March 25, 2016
How vain is this A+ list reality star? I think it is more like lazy. Get someone to stand in for her in B roll scenes who just happens to be way more thin. You get to be lazy and have a miracle weight loss.
Kim Kardashian
Saturday, June 04, 2016
Blind Items Revealed #7
March 29, 2016
So, you are married to an A+ lister. You have a gorgeous home with him. Why on earth would you have a big event somewhere else? Oh yeah, because the other place is owned by your “ex” who you seem very close to. Didn’t you have dinner at your ex’s hotel while out of the country and again in this country while on “business.”
Amal and George Clooney
So, you are married to an A+ lister. You have a gorgeous home with him. Why on earth would you have a big event somewhere else? Oh yeah, because the other place is owned by your “ex” who you seem very close to. Didn’t you have dinner at your ex’s hotel while out of the country and again in this country while on “business.”
Amal and George Clooney
Blind Items Revealed #6
March 31, 2016
The girlfriend of this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who was married to someone forever from a Hollywood family is really jealous. How jealous? She blocks and woman under the age of 40 from taking a photo with her boyfriend and attends every single meeting her boyfriend takes.
Antonio Banderas
The girlfriend of this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who was married to someone forever from a Hollywood family is really jealous. How jealous? She blocks and woman under the age of 40 from taking a photo with her boyfriend and attends every single meeting her boyfriend takes.
Antonio Banderas
Blind Items Revealed #5
March 31, 2016
When this former A+ list singer turned A- list singer/part-time actress does not pay her drug supplier it sets off a chain of events where her drug supplier has to give his expensive things away to pay her debt. She never pays. If she finds someone to front the drugs, she never pays. She thinks you are doing what you should be doing since she is famous.
Lady GaGa
When this former A+ list singer turned A- list singer/part-time actress does not pay her drug supplier it sets off a chain of events where her drug supplier has to give his expensive things away to pay her debt. She never pays. If she finds someone to front the drugs, she never pays. She thinks you are doing what you should be doing since she is famous.
Lady GaGa
Blind Item #4
Keeping with that obscure theme, this former A+ list mostly television actor who hit it really big once and big a second time crashed and burned this past year. No worries. Overseas where his name is still A+ list because they like those 80's fashions, he picks up obscene amounts of money to say a few lines in a foreign movie. Oh, and gets his pick of the actresses.
Blind Item #3
This actor has been and will seemingly always be good looking. He is that guy you throw into a movie who doesn't have much talent but looks good. He is best known for his role in that pay cable show turned franchise. Anyway, he has been hitting the casting couch hard to get any role he can. They are all obscure and some are foreign, but at least he is getting work.
Blind Item #2
Apparently this A- list singer has learned his lesson when it comes to beating women. Now he punches them in the stomach instead of the face and gets his kicks from making them do things that make TagThe Sponsor activities look tame.
Blind Item #1
Apparently the licensing deals are not enough income for this part-time celebrity/reality star. Now, she has decided to auction off everything she can that belonged to her source of income.
Blind Items Revealed #4
February 28, 2016
This A list rapper is cheating on her boyfriend with a guy who actually seems to have a better future. The boyfriend is threatening to kill the A list rapper.
Nicki Minaj/Meek Mill
This A list rapper is cheating on her boyfriend with a guy who actually seems to have a better future. The boyfriend is threatening to kill the A list rapper.
Nicki Minaj/Meek Mill
Blind Items Revealed #3
February 17, 2016
This foreign born former A list boy bander got into an argument with his celebrity girlfriend the other night at a restaurant. Apparently the bathroom was not private enough for him to get a fix so he made her leave fifteen minutes after arriving.
Zayn Malik/Gigi Hadid
This foreign born former A list boy bander got into an argument with his celebrity girlfriend the other night at a restaurant. Apparently the bathroom was not private enough for him to get a fix so he made her leave fifteen minutes after arriving.
Zayn Malik/Gigi Hadid
Blind Items Revealed #2
February 17, 2016
In case you were wondering what the feud is about between this A+ list singer and this B+ list singer it is that the A+ lister trash talked the B+ lister. Yeah, it turns out our A+ lister has a completely different image than she wants you to know. I have told you this often. Anyway, she said the B+ lister only has a career based on having sex with anyone and not talent. The B+ lister was in earshot and has never forgotten.
Taylor Swift/Demi Lovato
In case you were wondering what the feud is about between this A+ list singer and this B+ list singer it is that the A+ lister trash talked the B+ lister. Yeah, it turns out our A+ lister has a completely different image than she wants you to know. I have told you this often. Anyway, she said the B+ lister only has a career based on having sex with anyone and not talent. The B+ lister was in earshot and has never forgotten.
Taylor Swift/Demi Lovato
Blind Items Revealed #1- Mr. X
February 16, 2016
Grammy Awards
This close to A+ list mostly movie actor had to have paramedics look him over yesterday afternoon because his heart was racing from the meth and booze.
Johnny Depp
Grammy Awards
This close to A+ list mostly movie actor had to have paramedics look him over yesterday afternoon because his heart was racing from the meth and booze.
Johnny Depp
Friday, June 03, 2016
Blind Item #12
This former A list celebrity/bad actress who still has A+ list name recognition probably hooks up with married guys when they are clients, but this is the first time I can remember her hooking up with a married guy publicly. They have been together a lot lately.
