Saturday, October 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 3, 2016

While out with friends this weekend, this pro tennis player was asked about her golfer ex because of an incident that happened this weekend. The pro admitted that she had never seen anyone smaller in peen size and couldn’t help but laugh when she heard the news reports.

Caroline Wozniacki/Rory McIlroy

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 23, 2015


A frigid photocall today as this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who is not afraid to go full frontal was being given the cold shoulder from his actress co-star who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Our actress has a long time significant other but hooked up with the actor on the set of their movie. Apparently he treated her like crap from shortly after and she has not forgotten or forgiven.

Michael Fassbender/Marion Cotillard

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 19, 2015

This permanent A list mostly movie actor was out of the country launching one of his side projects. He left the wife home so he “could explore the local talent.” He did a lot of exploring. I’m surprised he found time to even work.

Robert DeNiro

Blind Item #4

This recently deceased A list gospel singer was battling depression and panic attacks about people finding out he was gay.

Blind Item #3

This former teen actor who everyone knows from a certain role found another woman he pimps out to pay for his drugs.

Blind Item #2

Female celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister. Our offspring has done reality. Her significant other is cheating on her with so many women, I don't know how he finds the time to see our celebrity. I think she stays with him because she would be embarrassed for a public split. Also, she would probably have to pay a ton of child support because he just likes to pretend he has money.

Blind Item #1

This A+ list singer is getting paid $2M for a 30 minute concert. One catch. The dictator she is performing for has to either come to the US or meet in a country other than his own. She doesn't want anyone to know.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 2, 2016

This A list mostly movie actor has dropped from A+ list. His movies have been bombs. He was heavy on the bronzer and botox at an event this weekend but people were still commenting how much he has aged just in the past year. No more sexiest man alive wins for him.

George Clooney

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 1, 2016

In 2017, I am going to stop referring to it as that franchise because, really, no one has done much since. Anyway, the lead actress in the franchise was whacked out on something that gave her a power/rudeness trip at a restaurant. Really, the waitstaff held back by not doing something to her food.

Kristen Stewart

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 14, 2015

While his foreign born A- list mostly movie actress significant other is in Cannes, this B+list mostly television actor who came from movies has been back on the cheating train. His wife had been scared to go out of town for exactly this reason.

Naomi Watts/Liev Schreiber

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 7, 2015

Once again it is time for I can’t believe those two hooked up. I give you one of the names and you come up with the other.
#1 – Brandon ( I have no money, but what Paris gives me) Davis and this recently married A list Academy Award winner/nominee.

Amy Adams

Friday, October 21, 2016

Blind Item #12

I lost track, but I think she went almost three months sober. She being this former A- list singer/possible murderer. Yeah, she was wasted out of her mind this week to the point where people actually looked scared to come into contact with her.

Blind Item #11

This Academy Award winning actor is hooking up with one of his kid's friends. If I am doing the math right our actor is slightly over three times her age and she still can't drink.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor likes to pretend he is Mr. Private but he loves fame and attention too much to really be private. He loves nothing more than playing puppet master to the media puppets. He loves seeing them writing about him so feeds ridiculous stuff knowing they will publish it.

Blind Item #9

The workload is already being reduced for this A list singer turning actress. She says that she will only film after 2pm so that means almost one-third of her scenes had to be cut.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 20, 2016

I guess we know why this permanent A list singer who always has tax problems dumped her husband. He was cheating with that video vixen turned author who kicked out her last partner for cheating.

Mary J Blige/Karrine Steffans/Columbus Short

Four For Friday - 90's Date Rapist

Back in the early  to mid 1990's is when this actor was at his peak. He still acts now, but generally they are just one offs on a show and he is lucky to get a couple of them a year at most. There are just too many people who know his past and won't give him a job. If someone does hire him, they probably have not heard, but are soon set straight. On the show for which he is most well known, he took the virginity of this current A lister. It was not by choice. She won't talk about it now, but she told people back then and word got out. It didn't get out fast enough for him not to be cast in what should have been a huge role. His role got cut after a few episodes though when it was discovered what he had done on the last show. While on the current show he did the same thing to an actress who was used for background work on a fairly regular basis. After he raped her, she basically got out of acting. That began his descent into just run of the mill acting jobs. The only other rape I know of that he committed was when he gave GHB to an actress we all know. She did a movie with the actor and at a cast party slipped the drug into her drink and then offered to take her back to the hotel where she was staying. Everyone thought he was being nice. The actress has continued to work and as I said, everyone knows her and she is multiple Academy Award winner/nominee. She also says she has never been the same person since that night.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Mr. X

