Saturday, September 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 11, 2016

This teenage actress from a hit network show has been working forever. I know she is happy to be legal, but there must be 20 different naked selfies of her floating around town. She thinks the people she sends them to would never share them. She is wrong.

Ariel Winter

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 11, 2016

This A- list singer/part-time actress has been spinning a couple of items this week courtesy of her team. The first is how many great songs she has for her new record. The second is that her actor ex is begging for her to take him back.

Lady GaGa

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 9, 2016

This A- list mostly television actor is in limbo like everyone else on this network show. Will it be coming back or not? The thing is, if it does come back, everyone wants his character killed off much like the person he replaced. No one can stand the actor and his behavior.

Jason Patric/Wayward Pines

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 9, 2016

This foreign born permanent A list model/talk show host is being cheated on again by her boyfriend. They have almost split because of his cheating in the past but she is so head over heels, she keeps right on taking him back.

Heidi Klum/Vito Schnabel

Blind Item #4

Shocker of the day. To me anyway. But, I guess when you think about who he has hooked up with before, then, going back to this one might not seem that far out of the question. Married. At this point is actually in front of your faces and heard more than Seacrest. Hooked up with his actress ex. The skinny one. With the bad plastic surgery.

Blind Item #3

I hope all of you noticed that our favorite drug addicted foreign born former boy bander was front row when his girlfriend walked in a fashion show but was a no show the next day when the A+ list singer was there. No drugs or drug users near her.

Blind Item #2

This aging former A+ list singer who one could argue is permanent A list is using every excuse in the book to cover for his drug addiction. Pills mostly.

Blind Item #1

The setting wasn't romantic or anything, but at least with his beard out of town escorting, this A+ list mostly movie actor did venture out in public with a guy he has been seeing fairly regularly.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 9, 2016

No amount of cameras were going to make this A+ list singer and her A+ list mogul husband going to interact with each other after the week they have had. Apparently one of the women he sleeps with on a regular basis severely injured herself in a fall at his house.

Beyonce/Jay-Z/Coldplay concert

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 9, 2016

Last ditch effort to save the marriage of this foreign born dual threat A lister. She left their kid at home and flew halfway across the world for a quick trip to see if their marriage can be salvaged. Judging by both of their actions away from each other, things are looking over.

Sophie Hunter/Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 8, 2016

I’m pretty sure this A list reality star wakes up every morning wondering how she can f**k with her fans again. One weight loss trick or gimmick seems to be revealed every couple of weeks. She never reveals the coke though. Oh, or the lipo. Nope. Instead she loves seeing her fans copying all the crap ideas she comes up with when drunk.

Khloe Kardashian

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 8, 2016

This foreign born celebrity chef/reality star went a little overboard with the botox and other work done to his face. He has been trying to cover it up, but he has made a big mess with his decisions.

Gordon Ramsay

Friday, September 09, 2016

Blind Item #12

This former B+ list mostly television actor who was on a hit network show goes from job to job now. A lot of theatre. Married. Got a drink thrown his face the other night for putting his hand on the ass of this permanent A list supermodel.

Blind Item #11

This former indie queen had some really bad damage to her teeth from years of drug abuse so finally just had them all replaced. Makes her sound different than she used to.

Blind Item #10

This underage about to be a superhero actress says the other night at an event that this A-/B+ list mostly television actress from two hit shows was really applying the peer pressure to do some coke with her. Apparently she didn't want to use alone.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A- list actor has his very own television show now. Cable. He seems to be involved in lots of superhero stuff. He is also cheating on his long time foreign born B+ list actress girlfriend/sometime co-star.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 7, 2016

It might have been a surprise to her, but this foreign born barely relevant celebrity was all about making as much money off his royal girlfriend as possible. She was a commodity to him and he got as much as he could from her. With no more possible revenue streams available, he dumped her. Coldly.

Princess Beatrice/Dave Clark

Four For Friday - One Crazy Lunch

Except on the weekends, I really don't eat breakfast. I just don't usually have the time. I would much rather go to lunch early. I love lunch. i love it more than dinner. Dinners can drag on for hours which is all good if you are enjoying the people you are with, but otherwise it can be a pain. I also like happy hour. I love happy hour. I destroy happy hours. I am rambling. Anyway, anyone who knows me, knows there are a few go to places that I go for lunch. One of those places at the time had another fairly frequent lunch guest. After about the fifth or sixth time of running into each other, we just started eating together if we happened to be there at the same time. It eventually evolved into even if either of us were dining with other people, we all would have lunch together. It got to the point where this was happening about once a week.

