Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

Even I have a tough time keeping track of the deeds of this oft failed A-/B+ list mostly television actor. The good news is he sometimes gets put in fairly bad movies too. You all know him though, and you all love him. Married, but his celebrity wife does not really share the same level of enthusiasm for helping others as he does. She is more of a write a check when the Girl Scout manages to find a way through the gate and up to their front door kind of person.

Our actor though, he helps. He helps everyone all of the time. Those times our actor does land a new show, our actor starts sharing his paycheck with the organizations he supports. He also immediately gets the craft services people on board to donating all the day's leftovers to another list of organization he supports. There is not a day that goes by on set that he is not having people sign scripts or one sheets or anything else he can think of so the organizations can have silent auctions. One movie he did, our actor managed to obtain signatures on over 1500 items of people much more famous than he. All those items brought in slightly over $1M.

When his show inevitably gets canceled, our actor switches to volunteer mode. His goal is always eight hours a day. Every single day. He rotates the organizations so each gets him about every ten days. Back in the day he used to work seven days a week, but now he has cut back to five. On his longest running show, before he got married and had a family, he would work a a 12 hour day on set and then go volunteer another 5 or 6 hours.

I'm not saying our actor is perfect. He has had his foibles, but the things he does at home and away from home long canceled out the couple of misdeeds.


  1. French girl2:15 AM

    Josh Duhamel

  2. Heather Duke2:21 AM

    Steve Buscemi

  3. sandybrook2:21 AM

    Good guess French Girl I'll give it a +6

  4. Juank2:31 AM

    Eric Dane?

  5. AndrewBW2:32 AM

    This is great, and if this is what he wants to do he should. But some people go so overboard with it that it becomes exhausting. I had a friend years ago whose mother literally could not stop helping people. It got to the point where you were afraid to be around her. If she wasn't doing something for you she was trying to dragoon you into doing something for someone else. It was practically impossible to get her to stop for even five minutes to do something for herself.

    But anyway, good for our star, whoever he is.

  6. Tiny Dancer2:41 AM

    Maybe Donald Faison?

  7. elle b3:09 AM

    Adam Rodriguez

  8. Alistdiva3:57 AM

    Nothing wrong with that, I think Josh Duhamel sounds right!

  9. Ellen4:15 AM

    Ashton Kutchet

  10. Countinfives7:20 AM

    JJ Feild?

  11. GoTrollUrSelf7:48 AM

    Poor Josh Duhamel.

  12. LiveYourLife9:15 AM

    I have no idea, but just thought I'd throw out Ian Somerhalder as a guess, since I know he's one of the most charitable (with his time) celebrities around, and he does have a lot of causes he stumps for. He's married to Nikki Reed. He doesn't really have much of a film resume (mostly bad films). The only part that may not fit is.. not sure what film he could have worked on that could have earned $1M in donations off of signed memorabilia.

  13. Ericka10:46 AM

    Ashton Kutcher

  14. ian, who feels guilty w/ this charity scam (nikki likes money)...

  15. Antonio12:10 PM

    if it's Ashton is he donating money to that White nationalist group again or what? It was a previous blind vice btw.

  16. Derek Harvey12:17 PM

    How is it "Poor" Josh? He is living life and helping others-how is that a sad thing? (If it is him)