Emmy Awards

September 19, 2016

What red carpet correspondent didn’t make any new friends last night after she overheard the actress she snubbed blame her for the firing of of her past co-hosts on that show? She yelled at her: “THEY DID IT TO THEMSELVES, YOU B**CH!!” Classy..

Giuliana Rancic/Amy Schumer

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 18, 2016

This OITNB actress loves going to comments sections of sites that mention her old roommate and posting links to her porn past. The old roommate says the OITNB actress forced her to do porn.

Taryn Manning

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 15, 2016

This former A+ list tweener who had a really bad drug problem has seemingly kicked it for now. His fellow band members basically told him he was out if he kept using and he vowed to stop and has.

Joe Jonas

Blind Item #8

I am really interested to see how this family with the million kids hides this out of wedlock pregnancy.

Blind Item #7

This A+ list rapper/mogul does his best to avoid this rapper on his label who owes him a ton of money. The rapper though is always calling and texting and trying to meet up for dinners and photos so it looks like the two are friends. They aren't. The A+ list singer wife of the mogul dislikes the rapper and his wife even more than the mogul.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2016

They might not have publicly split but this foreign born model turned worst actress ever to appear in a number one movie hooked up with another woman last night while her girlfriend also was having a little fun while they were separated by several hundred miles.

Cara Delevingne/St. Vincent (hooking up with Kristen Stewart)/and a week later they publicly split

Blind Item #6

This Housewife should ask her husband where he has been during the day when he says is working on their new business. He has been hooking up with another woman who is setting him up for a big public fall and a big payday for herself.

Blind Item #5

The cracks in the ice are getting bigger for this foreign born dual threat A lister who keeps trying to come up with excuses for his marriage and the absence of his wife. He hates the red carpets at screenings because he can't control the questions like he can at press events to support his new movie.

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list singer turned A- lister with a side gig is starting to go off the rails. She has tons of fake names she uses and goes after hundreds of people each day in comments sections. I think she is just upset the people she used to steal from are no linger available.

Blind Item #3

This former tween actress who had her own tween show and then her own shows as an adult has held a series of fundraisers at her home for her preferred Presidential candidate but is afraid she will get blacklisted by Hollywood if she comes out publicly in favor of her candidate.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blind Item #2

In an attempt to change the recent narrative about him, this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has his PR team sending out several story ides daily to the tabloids in hopes they will reprint them and start talking about the wonderful guy he wants people to believe he is.

Blind Item #1

Despite being very wealthy, this child of a Presidential candidate makes it a habit to get a free water cup and fill it with non water beverages at fast food outlets.

Blind Item #12

Apparently this clinging to A+ list mostly movie actor who directs part-time spent all day on set a couple of days ago trying to get his wife to accept his calls. She wouldn't do it and he was slamming things around after attempt number bazillion for the day. Not so nice language about her too.

Blind Item #11

A lot of tension between these two former friends. This foreign born A list celebrity is accusing this B+ list anything she can get actress from ripping off some designs of the A lister for her own use.

Blind Item #10

This still a teen B+ list mostly movie actress has someone from her family with her 24/7 to try and get and keep her sober. They also have blocked any kind of communication from that way older guy she was seeing because they think it was him who put the actress into the situation she now faces.

Blind Item #9

This married former A list mostly television actor from a long running hit network show is now an A-/B+ list mostly movie actor. He has that cheating bug again.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 31, 2016

This not even divorced Teen Mom is already making plans to have a baby with her partner.

Kailyn Lowry

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 31, 2016

Apparently the past week has cost this B+ list rapper with the polar opposite geographical name about $250K. It is going to cost him a lot more than that to keep sleeping with the foreign born one hit wonder. He might be able to trade tracks, but she needs a place to live and a monthly income. She blew through her entire salary for one job already with the people she owed.