She is a B+ list celebrity. In the past, when she has made headlines she can be a 15 minute A lister. This has happened two or three times. We kind of knew each other through now one of her ex-family members. Enough where when we first started running into each other at this very unpretentious place that we would say hi. That is another thing about dinner. I think people are always trying to one up each other about where they have been. I like trying new places, but only if I know they have good food, not because everyone suddenly decided they should go there because it has celebrities there all the time.

Anyway, one day at lunch I am there with two guys from the office and our B+ lister is there with one of her clients who probably has always wanted to be a Real Housewife and lives her life like she is auditioning for a spot on the show.

So, in walks the celebrity's soon to be ex. They were almost divorced at that point, but not quite. It was an angry divorce. There was nothing quiet about it at all. Anyway, he is a celebrity and he comes in with no hi or anything. Remember there are four other people at this table other than his ex and he just goes off on her with this rant. F this and f that and how she is a wh**e and the nastiest stuff you have ever heard. Myself and one of the guys with me start to get up to get in the middle of this and get him out the door. As I am backing up my chair, the Real Housewife wannabe gets up in his face and starts shoving him back and going off on an equally loud rant until she backs him literally all the way out the door. When she finished, she turned around with a huge smile on her face and we all clapped. It was crazy. It gets better though. We were all about to leave. It was maybe 20 minutes later and the relative I know who was our mutual acquaintance walks in. She was a B+ list actress but now doesn't really act and is still well known. She starts to open her mouth and the Housewife wannabe is on her before she gets five feet in the door and tells her to get the f**k out. The jaw of the former actress just drops. She starts to say one more thing and and is told one more time to get the f**k out and she does. I have yet to have a lunch since that day to match that level of crazy.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 5, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actress needs the quick paycheck, but the drug use and illness she is fighting have her unable to do any acting right now.

Angelina Jolie

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 5, 2016

This B+ list mostly television actress is on a middling hit network show. She needs the work or she would probably be gone. The good news for her is she moved from one hit to the next, The bad news is that her ex is also her co-star and boss on the new show and he makes her life miserable every day.

January Jones/Will Forte

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 4, 2016

This actor turned politician turned actor turned director is getting up there in years. It does not appear to have slowed down his drive for college age students that allow him to spank them. All of the women have to be as young as his youngest daughter. Creepy.

Clint Eastwood

Blind Item #8

Speaking of drugs, there is no way this B- list actress starring in a reboot of her former project is ever going to pass a required drug test. Not a chance.

Blind Item #7

This model/celebrity offspring took back in her drug addict celebrity boyfriend. She had kicked him out to get help but he never got it and she finally gave in. Plus, I think she missed the drugs he brought her.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 2, 2016

That foreign born model who hopes her latest acting role goes much better than her first was so hammered on MDMA last night that she must have ground her teeth into nothing. And was so loud doing it. Hey, better than the coke she loves.

Cara Delevingne

Blind Item #6

Apparently this married Academy Award winning actress is not getting as much work as she used to. Or, at least the roles she wants. She had a consultation to get breast implants which would totally go against everything she thinks people believe about her.

Blind Item #5

This closeted A- list mostly movie actor has at least one franchise. He might have another but the movie is supposed to be crap. He has a great movie he is promoting right now but he might want to try and change from the clothes he partied in all night with the guy he ended up hooking up with prior to doing the overseas morning show run. Apparently he smelled even worse than he looked.

Blind Item #4

He might think he can handle his drugs and drink, but this permanent a list mostly movie actor cannot say the same for his now actress daughter. They are killing her. Quickly.

Blind Item #3

Having lost her job a couple of cycles ago because of threats she made to the a list boss she was sleeping with, this foreign born singer/reality star/drug dealer is now making her money yachting. Probably stealing too. She should be friends with Lindsay Lohan.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Blind Item #2

The only one like one of a million family member basically gave the middle finger to mom and dad and is opening her own business. A marriage to the guy they hate hopefully is not far behind.

