Friday, January 06, 2017

Blind Item #11

This A list mostly movie actress who will soon be an Academy Award nominee again was at a party last night and told by one of her people that in o certain terms she needs to get her hair colored. The grey is starting to come out and if anyone sees it, will cost her roles for the next decade.


  1. sandybrook3:30 AM


  2. Guesser3:34 AM

    Kidman's grey roots have been showing themselves for years though.

  3. GoTrollUrSelf3:39 AM

    Don't most roles involve some sort of hair change, anyway?

  4. sandybrook3:39 AM

    More obvious now maybe. or just straight up grey mixed into the mix up there.

  5. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:14 AM

    If only they knew make up artists in hollyweird.
    What is next? Do they expect an actor who dies in a movie to be alive the following day?

  6. I'm going to say Natalie Portman just to be different. Nicole's hair color is not what will do her in, she's fucked around with her face too much. Natalie's grey could easily be showing -- she's pregnant, probably not coloring it, and looks much more drawn in the face and ashen old rather than glowing so there could be reason her team is suddenly alarmed.

  7. GoTrollUrSelf4:30 AM

    HA! for real.

  8. Lurky McLurkster4:33 AM

    I like your guess better. It is ridiculous to think a nearly 50 yr old woman wouldn't have grey hair. This has to be somebody in their 30's or very early 40's

  9. RenShaw4:41 AM

    Academy Award nominee so Emma or Amy.

  10. Salaam4:43 AM

    Annette Bening for an alternate choice.

  11. Fred844:49 AM

    Amy Adams.

  12. Amy Adams. Annette Bending is aging gracefully, meaning she's not trying to rid herself of every grey hair and wrinkle she can. She is showing her age in the roles she's getting.

  13. I stopped dyeing my hair years ago.

    It wasn't helping.

    I still looked older than 30!


  14. Emma Stone

  15. Hot Cola7:14 AM

    His typing is worst than mine today.

  16. Sadie9:23 AM

    Redheads don't go grey early usually. Brunettes do. I'll go with Natalie.

  17. I ate my own head11:52 AM

    I don't understand why Nicole Kidman insists on keeping her hair that hideous color of blonde, it's so aging. She looks so much better as a redhead. Blonde is NOT your friend Nicole.

  18. numoon61:55 PM

    Is transitioning from blond to gray any less noticeable than transitioning from red to gray? Let's ask Bonnie - she's been snow white for 40+ yrs

  19. twocents3:24 PM

    Diane Keaton has had no problem going salt and pepper. She looks great.

  20. Zilla110:44 PM

    If it's Natalie Portman, not dyeing her hair bc she is pregnant, there are plenty of safe options available to her. Henna, for one. And there are a lot of vegan, natural hair dyes she can use.

  21. Grammar Police11:31 PM


  22. Co-signed. And there's not enough redheads as it is.

  23. Camal1912:23 AM

    OMG!!! This is complete and utter BS. Natalie (or whoever) would never lose a gig, just because of stupid gray hair. All they would do is color it. Done!!!

    Also...has this actress not heard about spraying the gray hair stuff?

  24. What horse manure! All our beloved celebrities continue to smoke, guzzle booze, and do any kind of drug within reach - all while pregnant. It's amazing Hollywood isn't crammed with retarded disfigured kids by now. Not coloring her hair? Are you sh itting me? Because, pregant? What do they care? Dye it with shoe polish or something. .... Let's say Natalie Portman. She drinks, smokes, drugs, barfs, etc. just like all the rest.

  25. It's an old wives tale that you can't dye your hair while pregnant. I've asked countless doctors & they all said it's fine unless it causes nausea from the fumes. The study from which the rumor originated states that it's toxic for the baby if hair dye is injected - but don't do that ever, anyway!