French Montana/Iggy Azalea

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 31, 2016

Apparently the people in charge of the career of this celebrity/reality star were the people who provided quotes about his relationship with another celebrity/reality star. In real life, they barely speak, but that doesn’t get you multiple seasons of a show.

Rob Kardashian/Blac Chyna

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 30, 2016

This former cable actress turned network actress on a middling hit show is my alliteration beer drinking favorite. Apparently she is stalking the owner of her gym. Seems about par for the course for her.

January Jones

Blind Item #8

Just another silly/fun one. This still hanging on to A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee gave several fans the time of their lives the other day. Our actress was doing promotional work but there was no energy so she went to a wine tasting store/restaurant next door and found a group of women to come watch her. She also drank wine with them and for two hours she told story after story and answered any question they wanted asked and that group of women will be sharing their tale for the rest of their lives. Just a ton of fun.

Blind Item #7

This group was A list not that long ago. It was always assumed the group would be back once the members got to do their own thing. Nope. The one named singer from the band has burned a ton of bridges with the rest of the group and feels like they were holding her back. Yeah, those record sales really show that, huh?

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 30, 2016

This celebrity offspring is always borrowing money from friends and family despite the massive monthly income she receives from the trust established for her. The money she spends on drugs for herself and those close to her means she often has almost half the month where she begs for more.

Paris Jackson

Blind Item #6

Apparently this reality host/morning worker must really like the whole artificial lactating thing this singer/actress has going on because they have been nonstop hooking up. One thing he should know is that when she says she is on birth control, she isn't.

Blind Item #5

It is possible you forget this actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee. For the past decade he has basically been playing a parody of himself. On a recent set he would not stop walking up to one woman to feel her breasts to find out if they were real or fake. Finally, the woman had enough and ran crying off the set.

Blind Item #4

Strangest celebrity couple going right now is this foreign born couple. She is an Academy Award winner/nominee. They are recent co-stars. Whenever they see each other they hook up and everything thinks things are great because our actress is filled with rainbows and unicorns. Meanwhile though, he still hits on every woman he sees even when they are together and hooks up with a fair share of them.

Blind Item #3

This A+ list mostly movie actor usually has things under control when out in public. When he first heard about the devastating review of his most recent movie though he lost it and went on a fifteen minute rant about everyone in the production except himself.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blind Item #2

Maybe this recent incident will cause this A+ list reality star to do a 180 on the way she treats people. At a recent fashion show, everyone just wanted her to leave because she was being rude to almost everyone who encountered her or interacted with her.

Blind Item #1

Apparently the wife of this former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was ok with the actor having a second family. The deal breaker is knowing there is a third family out there. Our wife wants a divorce.

Blind Item #12

I am beginning to think this former foreign born A list mostly movie actor who did his bit for a long running franchise must have an open relationship with his wife. He is constantly hooking up with women when he is filming, Other than confining it to the set, or his trailer, he is not all that discreet about the hookups.

Blind Item #11

One actress who was not invited to a charity event the other night was this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. She would have been invited but said she would rather do anything on earth than to have to sit at the same table as a former co-star.

Blind Item #10

You know that it is a PR move when a former superhero who gets papped once a year suddenly is papped out the night after he becomes single AND is paired off with a teen who seems to be everywhere these days. Maybe the PR team should have checked her age first. It looks super creepy.

Blind Item #9

It looks like it is the end of the road for The Director's Wife and her husband. At a recent event, he bailed early on her and they both were totally uninterested in the other.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 30, 2016

This Dancing With The Stars pro begged to come back for this season but was turned down. She has burned so many bridges and apparently the past couple of seasons was more concerned with hooking up with some of the celebrities rather than dancing with her partner.

Karina Smirnoff

Today's Blind Items - The Love Hexagon

I guess it was about a year ago, give or take a couple of months that I told you that this A+ list mostly movie actress was in danger of being replaced as this A list director's muse/part-time hookup. The frequent co-star of the A+ lister has been spending a lot of time talking up the woman he calls his girlfriend. The girlfriend has not acted much, but the director has been open to the idea because he feels like the A+ list actress screwed him over and was using him just to get roles that would get her critical acclaim.