Blind Item #1

This franchise actor is probably B+ list but none of his movies really seem to take off. He is in a new movie now, but it is his reputation for boozing that has cost him a role to someone who has even a bigger drinking problem but went to rehab so everyone thinks he is sober.

Blind Item #12

Speaking of closeted, this former franchise actor turned headliner turned frequent tv host is trying to find a model to be by his side for the next few months. The thing is, he doesn't treat his beards very well. Just ask the former beard who is a oft failed B- list television actress.

Blind Item #11

Why yes, that was the closeted former tweener turned B+ list singer making out at a country bar with a guy wearing a Speedo and cowboy boots.

Blind Item #10

Apparently word has not reached the other side of the Atlantic about the a-hole way this former A+ list mostly movie actor/director treats women. At a bar drinking shots with some college aged women, he took their hand and pressed it against his crotch asking them, if he was bigger than their dad. Yep. He said it. he then pulled out said member for two of the women who then went back to his hotel with him.

Blind Item #9

This network reality star brokered this bearding deal and netted himself a quick $50K. Plus, he also gets a piece of this model's earnings for the next five years. He set her up with the foreign born A+ lister in his corner of the entertainment world. It has taken him a long time to lock down a replacement to his long time beard.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 2, 2016

Continuing a tradition, this A list reality star who also sells makeup had to pay for the birthday party her boyfriend threw her.

Kylie Jenner/Tyga

Today's Blind Items - Sugar Mama

There was a time, back in the day when this married multiple Academy Award winner/nominee who is also a multiple Emmy Award winner/nominee was well known to college students in the town where she lives. Specifically, male college students. More specifically, male college students who were also musicians. Our actress, who still works all the time today, would cruise through the bars, watching bands perform. She was not into hard rock or metal bands. More of an acoustic lover this one. She was kind of like Annie Savoy in Bull Durham. Finding one or two students a year she could mentor. By mentor, I mean give them some food money or take them out to dinner a couple of times a week before they could repay her with a few hours of sex. you had to have talent or at least what she perceived to be talent. A certain look was also good. She liked guys with longer hair. Skinny builds. They were her projects. They were never allowed to call her. She did all the calling. Telling them where to be and when. If you crossed any of her extensive rules you were gone. Often, when she had to make a movie, she wouldn't even say goodbye and chances were good when she came back she would just move on to the next person after finding one on location wherever she was filming. I would say this went on for a good decade before she finally just kind of settled back into a comfortable groove with her husband. Once a year or so, a group of about ten guys who all know they were part of this group of guys gets together in her favorite bar and tell stories about their time with the actress. She is beloved by them.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 28, 2016

This back in the day A- list mostly television actor who did day and night soaps is on some show now that is on the greeting card channel. Anyway, there he was in the airport, botoxed and facelifted to an inch of a Real Housewife. Hand towel wrapped around his neck as he strolled waiting for people to recognize him. He kept this up for 20 minutes before someone finally recognized him. He then told them he was too busy to take a photo. Tool.

Jack Wagner

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Mr. X

August 27, 2016

This celebrity turned reality star turned talk show host turned celebrity from a celebrity family is being abused by her husband but doesn’t want to leave the money train so puts up with it.

Tamar Braxton

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 26, 2016

I’m sure she just wanted a night out at an event, but this Disney actress turned more Disney actress with a side helping of movies had to bail early. Apparently someone found out she turned 18 a few months ago and it was a feeding frenzy of skeevy agents and producers trying to hit on her. One second she was alone and the next guys were all over her.

Peyton List

Blind Item #8

Apparently this once sizzling couple consisting of co-stars on a television show is no more. They were civil towards each other and no more. I think the foreign born dual threat actor was having trouble keeping all the affairs from his wife so dumped a few, including his equally ranked list wise co-star.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born B list mostly television actress on a hit network show has jacked up her lifestyle by a factor of 100 since cheating on her ex-husband with this actor and marrying him. Stores used to never remember seeing her now says she spends thousands of dollars a day shopping.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 26, 2016

At least you have to give this A list reality star some credit for coming up with an excuse to explain her new plastic surgery. She knows people will move on to some other part of her body at some point and forget about this part until she does it again.

Kylie Jenner/breast implants

Blind Item #6

For the first time I can recall, our actress turned escort is injecting heroin. Everything used to be all snorted, so this probably won't end well.