Blind Item #11
This former tweener turned still a pain the ass A- list singer thinks he is being clever and getting away with using drugs in public. Everyone knows.
Blind Item #10
He used to be the biggest star on the planet, but now this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor is trying to stay alive long enough to shoot what will be his last movie.
Blind Item #9
This reclusive celebrity who I am fascinated with should dig a little deeper with her immense resources and she will find her husband also cheated with the celebrity offspring of a person with a very famous name.
Blind Items Revealed #5 - Old Hollywood
February 12, 2016
Throughout her life, this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress had photos and portraits and clippings of this A list mostly movie actor scattered throughout her house. The closeted gay actor was her very best friend. Until the day he died, she would never go out socially unless he would be present.
Elizabeth Taylor/Montgomery Clift
Throughout her life, this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress had photos and portraits and clippings of this A list mostly movie actor scattered throughout her house. The closeted gay actor was her very best friend. Until the day he died, she would never go out socially unless he would be present.
Elizabeth Taylor/Montgomery Clift
Four For Friday - Whatever Happened To
Actors and actresses disappear from the public eye all the time. Sometimes you think they are gone but they are just making straight to video or nowadays straight to On Demand movies. Unless you go looking specifically for their work, you probably would forget they even were popular. It is much more rare for someone who was at the top to disappear in a second. It happened to this actress. Back in the day before the internet, this actress was front page tabloid material for a good two years. She wasn't really even acting all that much when she was tabloid material. She was primarily a model, although, I think it is fair to say that some of the time she was being paid for more than just modeling. Anyway she hooked up with a permanent A+ list singer and it was cover story stuff. The breakup was even more cover story stuff. When they did break up, she actually started getting solid acting roles and even was a main character on a long running network hit. When it ended her career did to. Kind of. Coming off a hit like that, she had tons of offers. One of the offers she chose to accept was on a movie. Nothing big budget, but a nice role and a good paycheck. It would be the end of her career. On the set was this former A list actor who was trying to make a comeback. It took him awhile to make that comeback and he still is not at the level he was back in the day even though just as many people know his name.
Anyway, the two got involved on the set. Unbeknownst to our actress, the actor was involved with someone he eventually would marry. When our actress found out she broke off the on set hookup, but our actor decided he was going to have sex with her one more time. He assaulted our actress and for good measure, his soon to be wife heard about the assault and instead of being supportive, actually threatened our actress because the soon to be wife didn't want anything to derail the comeback of the actor.
Our actress has never recovered and never worked again.
Anyway, the two got involved on the set. Unbeknownst to our actress, the actor was involved with someone he eventually would marry. When our actress found out she broke off the on set hookup, but our actor decided he was going to have sex with her one more time. He assaulted our actress and for good measure, his soon to be wife heard about the assault and instead of being supportive, actually threatened our actress because the soon to be wife didn't want anything to derail the comeback of the actor.
Our actress has never recovered and never worked again.
Blind Items Revealed #4
February 9, 2016
Technically he is not foreign born, but most people think he is. This A- list mostly movie actor who has seen bigger days in movies is dating his sober coach after a long run with the actress everyone likes. The problem with dating your sober coach is that when it ends, your sobriety tends to disappear with it.
Andrew Garfield
Technically he is not foreign born, but most people think he is. This A- list mostly movie actor who has seen bigger days in movies is dating his sober coach after a long run with the actress everyone likes. The problem with dating your sober coach is that when it ends, your sobriety tends to disappear with it.
Andrew Garfield
Blind Items Revealed #3
February 8, 2016
Apparently this A/A+ list mostly movie actor has turned to the drug of choice for this former A list singer. Meth. The teeth of our actor have started dropping out too.
Johnny Depp/Marilyn Manson
Apparently this A/A+ list mostly movie actor has turned to the drug of choice for this former A list singer. Meth. The teeth of our actor have started dropping out too.
Johnny Depp/Marilyn Manson
Blind Items Revealed #2 - Kindness
February 5, 2016
This former Glee actress turned B list mostly movie actress had a party in her Nashville hotel room for a handful of fans she met on the set of her new movie. They were hanging around the entire day and then went back to her hotel and sang karaoke. That is about as wild as she gets.
Dianna Agron
This former Glee actress turned B list mostly movie actress had a party in her Nashville hotel room for a handful of fans she met on the set of her new movie. They were hanging around the entire day and then went back to her hotel and sang karaoke. That is about as wild as she gets.
Dianna Agron
Blind Item #8 - Kindness
This A- list mostly movie actor who has a fairly new superhero franchise but is most well known for comedies in this acting tree paid for the funeral of a homeless man who used to hang out at the local coffee shop of the actor. The actor talked to the guy several times each week for years.
Blind Item #7
This foreign born A- list actor who should be a Bond but won't be because the producers are too close minded shared a story recently. The actor, not known for being faithful was hitting on this C list celebrity who is an offspring and sometime companion of an annoying former tweener. The celebrity told our actor that she doesn't date guys of color.