Well, if the director has moved on, our A+ list actress needed to find a new director who would want to cast her. She set her sights on a different A list director. So far, things could have gone better. Oh sure, the director and the A+ lister seem like they could work something out professionally and personally but there are just a couple of obstacles standing in their way.

The first obstacle is that this director has already established a relationship with another actress. There is not the same, umm, personal level of closeness there would be with our A+ lister, but the other actress has a long and storied relationship with the director and she does not want that to come to an end because she also cares about critical success.

The other hitch in the giddy up is this A- list almost television actor/comedian. He has been crushing hard on our A+ list actress for a long time. He dumped his long time girlfriend just to have a shot at our actress. The thing is, he is in the friend zone but is in denial about it. He thinks if he keeps himself front and center in her life that our A+ lister will change her mind. That he can convince her to move from friend zone to something else. Obviously, a new relationship with someone else will damage those possibilities so he has been trying everything he can to sabotage it all without actually sabotaging all the hard work he has put into what he hopes will be more than a platonic relationship.

Meanwhile, circling back to the first director, now he is having second thoughts about giving up the A+ lister and has been making noises about them working together and maybe vacationing for a few weeks together. That in turn has led the A+ list actor to get upset and a lot of drama between himself and the woman he calls his girlfriend.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 29, 2016

Video Music Awards

This American born Victoria’s Secret model had to be walked to her seat by a staff member because after 20 minutes, the model could not figure out how to read her ticket and match it to the seat. Oh, and once she went to the bathroom and came back, they had to show her seat to her again.

Taylor Hill

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 29, 2016

This permanent A+ list singer who drinks bottles of wine while she squeezes into her clothes has a great disdain for this A+ list everything in her mind diva. Apparently the in her mind diva once slept with the first husband of the permanent A+ list singer. So, now whenever she gets a chance, our permanent A+ lister trashes the other woman in songs and to other people.

Mariah Carey/Jennifer Lopez

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 29, 2016

Video Music Awards

This one named singer which has nothing to do with her real name has had a lot of success with a group. Not quite as much on her own. Anyway, she was groped by some record executive last night and she kicked him so hard in the balls he probably won’t be able to walk right all week.


Blind Item #8

While her A- list actor ex seems to be thriving with his many new women after the split, his A- list actress ex is having a lot of issues dealing with the fallout and has not been eating or sleeping and I think within the next few weeks she is going to have some type of rage interview where she just unleashes everything she knows.

Blind Item #7

This former tweener actress had her own show but was not the biggest star on the show. Because no one really likes working with her, she had been losing out on roles to some other similar former tweeners. Then, she started leaking damaging information about her competitors, including drug use and other issues and the next thing you know she landed a couple of roles she would not have otherwise.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 29, 2016

Video Music Awards

This former model turned celebrity turned wannabe reality star turned D list mostly movie actress turned talk show host got into a verbal argument with this A list rapper because apparently the boyfriend of the A list rapper and the former model hooked up while the rapper and her boyfriend were on a break but the rapper still hates the former model.

Amber Rose/Nicki Minaj/Meek Mill


Blind Item #6

This A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee has been making a new movie and has everyone worried. She has been super jump and tense and think it could be the pills she is taking. She says they are supplements but they are in prescription bottles.

Blind Item #5

Apparently this foreign born A list mogul/reality star is ticked off that one of his former contestants is headed to the competition. The thing is the former reality star turned actress/singer once asked him if he could get her a judging gig and he said she wasn't right for it.

Blind Item #4

Apparently all of this "charity work" is to impress the married ex-boyfriend who is back in her life at least via some texting and sexting. Our former almost A- lister sent him a video of her having sex with another woman a few weeks ago and they started talking again.

Blind Item #3

This wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor paid a pap to travel to the same vacation spot where the wife and actor are. The actor has no idea.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blind Item #2

This late night cable host thinks he has reached peak fame where he is currently located. He wants to take it to the next level and basically harasses anyone who has a talk show position open he thinks will boost him to the next level. He is still trying to negotiate out of his contract which would allow him to switch networks.

