Monday, January 09, 2017

Blind Item #12 -Golden Globes

This part-time actress/full-time model with the unusually hard to spell last name was the butt of a lot of jokes last night and probably didn't know it. People would ask to pose with her and she would give this pursed lip Jennifer Lopez smoky eyed thing every time and no other pose. It became a running joke to see if anyone could just get her to be natural.


  1. Tricia131:20 AM

    Emily Rayljkowski

  2. Tricia131:23 AM

    Ratajkowsi lol

  3. Lurky McLurkster1:34 AM

    Why is it unusually hard? It should just be plain hard. Unusually hard would be if it were spelled the same but pronounced Smith

  4. Erika1:34 AM

    The video of her on the red carpet was embarrassing. It was JLo + Lea Michelle x 1000.

  5. i can't pronounce or spell her name either.

    LOL! I like Enty's "butt of a lot of jokes" line!

  6. sandybrook1:41 AM

    Ratatouille gets parts in movies that require her to get naked. And that's the only thing that's good about her acting.

  7. Guesser1:44 AM

    Here's the Emily blind! Is Enty' making these up from the comments or are we Pychic?

  8. I noticed she kept doing the J-Lo squinty-eyed, open-lipped thing for the cameras. She looked like a moron.

  9. RenShaw2:02 AM

    Who takes Emily seriously. She lives on the beach in a bikini or half naked. She is annoying.

  10. longtimereader2:04 AM

    Nope, she is hot. Hence her paycheck.

  11. Alice2:09 AM

    Why was she even there?

  12. Lurky McLurkster2:32 AM

    There are after party red carpet pics of her holding her dress open too

  13. GoTrollUrSelf3:32 AM

    Atrocious dress & joke-generating face. Why is she a "star", again?

  14. Tina Louise4:47 AM

    She is quite pretty but she is such a narcissistic prima donna - anyone who has to post so many naked photos of their body obviously isn't that confident.

  15. Anyone with a basic grasp of Polish last names would not deem this one hard. Educate yourself

  16. RenShaw5:04 AM

    She's a T&A superstar you know. Gotta show them.

  17. Hortensia5:18 AM

    Well sure, it'd be easy for someone from Milwaukee.

  18. Uneducated Moron5:43 AM

    Come on. Yes, educate yourself in basic Polish, because we have SUCH a giant Polish community in every town in the US, plus they've just totally infiltrated Hollywood. For native English speakers, MOST Polish names are hard. It's like someone puked a bunch of random consonants…then you alter or skip pronouncing half of them. As a clue for your average US reader, it's a good one. But thanks for letting us know how superior you are, and that "Ratajkowski" is an *easy* one. I'm sure your pronunciation of most names from all international languages is flawless.

  19. Patrick6:37 AM

    Plus, she is singularly untalented while believing she is the next Streep. She needs to find some popcorn movies and get a franchise, meet a financier/producer/trust-fundian, and call it a career.

  20. Thought the exact same thing when I saw a few photos of her, why she kept making this completely stupid facial expression. The fish gape mouth, the sultry eyes thing. It was hard to decide what is more disturbing about Emily - the disturbing need to be a sexual object that can only stem from deeper issues, the fact that she was at the Globes and really has no career as an actress, or that she couldn't stop making her super duper wanna be sexy face she made in every picture. She should be embarrassed.

  21. Meh, I've seen the pics of her on the red carpet and really can't see what people see in her poses. Guessing it's just jealousy?

  22. Hot Cola11:25 AM

    I think she should be in slasher movies, I think its a good genere for her: Teenage slasher movies.
    Emily RideAJetSki!

  23. Katherine7:45 PM

    Look at the red carpet video with her on official globes twitter

  24. She flashed her privates inadvertently - butt of jokes.

  25. I miss Lea and her endless array of batshit red carpet poses. At some point she realized how hard we were laughing at her expense and stopped.

    Because Lea Michelle is the enemy of fun.

  26. Monty Python9:35 AM

    Interviewer: Good evening. I have with me in the studio tonight one of the country's leading skin specialists - Raymond Luxury Yacht.

    Raymond: That's not my name.

    Interviewer: I'm sorry - Raymond Luxury Yach-t.

    Raymond: No, no, no - it's spelt Raymond Luxury Yach-t, but it's pronounced 'Throatwobbler Mangrove'.

  27. Malibuborebee9:43 AM

    For those of you who are dumb paranoiacs, yes this is me. It's me a couple of posts down too.

    You and Lea Michelle have a lot in common.
