Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed - Revisited

I revealed this back in July. Thought today would be a fitting day to bring it up again.

June 9, 2016

CMT Awards

I’m not sure why this female singing group was even at the show, but whatever clothes they were wearing, I hope they owned because they were basically hotboxing in the limo on the way over and every reporter was laughing at how wasted they were and how badly they reeked of pot.

Fifth Harmony




  1. sandybrook2:39 AM

    So one of them got busted for weed? So what?

  2. GoTrollUrSelf2:47 AM

    It's tough to find marijuana arrests even interesting when if she'd been in an airport in a different state, nothing would happen.

  3. GoTrollUrSelf2:56 AM

    Sorry. She was cautioned, not arrested. (Lauren Jauregui)

  4. The pot.

  5. And this is why our country's going down the toilet.

    Since when did drug use become ok??

  6. GoTrollUrSelf5:35 AM

    In which state? Which drugs? Alcohol has always been cool.

  7. Wendy5:58 AM

    Since that drug has never killed anyone and the only way it ruins lives is if someone gets caught with it.

  8. S.D.AUNTIE12:35 PM

    Well i would not want a stoned person behind the wheel. It is sill a Dui in California if over a certsin amount. Take Lyft or uber stoners.and drunks.