Blind Item #1

Before she got cast in a new commercial, this B+ list celebrity/host/part-time reality star slept with the married A list owner of the company.

Blind Item #10

Apparently whatever NDA this A+ list singer had this foreign born A list model sign, it isn't working. She is talking.

Blind Item #9

Most husbands in this situation would want a paternity test, but the husband of this A list television actress knows the real story and stays quiet to collect a paycheck.

Blind Items Revealed #6 -Old Hollywood

August 27, 2016

This stand up comedian was considered the founder of stand up comedy. He was also perhaps the most racist person to ever achieve A list status.

Frank Fay

Blind Items Revealed - Revisited

This was revealed back in June.

May 1, 2016

This former A list mostly movie actor who was a superhero now makes his living primarily outside of the acting world. He loves it because he has a perfect built in excuse why his phone would be turned off while “working.” It allows him to be totally inaccessible and do what he wants and his wife is getting tired of it.

Tobey Maguire

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 22, 2016

The booze was flowing for this former superhero the other night. The married actor tried to hook up with multiple women the other night but failed miserably each time because of his booze ingestion.

Tobey Maguire

Today's Blind Items - Wife Was A Punching Bag - Old Hollywood

There are a lot of a-holes to choose from when you are looking at actors in Old Hollywood. This particular actor was probably at or near the top when it comes to truly awful human beings. It didn't stop him from winning an Academy Award and being nominated for several others. I am utterly shocked his Academy Award nominated wife never was killed during one of his beat downs. It definitely was not for a lack of trying.

Whenever he drank he would beat her. Considering he drank several times each week, this was often a problem when she was filming. If they went out at night and anyone mentioned her previous husbands or boyfriends she would try and make an excuse to not go home because she knew she was going to get beaten.

An ax of the actress threatened the actor's life if he continued to beat the actress but the threat only lasted a few months and then he went back to beating the actress. Our actor would fly all over the world to see his wife just to beat her and make sure she was not cheating on him. There was the time he broke her arm and collarbone and tried to remove her hair with his bare hands. She stayed with him.

The beatings continued until one day our actor almost killed them both. She left and filed for divorce. He then proceeded to spend the next year following her all over the world. He would break in to her hotel rooms or homes and beat her until he passed out. At one point she had her ex hire some men to beat the actor and they did so until the actor almost died. Apparently that finally got the message through and the pair never saw each other again.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 26, 2016

This foreign born hanging on to A- list mostly movie actor partied this weekend at a house on the beach. The house was leased by his drug dealer for the summer. The dealer has plenty of drugs to sell for his end clients inside and then they party outside on the beach.

Orlando Bloom

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 26, 2016

This back in the day one hit YouTube wonder who everyone remembers is If I prompt you with her name is hooking up with this record producer who has been in the news a lot in the past year or so. Apparently she is going to be the next big pop star instead of the person everyone laughed at.

Rebecca Black

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 26, 2016

Stalking is what most people would call it, but not this Academy Award winning/nominated actor who would rather be doing something else. His former and probably soon to be future co-star is thisclose to getting a restraining order against him because of his obsession with her.

Jared Leto/Margot Robbie

Blind Item #8

Another huge fight this past weekend for this A+ list mostly movie actor and his beard. Right in front of a group of people he basically said that he pays her and she needs to be where he tells her to be. Things are just ice cold between them right now.

Blind Item #7

I wonder if his creepy coach knows this closeted multiple Olympic medalist has a Grindr profile that is definitely not PG.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 24, 2016

This former reality star turned B+ list mostly television actress is telling tabloids she is only good friends with her lover/co-star. The thing is though, she just doesn’t want the other guy she is seeing to think the co-stars are still together because she kind of said they weren’t. The tabloids are such kiss butts.

Katharine McPhee

Blind Item #6

This B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee got to see the angry drunk/mean hangover A+ list actor she had not seen since filming their movie together. It did not make for a fun day of press and she bailed as soon as she could. Apparently while drunk the night before the press event he texted and called her constantly and was not nice.