Blind Item #5

When you go on an offensive, sometimes it is because you would fold under the pressure of defending yourself. In this case, this Housewife has supplanted her nemesis as the biggest substance abuser of the bunch but didn't want it to come out. So, lash out.

Blind Item #4

This barely relevant actress who 95% of you wouldn't know except for the singer she dated is cheating on her boyfriend with a married mini-me/wannabe Seacrest.

Blind Item #3

Don't believe the hype that this former Disney star turned A- list mostly movie actor has been spinning. His version of sober is a whole lot different than your version.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Blind Item #2

As I predicted, since her pregnancy announcement there has not been one sighting of this permanent A list singer. Instead, she will just emerge with a baby at some point and call the baby her own.

Blind Item #1

There sure is a lot of memorabilia from this former permanent A+ list singer hitting the market. Might want to check the drug addicted significant other of this celebrity offspring.

Blind Item #12

Apparently some marriage difficulties for this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. She is super secretive, but even she can't hide the fling she is having from every pair of eyes.

Blind Item #11

She probably made more money over the past couple of nights having sex with this oligarch than she does for a year as the beard to this A+ lister. The thing is though, she wants to be famous and an actress and right now the A+ lister and his fame is the reason she has a shot.

Blind Item #10

Another record another war between this permanent A+ list singer and the A- lister about to release her new album. One of the songs sounds exactly like a song written by the A+ lister and she is ticked off as usual with the A- lister.

Blind Item #9

It does seem to be a crazy coincidence that this mostly former pay cable actor who does love a good car commercial could be facing a wave of bad publicity and he suddenly is spotted out holding hands with the woman he calls his girlfriend for the first time in forever.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 26, 2016

This late night talk show host seems calm and fairly vanilla. The waiter who brought the wrong drink to the host got an earful from the actor. I guess he just wanted to make the waiter look bad. Instead, the host looked like crap, because the waiter who brought the drink was not the one who took the order but the host hadn’t paid attention. Apparently the host acting like a prick is a pretty regular occurrence.

Seth Meyers

Today's Blind Items - Old Hollywood Academy Awards Quick Hits

#1 - This Academy Award winner once hosted the show back when the show was only on the radio. At one point during the show he took a bathroom break which apparently meant a drink or three in the coat check room off the lobby of the hotel where he also had sex with the woman working it. He then broke the button on his pants so had to hold them up with his hand for the rest of the show.

#2 - This Academy Award host was probably more famous for acting on the radio than in films. He also gave an overdose of drugs to his wife which killed her because he wanted to marry his co-star who ended up with a celebrity offspring of her own but not with the subject of the blind.

#3 - Even though this host was nominated for almost a handful of Academy Awards she was more known for an iconic television role. She was a trailblazer in hosting but got into an epic fight with her co-host during the show which continued throughout the night every time they were offstage. It took almost a decade before another female was given a chance to host because of course they blamed it on her.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 25, 2016

This former A+ list rapper is tired of hearing a couple of his contemporaries being labeled Oscar winners so our former rapper is trying to cherry pick the best projects he can contribute something musically to and win one of his own.

Kanye West

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 25, 2016

This Teen Mom went 0 for 6 in her attempts to get anyone to pay for her pregnancy announcement. She even wanted a cover. I can still hear the laughing.

Jenelle Evans

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 24, 2016

They looked the other way while he did a few lines of coke. The booze they can live with. Heck, to get him to appear in a movie they are financing, they even found some women who enjoy being beaten or at least pretend to be for enough money. It was heaven this week for this former A+ lister who would probably rather be doing something other than acting.

Johnny Depp

Blind Item #8

This former A+ list mostly movie actress gets free yoga pants. Apparently she goes through a lot of them. Not because she wears them out, but because she refuses to wear them more than once. The other day she blasted a staffer at the company that is giving them to her for free because she was running out and asked for 60 of them for the upcoming month. Hey, at $150 a pair, that isn't too much to ask is it?

Blind Item #7

Apparently everyone of his NBA teammates have told him to run from the jinx as fast as he can. He isn't listening. Hopefully there isn't a drug test coming up soon either.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 23, 2016

The ink is barely dry on her contract, but this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who probably doesn’t even know herself how old she is, won’t probably make it through her tv gig. She likes to work slow or else she gets frazzled and then all hell breaks loose. I’m wishing her well, but I don’t know if she can do it.