Blind Items Revealed #1
April 11, 2016
This barely legal former Disney actress is usually impulsive. For once though she is thinking things through before pulling the trigger on something. She shot a nude photo spread which she can sell for huge bucks but is holding off selling it because she is hopeful she can get more famous through less dramatic means. Like acting or posing half naked for paps rather than fully naked. My guess is the shoot will be released. She is just too thirsty. She wants to be the biggest star on the planet.
Bella Thorne
This barely legal former Disney actress is usually impulsive. For once though she is thinking things through before pulling the trigger on something. She shot a nude photo spread which she can sell for huge bucks but is holding off selling it because she is hopeful she can get more famous through less dramatic means. Like acting or posing half naked for paps rather than fully naked. My guess is the shoot will be released. She is just too thirsty. She wants to be the biggest star on the planet.
Bella Thorne
Blind Item #6
Things have progressed to the point of no return for this A-/B+ list mostly television actress/offspring on a hit cable show. Track marks in several different places on her body.
Blind Item #5
This married but not to each other morning talk show couple had a multiple year fling but have split. Now, the show is suffering and the woman in this team is being asked to find a new job.
Blind Item #4
It is going to be interesting to see who becomes the new drug provider/boyfriend to this B list celebrity/model/offspring now that she has split from her most recent boyfriend.
Blind Item #3
The bosses at this TV Land show have told the male star of one of their shows to tone down his romance with his YouTube star boyfriend. The relationship also makes one of his female co-stars uncomfortable. A bit homophobic she is.
Thursday, June 02, 2016
Blind Item #2
This A+ list rapper/mogul is being investigated by the FBI for money laundering and wire fraud.
Blind Item #1
This Academy Award winning actress may be headed to jail soon because she didn't pay her taxes. Her husband would talk her into serving the time for the couple.
Blind Item #12
This one kind of sucks because I really like this actor and his wife. This very good looking foreign born actor is married. He has at least one franchise going. I guess it is not surprising considering he met his wife on a film set that he is hooking up with a current co-star who also happens to be married.
Blind Item #11
This kind of in exile reality star from the show that made him famous has been offered $250K if he can get his new bff/former athlete to appear on the show for multiple episodes.
Blind Item #10
This celebrity is supposedly the girlfriend to this foreign born B+ list actor who is always ready to take off his shirt for a role. Apparently she is not taking her bearding duties too seriously because she hooked up with this acronym rapper.
Blind Item #9
This foreign born close to a permanent A list celebrity because of her group turned reality host has yet to apologize to a now former co-worker. The reason for the apology would be the husband of the celebrity hitting on the former co-worker. The former co-worker was really upset by it.
Blind Items Revealed #5
May 5, 2015
This A list model said she spent most of the morning moving things out of her A+ list former bff’s apartment. Apparently she was only allowed one hour to do so. It took 10 minutes. The former bff had everything boxed and labeled with contents inventoried that the model had to sign for.
Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift
This A list model said she spent most of the morning moving things out of her A+ list former bff’s apartment. Apparently she was only allowed one hour to do so. It took 10 minutes. The former bff had everything boxed and labeled with contents inventoried that the model had to sign for.
Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift
Today's Blind Items- The Hate
If you have read the site for any length of time, you know my number one rule of show business is to never leave a hit. You just never know if the stars will shine down on you again so milk every last drop off that hit. If Grey's Anatomy is still on the air 20 years from now, Ellen Pompeo will still be there earning that check. Sometimes though, the situation becomes so difficult that you are left with no choice but to leave. This celebrity didn't want to leave the show. He follows the rule, but he had to leave because it was killing him to stay. He was not the first to leave but he will be missed more than the other who left. It is hard to come to work on a show, no matter how big it is if you are constantly being bullied and demeaned and treated like a second class citizen. If you do not suck up to the star of the show and literally call him the greatest the world has ever seen, then you will have a miserable time on the set. Being a bully is not something done for the cameras, it is a real life thing. Our celebrity said he was having trouble sleeping at night. He developed a nervous tic that would start when his tormentor's name was mentioned. Our celebrity was having panic attacks and just could not keep kissing the butt of someone he really disliked and who showed no respect to the accomplishments of our celebrity. Ultimately, our celebrity had to walk away and for once I think it was the right move to make.
Blind Items Revealed #4
March 15, 2016
You know that foreign born celebrity with the rock solid relationship to the A+ list singer? Yeah, that one. The one we all roll our eyes to. Well, if it is so rock solid, then how come he hooked up with a member of the group that is in a name that looks like a familiar word but isn’t.
Calvin Harris/Taylor Swift/JinJoo Lee/DNCE
You know that foreign born celebrity with the rock solid relationship to the A+ list singer? Yeah, that one. The one we all roll our eyes to. Well, if it is so rock solid, then how come he hooked up with a member of the group that is in a name that looks like a familiar word but isn’t.
Calvin Harris/Taylor Swift/JinJoo Lee/DNCE
Blind Items Revealed #3
May 21, 2016
I give the “relationship” another week between this foreign born celebrity and A+ list singer. Maybe two weeks if they try and spin things or if she can’t get the details quickly enough, but what happened last night is going to open a whole bunch of boxes.
Calvin Harris/Taylor Swift (11 days is what it took)
I give the “relationship” another week between this foreign born celebrity and A+ list singer. Maybe two weeks if they try and spin things or if she can’t get the details quickly enough, but what happened last night is going to open a whole bunch of boxes.