Blind Item #5

This A- list mostly television actress everyone seems to love because of a past show is on a long running hit network show. She is dating a very rich, very married man she met last month at an event. They have been inseparable, except when he has been with his wife.

Blind Item #4

This A+ list mostly movie actor had a secret meeting this week while out of the country with a couple of men from the group that is causing him so many problems.

Blind Item #3

This A list mostly movie actress who needs to act more to regain her A+ list status has been radio silent for the most part with all the people she recently hired. They can't get a hold of her days at a time. They should try her bedroom. She spends days on end there.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Blind Item #2

This still pretty much hated by a majority/former A list singer is HIV+ but has told very few people. Apparently he has attempted suicide twice since he was given the news.

Blind Item #1

This current network star/former reality star who is famous for a different endeavor has told people he is going to dump his girlfriend if he does not land a new reality show because having a girlfriend has really slowed the number of women he is able to pick up.

Blind Item #12

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is in an acting family. He should probably pay attention to the new girlfriend he is head over heels for because she has a history of selling stories to the tabloids and is already making sure paps highlight the budding relationship.

Blind Item #11

Don't believe the hype. An overdose is what sent this former A list singer in a singing family to the hospital.

Blind Item #10

One of the worst things this B+ list mostly television actress on a might get canceled network show who works for the same boss as her last network show could do is hang out with her former co-star. The former co-star wants them to meet some of her friends out of the country over the holidays. Good chance both will end up dead if they go. That former co-star does not hang out with the best people.

Blind Item #9

This actor is mostly television and is about A- list. He has his own network show so should be higher, but I just can't give it to him. Not well known enough. He did use to be on a very long running network show. Anyway, despite his quiet persona, he is probably the biggest casting couch/use fame for sex guys there is. Almost a new person every night.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 22, 2016

This big movie studio is paying out some large “consulting” fees this week and for probably the rest of the year to community leaders who get a lot of time on television to try and turn the tide of a movie in a positive direction.

Fox Searchlight/Birth Of A Nation

Today's Blind Items - The Quiet Rapist

If you want the answer to that blind item the actress recently shared about being raped by a studio executive, well here is your answer. I think most people had a quick impulsive first guess. That guess would be wrong. He never forces anyone. Is there some pressure? Yes, but he has no problems finding as many women as he wants to voluntarily sleep with him. The pressure he brings is more of the, if you don't want to help your career I will find someone who does want the help. There is another person out there though who is very similar to the first guess you had. The difference is he is much darker and prefers to exert his power in ways which can, as in the case of the actress be unacceptable. Most of the women he has preyed on have been people extremely new to the industry which is why, when the actress said what she did, I was a little surprised. Maybe it happened when she was still new. Most of the people he assaults never make it past their first year in the business. They are those who really need the help of someone like our rapist to make it beyond a walk on role. He likes to come in when they have been struggling for six months with no luck at all and then make his move.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

August 15, 2016

I think this is the second time this A list director who loves to cast himself in cameos in his movies has been a kindness. Back in the day when he was filming a movie that sounds a whole lot like another box office monster hit our director reached out to the staff at the location where he was filming. He took the entire office out to lunch and personally made sure they got to watch the filming. He also took photos with all of them and arranged for the cast there to do the same thing.

M. Night Shyamalan

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 8, 2016

What do you do if you are a ghostwriter for this A+ list singer? You keep your mouth quiet about it. They didn’t, and now won’t get any work songwriting for anyone any longer.


Blind Items Revealed #2

August 2, 2016

This former tweener actress turned bad adult actress/A- list singer recently spent the last 30 minutes of a flight trying to flush drugs down an airplane toilet. They were flying in to a country that would put them to death for the drugs. Apparently some of the the items clogged the toilet and things were a chaotic mess as they tried to hide their drug use.

Selena Gomez

Blind Item #8

This long time B+ list singer who used to be A list before all the underage drama does have a legal girlfriend now. The other night backstage he was bragging about the stuff he makes her do and it is 100 times worse than the missing Kim Kardashian sex tape footage.

Blind Item #7

This B list often out of control rapper has a serious drug problem. She is a fan of bath salts and when she combines it with even an ounce of booze, the world is in for one violent confrontational night.

