Sunday, December 25, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 14, 2016

Apparently this A list actor/part-time director didn’t learn his lesson. There are certainly a lot of young teens on set that our actor seems very interested in.

James Franco


  1. I ate my own head2:26 AM

    Weirdo pervert.

  2. Long Island Girl3:11 AM

    Hadn't he been online with an underage girl, or some such? I think it was twitter or facebook.
    Yeah, he's messed up.

  3. sandybrook6:47 AM

    Girls or boys?

  4. Zilla17:24 AM

    George Michael has died. And the year ain't over yet. $%#@

  5. Kathy7:34 AM

    Shit - George Michael died today. Sad

  6. lupanime8:12 AM

    Come on, last time it was a PR stunt.
    Some people still believe Franco is the gay rapist.

    RIP George Michael

  7. Mr. X9:11 AM

    Always heard Franco was a douchebag. Just thought I'd contribute.

  8. Hot Cola10:12 AM

    He gives this perv wibe even without the 70's corny mustache

  9. Guesser11:13 AM

    Franco is either Bi or is using these stories of underage girls to detract from being gay I know that sounds stupid,but look at the lengths others have gone.I thought the blind about him was that he raped a girl when he was underage,and that the charges were either dropped or reduced and because he was a minor, they can't be made public. ..

  10. Mooshki1:43 PM

    He seriously harassed the female student of a friend of mine. It's no act.

  11. jhghjghk3:35 AM


    you got it.

    he is gay.

    its misdirection. School of Leo but in pervert mode.

  12. Enty did not mention the gender but King Cobra a gay film had MANY young teen boys on set. But these guys had to be I am guessing at least 18 years of age due to the explicit sexual nature of the film. It was about gay porn. I think this could be true. Surprised Enty did not mention the gender though.

  13. Heather1:40 PM

    Omg that's horrible! Can we just end him and Casey Affleck forever?