Calvin Harris/Taylor Swift (11 days is what it took)
Blind Items Revealed #2
April 20, 2016
It is about time she got back at her husband. This A+ list singer is hooking up with her bodyguard. Apparently the husband is afraid of the guy which probably helps.
It is about time she got back at her husband. This A+ list singer is hooking up with her bodyguard. Apparently the husband is afraid of the guy which probably helps.
Blind Item #8
Before agreeing to go on a date, this female fashion designer from an A list label insists on seeing her prospective suitors in nothing but a Speedo. Considering she only dates struggling models under the age of 25, she usually gets them to comply.
Blind Item #7
This A list mostly movie actor who has a long long running franchise to go with an on again/off again franchise almost got into a fistfight with the producer of that family reality show. The reason? The cameras kept trying to get the actor into their shots to make it seem like he was hanging out with the family while they were out of the country. The producer finally backed down.
Blind Items Revealed #1
April 29, 2016
This permanent A list mostly movie actor is not someone you want to be around when he is drunk. The mother of a recent co-star had been hooking up with the actor until she hung out with him while drunk. It was scary enough for her that she fled and has not seen him again.
Bill Murray
This permanent A list mostly movie actor is not someone you want to be around when he is drunk. The mother of a recent co-star had been hooking up with the actor until she hung out with him while drunk. It was scary enough for her that she fled and has not seen him again.
Bill Murray
Blind Item #6
Apparently this visit from this former A list tweener turned performance artist/singer to her actor boyfriend's family went fine as long as she reigned herself in. Whenever she would become herself or try to dress like she likes to dress, things would become more awkward and her boyfriend would not always come to her defense because he thinks she can be embarrassing.
Blind Item #5
This former late night star turned controversial actor has a fairly recent new gig that is doing pretty well. He seems to like the new found attention from women and is cheating on his wife. There are whispers she is too so maybe this is what makes them both happy.
Blind Item #4
This B list mostly movie actor from a now ended franchise has decided to take a turn directing. I think what he really wants are hours of casting couch sessions with men like he was forced to go through when he started.
Blind Item #3
This former A list "singer" is so into herself and her own little world inside her head that she didn't even know that a long time co-star on her show had a baby.
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Blind Item #2
Apparently in the last month or so, this year long relationship ended for this closeted married foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor and his boyfriend. It was the first relationship for the actor since his long time lover passed away.
Blind Item #1
This former 80's/90's A list mostly movie actor who still has a big name has been kicked out of his church after undergoing surgery to save his life. He waited so long though, he still might not pull through.
Blind Item #12
This actor is probably A list. Two hit shows. One of the shows iconic. Already drama about one of his new projects because the lead actress wouldn't sleep with him, he has been pressuring producers to cast this unknown teen actress to be his love interest because he wants to keep having sex with her.
Blind Item #11
This actor somehow stays around the B list range. It is because he has been acting so long and is married to an actress. At this point in time he gets a failed pilot once a year and some voice over work. Oh, and he is cheating on said wife.
Blind Item #10
I love how this B list now mostly movie actor who had drug issues in his past talks about how much he loves his girlfriend publicly. His recent co-star in what will be an awful movie who stars on an almost network hit says the actor hit on her every chance he got and told her his relationship was over.
Blind Item #9
This actress is frequently in this space. Former franchise actress who is clinging to her cable show like a lifeline is now trying to keep quiet a 45 second video of her making out with a co-star at a concert while she was still dating her actor boyfriend.
Blind Items Revealed #5
March 4, 2016
This shows you just how much he cares. After hooking up with Rita Ora one night, this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor was at an event and thought he spotted Rita and went and started talking to her. It was like a bad sitcom. He started talking about the sex and what a great time he had and blah blah blah. He was actually talking to a strangely named singer from the same country who doesn’t really look much like Rita. Apparently the actor only saw Rita at night and with hotel blackout curtain light. When the actor realized his mistake, he tried to hit on the singer. She said yes.
Rita Ora/Charli XCX
This shows you just how much he cares. After hooking up with Rita Ora one night, this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor was at an event and thought he spotted Rita and went and started talking to her. It was like a bad sitcom. He started talking about the sex and what a great time he had and blah blah blah. He was actually talking to a strangely named singer from the same country who doesn’t really look much like Rita. Apparently the actor only saw Rita at night and with hotel blackout curtain light. When the actor realized his mistake, he tried to hit on the singer. She said yes.
Rita Ora/Charli XCX
Today's Blind Items- Quick Hits
#1 - This celebrity has been A list for a little over three decades. She has also been on your tv screen for that long too. Anyway, she is writing a new book and says that when she dated this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor that they never consummated their year long relationship because he was so jacked up on steroids and coke that he could never get an erection.
#2 - This married, closeted former A+ list rapper has dumped his long time boyfriend for someone much younger who he is mentoring and will be his downfall.
#3 - This former A list mostly television actor who went a couple of decades between hit shows divorced his first wife after she caught him cheating on her on their honeymoon night. Our actor did have a couple of movie franchises between the two television hits.