Blind Items Revealed #1 -Old Hollywood

September 29, 2016

Old Hollywood – Apparently this A+ list movie actor who was nominated three straight years for an Academy Award, winning once loved getting together with other men, especially gay men. Not to have sex, but he enjoyed being naked around other men and trying to find any man who was more well endowed than our actor.

Gary Cooper

Blind Item #6

This B+ list mostly television actress on a still kind of hit network show who got her start in reality  is cheating on her co-star sometime boyfriend with a quite a bit older former soap actor who has bounced around a bunch after giving it up.

Blind Item #5

For the first time in forever, this married closeted A- list mostly movie actor who might get an Oscar nomination this year went out in public with his wife. Usually the long term boyfriend prefers everyone stays at home.

Blind Item #4

This one named singer/actress was paid a lot of money to stick up for a sometimes one named ex that beat her pretty badly on a regular basis.

Blind Item #3

There is a lot of talk about why this foreign born talk show host/momager/manager hates a foreign born B- list singer from a singing family so much. The popular version is that the B- lister slept with her boss. She did. However, the talk show host says this was the reason for the hate. Nope. The reason is the talk show host tried to set up the boss with someone she knew and that person was rejected in favor of the B- lister.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blind Item #2

This foreign born former A-/B+ list singer had so much promise before the whole drugs thing was at a party this past week and was getting hit on by a man who was not white and when he turned and walked away she went on a racist rant to the friend that was with her.

Blind Item #1

Apparently the almighty dollar is much more important than preserving the memorabilia from this permanent A list singer. If you have enough money you can do whatever you want during a tour of this estate and some items appear to be missing too. It is just one big unorganized cash grab going on there.

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 30, 2016

Maybe he was cranky from working all day and then having to take a long flight and do press, but this singer/actor was an a-hole to everyone he encountered yesterday and he needs to kiss some butt if he wants that Golden Globe/Academy Award. Oh, and not for acting. He was rude and a diva and awful.

Justin Timberlake

Blind Items Revealed #6

July 31, 2016

Apparently all the editors and publishers this foreign born model turned B list actress has slept with through the years helped her out this week. She would have got some flack about one of her children. A call made and it was all taken care of.

Elizabeth Hurley (doctoring a photo of her son drinking)

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 29, 2016

This Teen Mom is being paid to lie for products. At this point, she doesn’t care though because her money situation is really bad.

Jenelle Evans

Blind Item #4

This former teen actor turned wannabe singer has to pay some of his band extra to be seen in public with him outside band stuff. No matter how much he offers though, none want to sleep with him.

Blind Item #3 -Kindness

This A- list mostly television actor is on three network shows at once. Not all the time, but sometimes. On his own show he makes sure that all of the extra food each day goes to the homeless and often delivers it to a mission himself and then stays to prep or clean or whatever they need him to do.

Blind Item #2

This three named singer still hooks up with her on again/off again ex boyfriend. I'm guessing his celebrity offspring (of a permanent A lister) girlfriend has no clue.

Blind Item #1

With her new movie going to be a huge flop, this B+ list mostly movie actress from that franchise is going to have a tough time picking up any acting hardware she actually can't buy. Apparently the fall person is going to be her longtime PR person. That would be a big mistake.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 29, 2016

In an attempt to win back her ex, this maybe a celebrity says that when she hooked up with her superhero ex for ex sex that she got pregnant. No one is buying it.

Henry Cavill/Tara King

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 29, 2016

This pay cable giant is firing all of the people over 50 from this beloved show they recently acquired.

HBO/Sesame Street

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 30, 2016

This one is silly, but wanted to include it. At a bar on Tuesday night, this B+ list mostly television actress who was on a cable hit and is on a middling network hit was drinking beer as she is wont to do and won multiple burping contests and other bar challenges.

January Jones

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 30, 2016

In what must have been soul crushing to her ego, this B+ list mostly television actress who will be out of work for awhile once her long running hit network show ends, had to explain who she was to this foreign born A+ list celebrity chef. She wanted a photo with him and he had no clue who she was.

Sarah Hyland/Gordon Ramsay