Monday, December 19, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

Over the years I have given this A list mostly movie actress a lot of grief in the blinds. She has had some very poor relationship choices and, despite her fondness for some illicit drugs, she is an actress who should have an Academy Award or at least a nomination. The good news is she has a franchise so, she has that going for her for the next half decade. Our actress is married. This past weekend, and old friend of mine ran into the actress at an event out of the country. My friend and the actress share some past directors and also have a connection with where our actress was this past weekend. They had a nice chat and then my friend wandered through the party and got involved in a conversation with a few other people.

Apparently the subject when she walked up was that everyone was shocked the A lister even attended the party. For much of the past week, the A lister has been working almost 24/7 at a center where several hundred refugees have been living until they can get settled. She shares no common language with them but has made it a personal mission to take care of each of the families. She is working with the government of the country to pay for apartments for the families to stay and to get people she knows in the industry to hire as many of the working age people. Plus, she has personally hired a dozen of them, even though she is struggling to find work for them to do. She has reached out to other businesses and convinced many of them to hire one or two each. Everyone at the party loved that she was doing it for no reward other than the thanks of the people she was helping.


  1. sandybrook2:16 AM

    Milla Jovovich?

  2. AndrewBW2:19 AM

    I don't know who this is but I assume she's working with Syrian refugees. Good for her.

  3. sandybrook2:19 AM

    2nd choice ScarJo

  4. MontanaMarriott2:28 AM

    Makes sense and after looking her up I had no idea she's never been nominated for an Oscar. Wow.

  5. Sunspirit2:30 AM

    Scarlett Johansson.

  6. Tricia132:34 AM

    Zoe Saldana

  7. sandybrook2:35 AM

    I thought she had too Montana.

  8. trainrides2:40 AM

    Also thinking about ScarJo for this

  9. Oh, Really??3:41 AM

    That's nice, but what about helping American citizens that need a job?

  10. French girl4:32 AM

    Apparently it happens in France.
    She came back in France (Paris) after to leave 2/3 years ago.She opened a popcorn shop with her husband and his sister.Last week,She made a huge RP com for the shop

  11. cebii4:46 AM

    The national unemployment rate is 4.9%. There are jobs, but they are not the jobs people want to take because they are low paying or in a different part of the country or some other such thing.

    If you used to make $30/hr in a steel foundry in Pittsburgh, you probably don't want to move to Austin to make $12/hr in a micro chip factory or at a call center.

  12. Hayley4:49 AM

    She can help whoever she wants.

  13. Geto Ho'5:41 AM

    If she and all here people come to Syria, she would be murdered by the same 'refugees'. Don't forget these are the same human beings who were clapping when the tower fell (9/11).

  14. French girl5:53 AM
    Scarjo' during her USO tour in Afghanistan this week end ? It Is In People mag

  15. French girl5:54 AM

    @Geto : you are an idiot .

  16. S.D.AUNTIE6:11 AM

    Wonderful gesture fo all involved.

  17. @Geto

    You're a fucking troglodyte. Don't forget it.

  18. hunter7:54 AM

    @Geto - you show a embarrassingly poor understanding of the nature of what is going on in Syria and why the people are fleeing.

    Let me help you - the Syrian refugees are, essentially, fleeing the same hardline Islamic rhetoric that caused 9/11, in that radical Muslims are the ones who are destroying Syria except OH WAIT - the Syrian conflict is actually MUCH more complicated than that.

    Go suck a dick.

  19. Not trying to be argumentative, but there are currently 95 million people out of the workforce -- almost one third of the 315M national population number. The reason why the 4.9% unemployment number is bogus is because once you have used up all of your unemployment benefits, you are no longer counted as an unemployed individual. In fact, you don't count period. I know this first hand because I was laid off in May and despite applying and interviewing for dozens of jobs -- many of which paid as much as 60 percent less than what I used to make -- I have not been offered a job. I am now out of benefits, and I now don't matter. By the way, most of that unemployment number pertains to part-time jobs at minimum wage and holiday employment. The economic recovery is a myth.

  20. For "O Really?" Don't worrry, Trump will find you a job.

  21. scallywag12:52 PM

    Sorry you can't find a job. I was laid off in 2001 and it took 8 months to find another one. I hope you find one soon.

    That 95 million number is actually closer to 100 million, but it includes 37 million over age 65, 12 million of high school age, and 8 million age 20-24 many but by no means all of whom are in school. So out of the 40-some million left, do many of them want a job? Of course.

  22. scallywag12:54 PM

    Because this is binary? You can't help people overseas as long as someone in the US needs help?

    And how do you know she's not helping people here?

  23. scallywag12:55 PM

    And then not pay you. It's not like we weren't warned.

  24. mariaj7:21 PM

    So, popular guess, Scarlett Johansson...and i agree, it's GREAT, really great thing she does.

    ( don't agree tough that she should get an Oscar or at least a nomination, she is a mediocre actress, to me, MAYBE if she learns how to act without using her lips..)

  25. Chandelierxo5:40 AM

    @Geto - Sounds like u need to get off of Trump's twitter and fake news websites and learn about what's really going on in Syria.