#2 - This married, closeted former A+ list rapper has dumped his long time boyfriend for someone much younger who he is mentoring and will be his downfall.
#3 - This former A list mostly television actor who went a couple of decades between hit shows divorced his first wife after she caught him cheating on her on their honeymoon night. Our actor did have a couple of movie franchises between the two television hits.
Blind Items Revealed #4
March 30, 2016
That creaking bed sound you hear is this Teen Mom getting out of the bed of the guy she is cheating on her significant other with. Oh, and the producers knew about it but covered it up during filming. Not Leah or Jenelle.
Kailyn Lowry
That creaking bed sound you hear is this Teen Mom getting out of the bed of the guy she is cheating on her significant other with. Oh, and the producers knew about it but covered it up during filming. Not Leah or Jenelle.
Kailyn Lowry
Blind Items Revealed #3
April 22, 2016
This foreign born A list model/wannabe actress got drunk and cheated on her long time girlfriend the other night. It is a fairly frequent occurrence. Not sure why the girlfriend puts up with it.
Cara Delevingne
This foreign born A list model/wannabe actress got drunk and cheated on her long time girlfriend the other night. It is a fairly frequent occurrence. Not sure why the girlfriend puts up with it.
Cara Delevingne
Blind Items Revealed #2 - Revisited
July 20, 2015
This was originally revealed on January 1, 2016
It is not often an A+ list mostly movie actor gets away with murder. It is even more rare that it happened in a time that is not Old Hollywood. It did happen back in the day. The actor in question in this blind is still really close to A+ list. The actor was stealing from his business partner. Our actor was not the money making machine he is now and was using a lot of drugs and couldn’t pay. He also had some other issues. He got in over his head and when the silent business partners came looking for their share of the profits, our actor pointed the finger at the other partner as to why there was no money to pay the silent partners. The guy got killed and our actor quickly got out of sight and stayed out of sight for about a year.
Johnny Depp/Anthony Fox/Viper Room
This was originally revealed on January 1, 2016
It is not often an A+ list mostly movie actor gets away with murder. It is even more rare that it happened in a time that is not Old Hollywood. It did happen back in the day. The actor in question in this blind is still really close to A+ list. The actor was stealing from his business partner. Our actor was not the money making machine he is now and was using a lot of drugs and couldn’t pay. He also had some other issues. He got in over his head and when the silent business partners came looking for their share of the profits, our actor pointed the finger at the other partner as to why there was no money to pay the silent partners. The guy got killed and our actor quickly got out of sight and stayed out of sight for about a year.
Johnny Depp/Anthony Fox/Viper Room
Blind Item #8
This married A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee recently overdosed. Everyone knows he does some drugs, but no one ever knew he was pushing his drug use to life threatening limits.
Blind Item #7
Apparently this B+ list mostly movie actor who is a Golden Globe winner/nominee and married to an actress in a similar place on the list is cheating. I'm not shocked that he is cheating. He does it frequently. I am shocked that he managed to hook up with this married Academy Award winner/nominee who was a recent co-star.
Blind Items Revealed #1
April 22, 2016
This celebrity with he trucker hat sounding name has had a reality show in the past. She just has a unique look which helps keep her famous. She got her heart broken again when she found her celebrity boyfriend having sex with another woman.
Kat Von D/Steve-O
This celebrity with he trucker hat sounding name has had a reality show in the past. She just has a unique look which helps keep her famous. She got her heart broken again when she found her celebrity boyfriend having sex with another woman.
Kat Von D/Steve-O
Blind Item #6
Despite her success, this foreign born A list singer with a string of hits worldwide is broke as a joke and has decided she can make more money yachting this summer than touring. Oh sure she will play some shows, but yachting is going to be her go to money maker.
Blind Item #5
Impending fatherhood has not slowed down the cheating of this married A list singer in a group/part-time reality star.
Blind Item #4
Apparently this now solo former boy bander did a big no no. He used drugs in the vicinity of this A+ list singer. As in she was in the same room. She won't have anything to do with him now and wants her "friend" to choose between the two.
Blind Item #3
This now out of work A- list mostly television actress who won't be invited to the spin off of her now ended hit show threatened to walk off a talk show because she didn't like the pre-interview questions. She wanted nothing but softballs or would walk. They gave her softballs.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Blind Item #2
This A list reality star can pretend all she wants that she is with this A list NFL star but he only likes guys. Plus, he needs to stay far far away from the drugs and drama she brings to every table.
Blind Item #1
This former A- list mostly movie actor turned B+ lister on a hit network television show actually also has an Emmy Award for a different show. Our actor is mixing coke and booze at an unhealthy rate and his work is really suffering as a result.
Blind Item #12
This reality star/ former A-/B+ list singer/take what work she can get did get some work this past weekend. She was lucky. The company that hosted her wanted to kick her out and get back their fee when they busted her doing coke on the property. Apparently she begged to keep the appearance and they let her stay.
Blind Item #11
This A+ list singer has fired two directors in charge of her live concert footage. Each one dared to show up on the big screen angles our A+ lister found unflattering. She didn't give either one of them a second chance.
Blind Item #10
This one named female singer had a relationship with a male singer that crashed and burned because she kept trying to sleep with this lesser known female celebrity sibling who the male singer ended up dating.
