Monday, January 23, 2017

A Future SeaOrg Member

Laura Prepon and Ben Foster announced they are expecting a child together. No doubt this is the culmination of what their Scientology masters wanted. You will recall that Ben strayed when he dated and fell in love and asked Robin Wright to marry him. When Robin refused to join Scientology, they split. He ended up getting back together with her and all hell broke loose. So, back into some deep auditing sessions for him.

Laura's error was not devoting enough time to the Church. With the success of OITNB, she had let things slide. So, how do they atone for their mistakes? They become a couple that the news media will discuss. Now, it looks like they have taken it one step further with this baby and future SeaOrg lifer.


  1. MontanaMarriott10:33 PM

    Damnnnnnn is it the pic or did LP have so much work that I thought that was Cher there?!?!?!

  2. Spectator10:40 PM

    Fucking Scientology is a fucking cult. Hope Trump can destroy them.

  3. Jazzes10:53 PM

    They always look so miserable together. But his face always looks like that.

  4. S.D.AUNTIE11:00 PM

    She does look like Cher. Two weak people having a kid. Hope the cult dissolves by the time it is 18

  5. They look well matched to me.

  6. Guesser11:21 PM

    I thought she was so pretty on that seventies show, everyone knows what she looks like, she is unrecognizable now. The pictures in the sunlight were scary.

  7. poopmeister11:33 PM

    She looks like a creature from The Adams Family. He looks like a hick from Beverly Hillbillies. That poor kid. Doesn't stand a chance. Ugly won't even begin to cover it.

  8. Gonna be sad when Scio takes the kid away.

  9. Tom Cruise12:35 AM

    That would be nice....then maybe I can get my life back.

  10. Scientology teaches you that the child belongs to the Universe (and the cult) and not the parents. They will gladly give over their baby to the cult as they believe they are "saving the universe."

    I just can't fathom how adults fall for that cult. I mean..come on....even LRH said so himself that he was going to create a church where they believe aliens are real 'as a joke', just because he "could." It was a game to him and then he realized how much money and power came w/ it and a cult was born.

    These morons in scientology all fell for it.

  11. GoTrollUrSelf1:17 AM

    Hell, she's bordering on Wildenstein.

  12. GoTrollUrSelf1:20 AM

    That's why I can't take any of them seriously. Alien-based religion? Get a grip.

  13. That's not much different from how the government sees children, really

  14. Riven3:30 AM

    I doubt most of them actually believe in Xenu. They are drawn in by what Scientology "can do for their career." They see big names and lots of money and think they'll use it just like any other social or career ladder.

    Problem with leaving Scio is blackmail. Torture doesn't work because people will say anything to make it stop, even shit they couldn't possibly have done. One "audit" session and, whether you believe or not, you're likely in for life.

    I used to really like Ben. Now, not so much.

  15. Buddy5:01 AM

    You really think Trump gives a sh** about anything that won't directly benefit him, his family or his sociopathic billionaire buddies? It's gonna be a loooong 4 years.

  16. daaamn, why does she look like cher? and not in a good way let me tell you.
    she was so pretty in t70'ss

  17. I think that they bring them in with false pretenses, get them to tell their darkest secrets, then blackmail them so they never leave.

    I mean, look at Cruise and Travolta, so scared of people finding out their gay they'll do anything.

  18. +1 Buddy. Trumpeters are just as blind and deluded as Scientologists. As if a billionaire from the party that supports tax cuts for the rich, opposes social security and wants to abolish affordable healthcare could be a working class hero. This is a party which has long campaigned to abolish the minimum wage and people actually believed Trump's hollow promise to raise it a pittance? How's he going to do that without the support of Congressional Republicans?

    He's not going to fix anything except for his own benefit - the same as every other Republican ever.