Catherine Zeta Jones

Blind Item #6

The secret male lover of that foreign born legend that recently died is talking. A lot. He should stay quiet for a book or movie or something. One thing he did say was the couple liked to drink their own urine for improved health. Umm, ok.

Blind Item #5

After fading in status from A+ list to A- list, this singer who now also poorly acts wants her return to the singing world to be stupendous. So much so that she has her fans working to manipulate the charts to get her a number one song. I guess things are so bad she can't convince some company to buy the song and give it away which would accomplish the same purpose. What she should do is release it on Tidal. They will gladly make up some numbers for her.

Blind Item #4

This hip hop mogul who has seen better days is acting very concerned, but it is an act to lower his child support payments.

Blind Item #3

Apparently this foreign born A- list dual threat is having some issues with the paternity of his child.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Blind Item #2

Yes, she has had tons of plastic surgery to make her look like a cartoon, but this celebrity offspring who somehow managed to record a dance song has everyone thrown off the track about her drug use. Even her probable permanent A list parent has given up trying to make her stop. She better save some money for that nose job.

Blind Item #1

This A list foreign born singer went to a strip club and dropped thousands of dollars in an hour but had an escort  he hired earlier service him manually while he watched the strippers in a private room.

Blind Item #12

There was no hiding his boyfriend this past week for this closeted B+ list MTV actor who is going to need to find a new job very soon.

Blind Item #11

Another day another heroin excuse from the foreign born former A list boy bander. It is as tiring as his closeted former fellow boy bander's attempts to make us believe for the umpteenth time he is dating the closeted female reality star.

Blind Item #10

It is not exactly yachting since there really is not much actual yachting done in this beach location, but this rude, engaged foreign born model who really wants to be an actress did spend two nights with a CEO of a huge corporation while he was there on business.

Blind Item #9

Last month I told you about this foreign born model hooking up with a guy who was not the often shirtless actor she calls her boyfriend. Apparently she has moved on permanently now to her ex who had an actress girlfriend he treated like an ATM.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 23, 2016

This reality star turned princess actress is being a diva on set and it is getting to the point that she could be replaced. No one likes her acting anyway.

Jamie Chung

Today's Blind Items - Boys For Songs

For just about three decades this permanent A list musician got away with molesting young boys before being caught. By stringing together the stories from bands he played with and helped produce, the total was in the thousands. The thing is, everyone he worked with knew he did it and did nothing about it. In fact, they enabled it by providing him with boys in return for his help with songs or producing a record or having him play with their group. His usual fee was part money, part drugs and at least one boy. There was one time that was especially heinous. It happened at Apple studios back in the day. A Greek band wanted his help with the production of a record. Knowing his price, the group brought along a French tween boy and offered him up to our A lister. Apparently before he would agree to work on their record he wanted to see that the boy would have sex so they had sex right there on an organ. There must have been a dozen people in the studio and none of them said or did anything. The band worked on the record for several weeks and the French tween spent the entire time with the musician. When the band left town, they took the tween with him and he was replaced by another when the next band came to town to have the musician work on their record.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 23, 2016

After quite a while with no incidents, this barely hanging on to A+ list singer who has one name is back on the bad drugs again and is showing up hours late to gigs. My guess is she is also going to get fired from a movie she got cast for at some point during that process.

Rihanna/Ocean's 8

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 22, 2016

This former A+ list tweener turned performance artist/reality judge was smoking pot with two store employees inside a tent at an outdoor equipment store while customers were in the store.

Miley Cyrus

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 22, 2016

You know things are bad for you when you pay a pap the $550 you had in your pocket to have him delete a photo of you sitting in a Starbucks by yourself. Apparently he told his A+ list girlfriend/all seeing watcher he was filming that day. It is the only time she doesn’t keep tabs on him.

Tom Hiddleston/Taylor Swift

Blind Item #8

Even the A+ listers lie about needing vocal rest when all they want to do is party and have fun. I'm sure the screaming and yelling she did at the party really helped with the vocal rest.

Blind Item #7

Apparently today is closeted day. This star NFL player is set to come out during the season for maximum effect.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 22, 2016

After a few years of this A list director being creepy and hitting on everyone, it is only the models who don’t speak English who fall for his moves. His moves include casually leaving out DVD copies of all the biggest movies he has directed. He only shoots these commercials every year to find models to hook up with.