Blind Item #9
These two singers used to be really close. The older one is who gave the younger one his big break. Now, the two, who are both A listers don't speak to each other. The younger one went on some kind of drug fueled rant and called the marriage of the older singer a fake and then called him a gay slur. All of this was done in front of several mutual friends.
Blind Items Revealed #5
April 22, 2016
The wife of this A- list almost television actor who was in a monster cable hit doesn’t need to worry about any sparks between the actor and actress who plays his wife. They can’t stand each other. Apparently the actress who plays his wife thinks the actor can’t act and makes it clear to anyone who will listen.
Aaron Paul/Michelle Monaghan
The wife of this A- list almost television actor who was in a monster cable hit doesn’t need to worry about any sparks between the actor and actress who plays his wife. They can’t stand each other. Apparently the actress who plays his wife thinks the actor can’t act and makes it clear to anyone who will listen.
Aaron Paul/Michelle Monaghan
Today's Blind Items- Blackmail - Old Hollywood
This reporter was one of the most respected reporters of her time. She landed some interviews that are still considered important a half century later. Some of the interviews she landed were just being in the right time in the right place. Her Hollywood interviews though were her knowing more than everyone else and using that information to get exclusive interviews.
1. There was this permanent A+ list singer who blew off an interview with her. One week later after she told him she would release the story of him having sex with a 13 year old he gave the reporter an interview and gave her a dozen other interviews over the course of his career.
2. She knew all about this closeted permanent A list singer. The singer would always sue people if they hinted he was gay. The reporter had audio recordings of the singer talking to several different men and offering them money for sex. She used that for access and also to keep him from testifying against one of her employers at a libel trial.
3. She launched the career of this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress and in return was privy to every actor and actress in Hollywood who hit on the permanent A+ lister. The reporter is also who introduced her to a permanent A+ list celebrity who would ultimately be her downfall.
1. There was this permanent A+ list singer who blew off an interview with her. One week later after she told him she would release the story of him having sex with a 13 year old he gave the reporter an interview and gave her a dozen other interviews over the course of his career.
2. She knew all about this closeted permanent A list singer. The singer would always sue people if they hinted he was gay. The reporter had audio recordings of the singer talking to several different men and offering them money for sex. She used that for access and also to keep him from testifying against one of her employers at a libel trial.
3. She launched the career of this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress and in return was privy to every actor and actress in Hollywood who hit on the permanent A+ lister. The reporter is also who introduced her to a permanent A+ list celebrity who would ultimately be her downfall.
Blind Items Revealed #4
April 22, 2016
The happy faces you saw while doing press and at the premiere of this long long awaited sequel were all a sham. The A+ list actor who also produces still is at war with the actress who stars in both films.
Tom Hanks/Nia Vardalos
The happy faces you saw while doing press and at the premiere of this long long awaited sequel were all a sham. The A+ list actor who also produces still is at war with the actress who stars in both films.
Tom Hanks/Nia Vardalos
Blind Items Revealed #3
April 20, 2016
This permanent A list actor who has not really had a good role in a decade set conditions with this significant other before she could get pregnant. Things like how much weight she could gain and how much money she would get per month if they split. All ironed out in advance.
Eddie Murphy/Paige Butcher
This permanent A list actor who has not really had a good role in a decade set conditions with this significant other before she could get pregnant. Things like how much weight she could gain and how much money she would get per month if they split. All ironed out in advance.
Eddie Murphy/Paige Butcher
Blind Items Revealed #2
April 21, 2016
This former A+ list mostly movie actress for almost a decade keeps spending vast sums of money to try and make herself look like she did back in the day when she had one of cinema’s most famous scenes. She looks like a mess after all the work she has done to herself.
Meg Ryan
This former A+ list mostly movie actress for almost a decade keeps spending vast sums of money to try and make herself look like she did back in the day when she had one of cinema’s most famous scenes. She looks like a mess after all the work she has done to herself.
Meg Ryan
Blind Item #8
This A-/B+ list mostly television actress who works for the same boss on multiple cable projects cheated on her girlfriend for a night with this A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee.
Blind Item #7
This C list celebrity says her A list husband is so erratic because he is bipolar but tries to control it without medication.
Blind Items Revealed #1
April 11, 2016
Yacht season for the first time ever for this foreign born A- list mostly television actress who might still have a franchise if it starts filming again soon. Our actress is known for her kink and now that she is single after a long long relationship, she is in very high demand.
Diane Kruger
Yacht season for the first time ever for this foreign born A- list mostly television actress who might still have a franchise if it starts filming again soon. Our actress is known for her kink and now that she is single after a long long relationship, she is in very high demand.
Diane Kruger
Blind Item #6
This former A list celebrity/reality star who still has an A list name has become such a racist that she will cross the street if she sees a person of color coming near her. She rants about ethnic cleansing all the time.
Blind Item #5
This jerk of an actor who is probably A-/B+ list and mostly movies is battling a prescription drug problem and losing. Dropping weight and getting more cranky by the day.
Blind Item #4
Well, at least I have to give credit to this A- list daytime actress for creativity. She is going to rehab but has managed to convince her fans she is disappearing for awhile for another reason.
