WHO HATE THE TRUTH.

    Wherever there is Islam, there is death and war and bloodshed.
    Muslims can't live in peace with anybody in the world, Jews, CHristians, Sikhs, Hindus, Yazidis, Kurds, Buddhists - even fucking Budhists.
    They can not even live in peace amongst their own. in their own countries, without a single foreigner around.
    98% of all armed conflicts in the world involve Islam.

    When you accept these facts, then you shall be listened to. As long as you keep your empty heads in the sand, and just poke them out to scream 'waycist', you will be ridiculed and spoken to like the turds that you are. Bloody inbred cnut.

  35. marlo6:35 PM

    That was $8 BILLION per year - which they use to buy arms and built killer tunnels, not schools and hospitals!!

  36. Sarahb7:28 PM

    Marlo, I couldn't even be bothered reading your racist diatribe, I too live in Britain, I am not British, but I am an Irish immigrant, I unlike you didn't vote for Brexit to get those filthy foreigners out, I unlike you don't think that every Muslim is a terrorist, it's not nice when someone make sweeping generalisations about a religion is it? You didn't like what I said about Palestine did you? To be fair I have a lot Jewish friends who are equally appalled by what is happening in their name (I think you call them self hating Jews?), like I being Irish wasn't vilified for what the IRA where doing, or called a dirty catholic because of it, why should all Muslims be tarnished with the same brush? It's simple logic, but you my little racist friend are beyond reason, why don't you go back to the comments section in the Daily Mail, I also hope that when Mo Farrah won all those Golds for your country you were quick to see that he was a dirty terrorist (oh and stop making up statistics haha).. I really hope you haven't any kids, god help them ... buh bye .. zzzzzzzzzzzz

  37. Sarahb7:31 PM

    Geto to be fair, if a white guy shoots down a load of people he's called insane, or stabs a Politian to death on a London street, if a Muslim does it he's a terrorist .. he's not just a lone gunman ... it's sad but unfortunately true :(

  38. marlo7:59 PM

    SarahB - you make me vomit, you foul spineless prozzy!

    Pi$$ off to fucking Gaza, or Karachi or Kabul or Mosul, you don't belong in the civilised western world. You belong with those who use their now children, to try and kill others.

    Your ilk's time is up. Thank God for Brexit, Thank God for Trump.

    Go fucking bend over at your nearest mosque, you traitorous rat cnut.
    I have daughters, I have a business, I care about my country and my people, I don't give a shiite about Muslims.

    It because of easily bought, brainwashed and manipulated imbeciles such as yourself, that the western world is disintegrating, and becoming a third world cesspit. You seem to like muslims, so phack off, what are you still doing amongst us waycist??

    Prostitute skanks who will suck arab cox and betray their own culture, fellow women, gays, and minorities such as Jews, Kurds, Sikhs, etc, make my skin crawl. You pretend to be a 'good person' but useful idiots such as yourself are evil personified, because TRUE EVIL, is seeing it, and doing nothing. TRUE EVIL is pretending it's not really real, and looking the other way. TRUE EVIL is scrambling to find excuses about evil.
    Your kind are called COLLABORATORS AND APPEASERS, always have been, always will be, and without your ilk, there would have been no gassing of human beings, and without your ilk, there would be no terror in Europe, no african rape statistics in Europe, and no - in the very close future - European civil war.

    You better get ready SarahB ..... Your ilk will be destroyed first - by those you defend! Cause the first people muslims slaughter, are the useful idiots, like the red cross or charity workers who get beheaded, gassed, set alight, etc, for bringing them food and medicine.

    When it comes to Islam, no good deed goes unpunished, and when it comes to the SarahB's of this world, there's a reason you scum will always defend the dregs of humanity: because it's whom you resemble the most.

    Now don't address me anymore, I feel dirty just responding to your outrageous inbred stupidity.

  39. Simmer Down10:12 PM

    Marlo did an Arab man reject you at a club once? Have you forgotten your medication today? So much hate and bile will cause a heart attack or stroke or something.

  40. Simmer down - what a stupid primitive assumption, are you 12?

    I was the one rejecting Abdul after Abdul, with their filthy hands and gross moustaches. If only everybody were as loving, tolerant and kind as the musloids, ey? ;D

    Don't worry about hate : nobody hates muslims more than Allah does. That's why he makes them blow themselves up inside mosques, and kill them mostly by their own inbreds.

    My heart is fine, but you should watch out, try not getting a stroke when Trump cleans house, the EU gets dismantled and all those inbred pedo-worshipping parasites get shipped back to their 50+ shitholes they came from.

    Tata inbred pedos. Maybe Sarah and Simmer down can join you in your wonderfully tolerant, not hateful countries...LOL

  41. Long Island Girl12:16 AM

    There's your inbred comment, I thought you were slipping! And, you didn't hyphenate it this time! BRAVO!

  42. Long Island Girl12:17 AM

    Hi Sarahb, I've learned to try to ignore marlo. Like not feeding the animals at the zoo.

  43. Long Island Girl12:19 AM

    Mental illness does tend to run in families. Are you a Trump, per chance?

