Sunday, January 08, 2017

16 People Arrested In Connection With Kim Kardashian Robbery In Paris


Paris police confirmed on Monday that 16 people have been arrested in connection with the October robbery of Kim Kardashian in Paris.

Kardashian was held up at gunpoint and robbed in a private mansion during Paris Fashion Week, in a brazen burglary that saw multiple suspects run off with approximately $10 million worth of jewelry.

A spokesperson for Kardashian said in October that "armed masked men dressed as police officers," were behind the theft, and added that the holdup left her "badly shaken but physically unharmed."

Five individuals dressed as policemen entered the private residence where Kardashian was staying in the Oct. 4 heist. Police say Kardashian was tied up and locked in a bathroom as the assailants made off with her jewels.

The thieves stole a jewelry box that contained valuables reportedly worth more than $6 million and a ring worth about $4 million.


Ay said...

Notice how they report this on the day after the Globes because they know no one will be bothered to call bullshit. Well i'll do it.....BULLSHIT.

Barbara RiceHand said...

Ok here's my take on this. Possibility it was real, but I think Kanye set it up and didn't bother telling Kim about it so it would look more real. Otherwise she wouldn't be on board. She had to be scared and that definitely caused a rift in their relationship.

Shorny said...

One box of jewelry, $10M...this is the real issue.

David Brown said...

Maybe I've watched too many caper movies but I thought there was a need for secrecy in these crimes. Sixteen people is an awfully large number of people to be involved in a robbery.

Laura Ramona said...

Im sory she gets that milions back. Damn it

John said...

Unless she's one of them I don't care.

Bobo said...

The Paris police have released details on a very high profile case that defames the entire city just to help the Kardashians get a mention on TMZ?


longtimereader said...

Any of them connected the Jay Z?

Jess Sayin' said...

Doesn't the bathroom still lock from the inside? (As bathrooms tend to do, of course.) "Locked in the bathroom" is as big of a lie as when PMK first tried to sell it.

And "private mansion"? I thought it was the well-known "hotel with no address".

I have a hard time believing that the Paris PD would stoop to being Kardashian PR tools…but this still seems a bit weird.

Dutch said...

Rigght, and not one of them were fat middle aged white men dressed in police gear. Isn't that what KIm and the concierge first said? Well to be fair they did say it was just one person, until Kim realized one person couldn't lift her off the bed and duct tape her mouth at the same time.

Barbara RiceHand said...

Teehee. Couldn't lift her off the

Anon said...

The whole story still stinks - I have clients fancy enough to have their own security and I still say, "Ehhhhh, nope." Unless she has the worst security detail in the history of security, it makes no sense. I'd love to know if this super high-end hotel with zero security cameras (to save guests from blackmail, they say) was fitted with panic buttons like anyone with half a brain would do when designing the place.

Lisa said...

The story has changed so many times. The key witness escaped to Algeria immediately. Kim left on a private plane before being questioned by the French police. None of this is how people who have nothing to hide behave. Why is everyone covering for the prostitute/porn star Kim?

lelu said...

Of course this would all come out on the day of the Golden Globes. I wonder what her and her gutter family will do for the Oscars, or the presidential inauguration.

Malibuborebee said...

How long will it take one of these 16 "burglars" to give up Kanye or someone who will lead to Kanye?


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