Blind Item #3
Apparently this closeted cable news host was freaked out about some photos of a guy he was with so he paraded the wife in front of some cameras to show how much they love each other.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Blind Item #2
There is a real battle going on right now between this recent A+ list mostly movie actor who has a monster franchise and his entire team. Our actor has always been conservative but he is really becoming outspoken and his team want him to stop. They think it will affect his career. He doesn't care.
Blind Item #1
This actress/pro beard was at an event with the guy she calls her boyfriend but guess what? For the first time in forever the boyfriend had his former boyfriend there with him too. I thought they hated each other.
Blind Items Revealed #8
March 1, 2016
Filming on the next installment of this franchise is going to be tough. Two of the bigger stars in the movie used to be bff. Now? Not so much. They can’t stand each other. The thing is, both actresses probably don’t have enough juice to have the other replaced so they will have to deal with it.
Anna Kendrick/Rebel Wilson
Filming on the next installment of this franchise is going to be tough. Two of the bigger stars in the movie used to be bff. Now? Not so much. They can’t stand each other. The thing is, both actresses probably don’t have enough juice to have the other replaced so they will have to deal with it.
Anna Kendrick/Rebel Wilson
Blind Items Revealed #7
March 1, 2016
This foreign born former A list singer has finally stumbled close to oblivion because no one wants to her skateboard angst from a 30 year old. Apparently even though she is married she has no problems discussing with others that she (her words) “only f**ks” this former kind of tween singer turned tattooed waste of space. Another husband cuckolded.
Avril Lavigne/Chad Kroeger/Ryan Cabrera
This foreign born former A list singer has finally stumbled close to oblivion because no one wants to her skateboard angst from a 30 year old. Apparently even though she is married she has no problems discussing with others that she (her words) “only f**ks” this former kind of tween singer turned tattooed waste of space. Another husband cuckolded.
Avril Lavigne/Chad Kroeger/Ryan Cabrera
Blind Items Revealed #6
February 19, 2016
Usually this foreign born permanent A+ list member of a group who has done nothing solo that I can think of off hand is much more discreet about cheating on his long term wife. This past week though he was flaunting a mistress he brings on vacations with the family. Separate accommodations of course.
Usually this foreign born permanent A+ list member of a group who has done nothing solo that I can think of off hand is much more discreet about cheating on his long term wife. This past week though he was flaunting a mistress he brings on vacations with the family. Separate accommodations of course.
Blind Items Revealed #5
April 18, 2016
For her birthday, this foreign born B+ list model/wannabe actress that no one likes was allowed to call as many paps as she wanted to show up and take her “random” picture. No one would show up where she wanted though, so she had to go to them and tell them what time she would be there and bring her boyfriend.
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
For her birthday, this foreign born B+ list model/wannabe actress that no one likes was allowed to call as many paps as she wanted to show up and take her “random” picture. No one would show up where she wanted though, so she had to go to them and tell them what time she would be there and bring her boyfriend.
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
Blind Item #4
This married celebrity who is pregnant and done a porn and not named Blac Chyna hooked up with her real baby daddy at a club the other night before leaving together. The thing is, I think they actually made the baby at the same club when she was there to perform a couple of months ago.
Blind Item #3
This Bravo reality star who makes way more money away from this franchise show dumped his long long long term boyfriend for some bartender who calls the reality star Daddy.
Blind Item #2
This A- list mostly television actor from a hit cable show had to be carried out of a Fleet Week party because he was so drunk. On the bright side, he didn't do anything destructive.
Blind Item #1
This former tweener actress turned A- list singer with a bad attitude is back on the coke in a big way. Canceling shows is a way to get promoters to not want to book you again. I remember the time she canceled a show because she ended up making more hanging out with a guy than performing.
Blind Items Revealed #4
April 17, 2016
This former A list singer turned singer who refuses to work acted as if she didn’t want to be recognized before performing. So, people left her alone which was not what she wanted so she went for the incognito but please tell me how wonderful I am. She loved when people said she looked like Stevie Nicks. Our singer suggested that comparison first.
This former A list singer turned singer who refuses to work acted as if she didn’t want to be recognized before performing. So, people left her alone which was not what she wanted so she went for the incognito but please tell me how wonderful I am. She loved when people said she looked like Stevie Nicks. Our singer suggested that comparison first.
Blind Items Revealed #3- Mr. X
April 16, 2016
This A+ list singer is already making plans to shoot a porno at her new house. She thinks it is fitting.
Katy Perry
This A+ list singer is already making plans to shoot a porno at her new house. She thinks it is fitting.
Katy Perry
Blind Items Revealed #2
April 15, 2016
It has only been about a month since this extraordinary record producer finally broke down and admitted he is married to this B+ list singer. Now, he found out she has been cheating on him and he is leaving her. I guess he should have just kept the whole thing quiet. The guy is humiliated because she is the one who talked him into going public with the announcement they were married.
Dot Da Genius/Jhene Aiko
It has only been about a month since this extraordinary record producer finally broke down and admitted he is married to this B+ list singer. Now, he found out she has been cheating on him and he is leaving her. I guess he should have just kept the whole thing quiet. The guy is humiliated because she is the one who talked him into going public with the announcement they were married.