Michael Bay/Victoria's Secret commercials

Blind Item #6

This closeted radio show host/mogul managed to get a photo of him removed from some websites which showed him in a very intimate pose with this closeted male US Olympic gymnast who usually just has sex with his male coach.

Blind Item #5

This former second banana franchise actor who moved on to his own headlining movies which were disasters now is doing television and in with that acting troupe. Apparently he has also decided to give the bearding game another try. It seems half-hearted. Everyone assumed he was over it and would just come out. Nope.

Blind Item #4

As this Academy Award winner/nominee/parent of an A lister gets older his choice of women gets younger. The latest woman he is paying to be with him graduated from high school a few months ago. He can do what he wants but when he makes them call him daddy before they make out in public it is super creepy.

Blind Item #3

A fairly loud argument in public between this former talk show host turned highly paid moving part on another and his girlfriend. He didn't want her drinking in front of his kids which led to an epic fight.

Monday, September 05, 2016

Blind Item #2

This major celebrity image provider did something no one has ever done. They outed this closeted rapper turned A- list mostly movie actress in their descriptions of her this weekend. I mean everyone knows she is gay, but no one has actually really come out and said it. Until now.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list singer is trying to push back hard against the stories revealing him to be bisexual.

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 22, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actor got to blame scheduling, but the fact is he was forced out of a fundraising gig because of what is about to come pouring down on his head news wise.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 19, 2016

This foreign born former A list mostly movie actor has slipped to A- list over the years. He has a new resurgence in popularity or at least attention from some click bait type photos. At this moment he is probably hooking up with a model his ex set him up with that he has been dying to have sex with. He doesn’t care that he has a girlfriend.

Orlando Bloom/Miranda Kerr/Katy Perry

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 19, 2016

This former tweener actress turned singer who is on tour with another former tweener shoved a security guy out of the way at a concert venue because he didn’t get out of her way fast enough. Apparently she wasn’t ready to walk around the guy.

Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 18, 2016

Our former tweener turned A-/B+ list mostly movie actor is now publicly losing his battle with sobriety. He was trying to keep it all hidden but when out to dinner with staffers from this network he was hitting the booze hard. Maybe because he thought he was on vacation.

Zac Efron in Rio

Blind Item #3

Our favorite former network actor with the beard who has a real boyfriend is apparently being nasty to everyone he is working with on tour. Oh, and going to get a temporary tattoo on his head because his balding head is distracting and he sweats through the makeup covering it. Probably the coke that makes him sweat that much.

Blind Item #2

She thinks she is being funny, but all this A- list soon to be out of work actress/writer is doing is showing everyone what a racist she is.

Blind Item #1

Back in the day, this actor was headed up the ladder. Landed a great role on the NBC mini-series/movie of the year which everyone watched. The murder of a co-star really affected him though and he started wandering from guest spot to guest spot until he gave it all up to become a call center supervisor.

Who Is The Nickelodeon Actress - From Reddit

"My [14M] sister is a nickelodeon actress. My mother and father spend literally every second with her, the only time I see them is when she is with me. I am always forgotten/left behind.

submitted 5 hours ago * by Nickelodeonactrss
Hi I am sorry if this is confusing, I just woke up and I am not going to school today because I am moving state, again. Wherever my sister goes I have to follow and honestly I am here by myself. I am waiting for my Taxi to the plane. My parents are already with my sister in our or I should say "her" new home.
It's not my home, has not been this way since I was 6 when she got her first commercial. Ever since that day the sun rises and sets to her command. My parents I feel at times have completely forgotten I exist. It's like it's a chore for them to do anything when it comes to me, but smiles and rainbows when it comes to my sister.
I dislocated me knee recently and I can't actually believe I am saying this. My mother/her agent was more concerned about my sister having the right seat on her flight than me. The doctor was trying to explain to her what was wrong, she told the doctor to be silent and made a phone call and left the room.
I barely see my parents, I can come home from school and I can be alone for days while my sister is filming something new. They just leave the money, I am kicked out of the house whenever my sisters co stars come around and I am not allowed to come back for hours.
I am so over this, is there anything I can do
tl;dr: Parents forget I exist"

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 18, 2016

This former Housewife who is a fan favorite will probably be back. She needs the money after her husband screwed her over. Well, she says her husband screwed her over. My guess is she knew exactly what she was doing. Wanted to look the part.