  44. Bat shiz crazy12:31 AM

    Marlo it's time to find a therapist. Muslims are not the cause of your father ignoring you or your husbands tiny penis.

  45. Whole Grain Goodness1:07 AM

    You say -"nobody hates muslims more than Allah does. That’s why he makes them blow themselves up inside mosques, and kill them mostly by their own inbreds. "

    So you believe in Allah? You must be Muslim.

  46. June Gordon1:41 AM

    Queen Liz should be like Donald Trump and tell experts that she doesn't need to listen to them because she's, like, a smart person.

  47. longtimereader2:28 AM

    Andrew was pals with that paedo creep jeffrey epstein BTW.

  48. Malibuborebee5:17 AM

    +1 to Weekender

  49. Malibuborebee5:22 AM

    She's getting better but the old girl is 90 for fuck's sake. She's up and around, dealing with red boxes and publicly giving an honor to a long-time staffer at Sandringham.

    We will be spared King Charles for at least a short while longer. With any luck Her Maj will have the Queen Mother's longevity which would give us 11 more years.

  50. Malibuborebee5:23 AM

    Sorry - here's the link to the "she's better" story in the British press:


  51. Malibuborebee5:24 AM

    Leave Prince Hot Ginge out of this.

  52. Malibuborebee5:25 AM

    I think Brenda's at Sandringham, darling. She's up and around again and out giving honors. Well, out giving one honor anyway.

  53. Malibuborebee5:27 AM

    Thank you, Sarahb, I hate it when the bigots around here start thinking that it's acceptable to express their bigotry and ignorance in the company of decent people.

    It's totally unacceptable under any circumstance.

  54. Malibuborebee5:28 AM

    You're a religious bigot, how sad for you. It's quite un-American you know, where are you from?

  55. Malibuborebee5:29 AM

    Not being a bigot doesn't automatically make one blind or news-free. It just makes one a decent human being - something you'd evidently know very little about.

  56. Malibuborebee5:30 AM

    She doesn't have to do anything of the kind.

    Blow me.

  57. Malibuborebee5:32 AM

    The Red Brigade (among many others) will be so relived to learn of this. They had no idea they weren't terrorists.

  58. Malibuborebee5:33 AM

    Blow me, or blow Robert - either way, fuck off you vile little bigot.

  59. Malibuborebee5:38 AM

    blah blah blah blah "marlo" you total fucking moron. You are a bloated, drunken, bigoted walking pustule, oozing disease and rank stupidity wherever you go.

    Your mother called, she says that her shame over what came out of her twat is overwhelming and she's suicidal because of you. She's unable to leave the house, everyone in the village hates her for giving birth to a vile piece of shit like you.

    Now fuck off back to whatever sewer you crawled out of this morning. No one wants you here you're an embarrassment to the human race.

  60. Malibuborebee5:39 AM

    Fuck off, eat shit and bury yourself in a mud pit, bigot.

  61. Malibuborebee5:43 AM

    Marlo, you're a sad excuse for a woman. Your womb must be so diseased and putrid from all the ugliness inside you - blech.

    I can't imagine what kind of foul, stench emanates from your twat but the neighbors have been complaining that you're a health hazard to everyone.

    Your real name wouldn't happen to be Cheryl would it?

  62. Sarahb5:43 AM

    Thanks Malibuborebee, LIG, SD & BSC your comments gladdened my heart and made me laugh ?

  63. RenShaw8:26 AM

    I missed this blind earlier but goodness gracious, WTF happened here. Is 2017 the year of the unhinged. Anyway, Elizabeth is obvious here but I don't know how Harry is being charged with attention seeking. If anything, it is Andrew using this absence to grab a future income for his useless daughters. He wants the Queen to promise their husbands would be given rank of Earl so the little ladies don't ever have to worry about earning their keep. Harry on the other hand has been doing charity and events (which they count as to who is doing what for the kingdom). His think with Meaghan is in the news thru no fault of theirs and if anything, they been trying to fly under the radar. And I hate myself for knowing this crap.

  64. Children please. Our favorite WeHo gold digger has done it! Those balloon boobs and Kim K nose job just paid for themselves. Way to shut down the monarchy on Christmas! You have achived what no war or natural disaster ever could. Bravo Meghan Markle, you win yacht girl of the millennium.

  65. Palindrome8:14 AM

    Please stop making excuses for Manipulative Markle Sparkles. She's the biggest leak! She leaked to all her idiot fans on her blog that she was going to Norway! She is always putting hints out there and screaming racism if people call her out for her publicity stunts. This blind is PH and PW and MM. She will be his downfall. She's at home poking holes in condoms and replacing her pills with tic tacs.

  66. Except for the KKK (classified as a domestic terrorist organization), Timothy McVeigh, Dylan Roof, Posse Commitatus, White Aryan Resistance, Aryan Nations, etc.

  67. John Paterson10:21 PM

    She has access to the best of care at any palace she is at. She would never be in the hospital for anything more than a routine checkup.

    I hope she will recover and, if there is a threat, the British intelligence will put a hard stop to it.