Dot Da Genius/Jhene Aiko
Blind Items Revealed #1
April 15, 2016
This foreign born B list mostly movie actress usually sticks to period pieces. Some would say her peak fame days are behind her but don’t tell her that. Despite working on a movie right now with several A+ listers, our B lister requires 24 hour security while shooting. She doesn’t have it when not making movies, but it makes her feel important so she makes it a contract point.
Keira Knightley
This foreign born B list mostly movie actress usually sticks to period pieces. Some would say her peak fame days are behind her but don’t tell her that. Despite working on a movie right now with several A+ listers, our B lister requires 24 hour security while shooting. She doesn’t have it when not making movies, but it makes her feel important so she makes it a contract point.
Keira Knightley
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Blind Items Revealed #8
April 11, 2016
This A- list singer has been in this spot many times discussing the work she has done to her face. Apparently it is just the first step of many as the part-time actress wants to look like Kim Kardashian.
Lady GaGa
This A- list singer has been in this spot many times discussing the work she has done to her face. Apparently it is just the first step of many as the part-time actress wants to look like Kim Kardashian.
Lady GaGa
Blind Items Revealed #7 - Mr. X
April 10, 2016
Don’t believe what you read about this A/A+ list mostly movie actor taking an interest in who his daughter is dating. He is so messed up on drugs he can’t think of anyone but himself.
Johnny Depp
Don’t believe what you read about this A/A+ list mostly movie actor taking an interest in who his daughter is dating. He is so messed up on drugs he can’t think of anyone but himself.
Johnny Depp
Blind Items Revealed #6
April 9, 2016
While this foreign born A list dual threat actor was out of town filming, his wife was out with another man, who some say is the boyfriend from whom she never split. The two were definitely very very close while out in public. I think she thinks she is not recognized when she goes out.
Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter
While this foreign born A list dual threat actor was out of town filming, his wife was out with another man, who some say is the boyfriend from whom she never split. The two were definitely very very close while out in public. I think she thinks she is not recognized when she goes out.
Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter
Blind Items Revealed #5
April 9, 2016
This A+ list singer was all over the guy she calls her boyfriend because he was not presenting the image she wanted him to while out in public. They basically talk fought the entire way through a pap swarm.
Taylor Swift/Calvin Harris
This A+ list singer was all over the guy she calls her boyfriend because he was not presenting the image she wanted him to while out in public. They basically talk fought the entire way through a pap swarm.
Taylor Swift/Calvin Harris
Blind Item #4
You would think that with a life at stake not to mention a bundle of cash, that this pregnant celebrity would not be drinking so heavily.
Blind Item #3
The only thing keeping this former supermodel alive right now is the revenge she wants on someone. The former A+ list model is dying but is trying to keep it a secret. Usually she would be gunning for the magazine covers, but even she thinks some tings should remain private.
Blind Item #2
At least for the 30 or so minutes it took them to have sex in her dressing room, this singer/Academy Award winning/nominated actor was back together with this Academy Award winning/nominated actress when they hooked up at her current show. The actor hooked up with someone else the night before so not sure if this is how he thinks one woos.
Blind Item #1
You don't know her name this week, but apparently a professor who is also a medical doctor at one of the best schools in the country is about to have her porn life exposed. Hundreds of scenes.
Blind Items Revealed #4
January 19, 2016
It might have taken years for this one hit wonder to finally make it to the big time at least as far as singing goes, but she certainly has the diva part down. Our singer was scheduled to do a 30 minute photo shoot and had four pages of demands. The company doing the photo shoot ignored them all except for some bottled water and told the singer she could walk if she wanted. She chose to stay.
Rachel Platten
It might have taken years for this one hit wonder to finally make it to the big time at least as far as singing goes, but she certainly has the diva part down. Our singer was scheduled to do a 30 minute photo shoot and had four pages of demands. The company doing the photo shoot ignored them all except for some bottled water and told the singer she could walk if she wanted. She chose to stay.
Rachel Platten
Blind Items Revealed #3
January 13, 2016
This B+ list movie/television actor in a hit franchise and on a hit cable show was completely clean and sober. Then, his co-star on again/off gain girlfriend got back in his head and they started hooking up again. One thing led to another and now he is back on drugs even worse than he was before.
Evan Peters/Emma Roberts
This B+ list movie/television actor in a hit franchise and on a hit cable show was completely clean and sober. Then, his co-star on again/off gain girlfriend got back in his head and they started hooking up again. One thing led to another and now he is back on drugs even worse than he was before.
Evan Peters/Emma Roberts
Blind Items Revealed #2
January 12, 2016
What A list fitness expert/network reality show star made an appearance recently on a network game show, and mocked the people who come to her/him for help?
Bob Harper
What A list fitness expert/network reality show star made an appearance recently on a network game show, and mocked the people who come to her/him for help?
Bob Harper
Blind Items Revealed #1
January 12, 2016
Golden Globes
When this OITNB actress had a chance to meet the host of the Golden Globes, he said he was a big fan of her work. She told him to f**k off. Apparently she was not a fan of some of the comments he made during the show.
Laverne Cox
Golden Globes
When this OITNB actress had a chance to meet the host of the Golden Globes, he said he was a big fan of her work. She told him to f**k off. Apparently she was not a fan of some of the comments he made during the show.
Laverne Cox