Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blind Item #10

This A+ list mostly movie actor ordered a $5000 bottle of wine. He went off is rocker though until the staff put a sparkler in the opened bottle of wine when they brought it to his table while out of the country.


  1. sandybrook3:02 AM

    Where's Ben at?

  2. Now that would not happen to you, ah Enty?

  3. Pink Escada3:14 AM

    Who keeps a sparkler on hand?

  4. GoTrollUrSelf3:17 AM

    I'm confused. What's this item about? $5K champagne, off-rocker, or sparkler?

  5. Is this Ben? Sounds like his psychosis has gone up a full letter grade since waving to imaginary crowds and talking to imaginary children.

  6. sandybrook3:23 AM

    I'll stick with my answer of Ben then.

  7. Alice3:24 AM

    coupled somebody please post the link to Ben talking to imaginary children? because I read it here yesterday but can't find anything online …

  8. Zilla13:30 AM

    AGC revealed "talking to invisible kids" actor as Nic Cage. Which doesn't mean much, as AGC sometimes changes the names on the reveals.

  9. They're wrong. Ben Affleck was in Germany yesterday visiting the troops.

  10. The man went off his rockers until someone put some fireworks in the wine bottle.

  11. Is is this tacky thing in the clubs if you buy a bottle of champagne, the waitresses deliver it to you with a bunch of sparklers. He wants to show off and he's also acting like a 20-year-old

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:46 AM

    If you put sparklers on an OPEN bottle that cost 5 grand, the buyer has all the motives to go mad, it is like using a Shakespeare autograph as a roller for coke.

  13. Hortensia5:17 AM

    This has to be an adult who's emotionally 13 years old.

  14. RenShaw6:16 AM

    What the what now? Can someone re-write that.

  15. Derek Harvey7:24 AM

    Leo Dicaprio

  16. Guesser9:58 AM

    @Zilla, they changed it to Ben at AGC. Nick Cage makes no sense as he isn't A+

  17. marlo8:29 PM

    A sparkler in a fine bottle of wine? Must be somebody really trashy and low rent. A lot of these celebrities have learnt a thing or two about the finer things in life, after being exposed to them for years.
    I think it's somebody young, a show off with no clue. Or an actor so drugged up, he doesn't even know what he's doing anymore.

  18. Nerd Girl12:58 AM

    This sounds like Al Pacino to me.