NeNe Leakes (at this point, she will probably be joined by the no money coming in Kim Zolciak)

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 18, 2016

This pregnant reality star has a strange fetish. She likes to watch her boyfriends eat. Apparently the sloppier they are when they eat, the more she loves it. Maybe that is why it didn’t work out with her ex. He preferred drugs over eating.

Blac Chyna/Rob Kardashian/Tyga

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 16, 2016

As is becoming her custom, this A list mostly television actress from a long running very hit network show is paying all the bills for her boyfriend. I thought he had money but he is not spending it on the actress. Even when they go out to get Starbucks she pays. At dinners she will pass him the cash to pay, but it is her cash. I bet his lack of funds is what caused the foreign born singer to bail in her quest to date him.

Kaley Cuoco/Iggy Azalea

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 16, 2016

This halfway to an EGOT who should be three quarters of the way there has a hit network show. On set she has been telling horror stories about working with this actor/singer and she doesn’t think she could ever do it again.

Viola Davis/Jared Leto

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 16, 2016

This foreign born A-list mostly movie actress with the catchy name is on a rampage with her people and the studio about the crap job a director did with her latest movie and wants something done about it so she is not forever associated with what will be a dead franchise.

Gal Gadot/Wonder Woman

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 16, 2016

Our favorite foreign born B+ list singer turned actress turned host has been making the crew crazy on her new show. Her other income apparently comes first so she blows off call times and has stopped calling to let people know when she will arrive because she doesn’t like what she hears on the other end of the phone. On set, every other word is an f bomb so they are always having to do another take without her always swearing.

Rita Ora/ANTM

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 16, 2016

This A list host/reality producer/mogul rarely says a bad thing about anyone in the business. He is like the Kneepads of hosts. However he did say that he still doesn’t understand a word of an interview he had with this permanent A list “singer” recently. Apparently he is still waiting for her to answer one of his questions with an answer related to the question.

Ryan Seacrest/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 16, 2016

This A list singer in a group or solo who moonlights in reality television is getting a lot of flack for supporting her boyfriend despite all the crap that comes out of his mouth about various groups of people.

Gwen Stefani/Blake Shelton

Blind Item #4

This actor is A list. Movies. Almost television. Plays. He does it all. We all know he is in the closet. This is more about his a-hole behavior. He was out with his boyfriend and ordered food and drink for himself and made a big show of eating it but wouldn't let his boyfriend order anything. Just made him watch the actor.

Blind Item #3

This B+ foreign born mostly movie actor used to be just about A+ list when he was cheating on his wife on the regular and before he started getting random women pregnant. Anyway, he has another chance to make it big and got himself a ton of botox. I'm pretty sure not a wrinkle survived.

Blind Item #2

Well, well, well, look who managed to stay away from the drugs long enough to bring someone over to the dark side. This A list singer is at an event this weekend and befriended that very tall model who does great things for young tween girls. When word gets back to the A+ list singer of the budding friendship, this should cause some havoc.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born television princess managed to convince her boyfriend she wasn't cheating on him. That is seriously putting your head in the sand behavior right there. It isn't like she is going to stop.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 16, 2016

The male escorts in this south of France hot spot tripled their rates for the arrival of this foreign born permanent A+ list singer and his husband. The demand is high when the couple is in town.

Elton John/David Furnish

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 14, 2016

Apparently this comic actor/daily talk show participant has even more examples in his past of treating women like crap. You have to be in your early 20’s to get him to talk to you. If you were hooking up with him you had to put up with him hitting on women right in front of you. Oh, and this was all while he was married.

Fred Armisen

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 13, 2016

You don’t actually think this foreign born A- list dual threat actor who has a franchise controls his own social media accounts do you? No, no no. His A+ list girlfriend has everything under her control. Hopefully she remembers which account she is signed into.

Tom Hiddleston/Taylor Swift

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 13, 2016

This former tweener actress/singer turned talk show host knew her engagement was coming so don’t let her try and fool you. She also told her probably future husband that he shouldn’t bother asking unless it was worth at least six figures.

Adrienne Bailon