Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Blind Item #10

He has sucked away much of her fortune. He has beat her and cheated on her and she kept right on being married to him. So, with all of that, I don't think the husband of this foreign born former A list band member turned mostly reality judge is worried if he is publicly busted for cheating. It is definitely not one of their threesome partners though so maybe that changes things.


  1. sandybrook3:03 AM


  2. Hothotheat3:38 AM

    Really? Tou think the Spice Girls were a band? I'm thinking more like Delores O'Reardon, you know, someone in an actual band.

  3. Hot Cola4:01 AM

    Mel B. And she should've invested some of her fortune towards buying her self esteem.
    And that goes for every starlet out there.
    Buy yourself therapy, past life regressions, horoscope reads, whatever floats your boat. Spend it on your shoes & drugs if you want but don't give YOUR MONEY to some leech, just because he showed up at your door holding flowers.
    Got it Girl?

  4. Lurky McLurkster5:04 AM

    That's quadruple threat Mel B to y'all

  5. RenShaw5:25 AM

    And I thought Mel B was a tough guy. Get going woman.

  6. I thought it was established years ago that Mel's the one who gives the beatings, not gets them?

  7. sandybrook6:58 AM

    maybe they beat the crap out of each other? The stories change here so often.......

  8. sandybrook7:00 AM

    I almost hesitated with the word "band" but girl group would give it away completely.

  9. Chandelierxo7:50 AM

    Well, I thought she cheated on him too, with women?

  10. Scandi Sanskrit11:01 AM

    Plus, most of these people have access to some pretty credible, realiable therapists (I live in a country where homosexuality is still considered a personality disorder—go to a therapist like that and I guarantee you will come out if it more fucked up than you were before, I only get diagnosed overseas). It frusturates the shit out of me when these people can get it and they don't go for it.

    Speaking of past lives, I had a karmic reading done and I printed it out... It says I need to wise up and stop being such a smartass, and also stop being a hermit. But I don't want to. Waaa...

  11. Scandi Sanskrit11:04 AM

    What what does she do?

    (I'm not implying I believe it's about her, I'm just asking what her 'quadruple' consists of.)
