Saturday, December 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 12, 2016

Apparently it was touch and go up to the final minutes whether this B+ list actor/writer/producer would be allowed into the UK on a work visa to promote his new movie after what has happened in his past.

Nate Parker


  1. Derek Harvey2:46 AM

    A lot of hype surrounding his movie-wonder if the movie was disappointing or if he was shunned-Does not seem to have many award nominations.

  2. Sounds like the UK. Banning or trying to ban people from entering temporarily due to popular opinion, while they let in hundreds of hate preachers and those that finance terrorism each year.

  3. Guesser3:36 AM

    @Derek Harvey, both things are true, the movie was over hyped and didn't live up to expectations. More info came out about his rape trial,and there was no way people could promote him or the movie for the awards.

  4. Zilla14:14 AM

    Where is the fallout for Casey Affleck, or has he just paid off the right people?

  5. French girl5:06 AM

    Do You think that sexual harassment is rape ?

  6. I think he still might have done okay if he hadn't had the attitude of "Jesus, can we just get over this already?" As I understand it people were looking for contrition on his part, which is of course absolutely not necessary if he wasn't guilty but We the People still need something, right? A little "I was young and immature and I've learned a lot", delivered with just the right amount of earnest sincerity, would have gone a long way.

  7. Kathy6:04 AM

    French Girl - that was what I was thinking. So many men are sexual harassers in Hollywood, they don't much care. Rape is a different story. Nate was not repentant in the beginning which hurt him. He was only sorry when he realized he was messing up. Not an Affleck fan but he also has his brother's star power behind him as well.

  8. Long Island Girl7:16 AM

    There's much more to it, in this case, than that.
    I can't recall everything off hand but I do believe that the charge was rape.
    However, she was unable to testify and the charges were reduced.
    I would liken it, to some degree, to the Cosby accusations.
    There was much fuckery in what transpired.

  9. Hothotheat7:18 AM

    I don't think Parker was ever repentant. He was all "I was found not guilty" even though the details of the rape were all over the internet (and it was clearly rape).

  10. Whywhywhy??+=Yes, now7:50 AM


  11. AppleTartin9:34 AM

    and the victim took her own life later on, he clearly tried to portray himself as a victim while the real victim no longer had a voice. The whole thing was very shady. The movie bombed, good.

  12. I know! They have Mooblims jihadist running across border who are anti gay anti Christian anti women and they stop Americans and Europeans for minor issues ...kinda see how war world 2 happened and how we had to bail out all of Europe
    Those forget past doomed to repeat it

  13. However, pretty clear Nate is a rapist and should be banned

  14. Alabama11:44 AM

    So it used to be 8 reveals. Then 7 and now 6. This site keeps going down down down hill.

  15. Guesser11:59 AM

    @Alabama, there is always less on weekends and holidays. @Okay,Nate apparently harassed the victim afterwards, so his contrition wouldn't ring true.

  16. And-so-on..12:07 AM

    Movers and shakers of power with big bucks, celebrity and fame; ahem.. plus their own very high probability of being blackmailed for their same evil deeds; whom are in power, saintly choose whom to forgive and and forget, after they are openly accused,seemed shocked.. slightly admit remorse, that was then, this is now, I agree.. then they, both male and female bigwigs.. oddly overlook.. admire these naughty ones to go among them and become successful accordingly..

  17. Zilla11:52 AM

    Did I say or imply it was? Do you think sexual harassment is okay either? Do you not see the correlation between two actors who are in the running for an Oscar nomination, both with scandals relating to their treatment of women, only one of them has been vilified much more publicly while the other's scandal has been basically buried? Do you think it's fair that one of them will probably have his bad deeds ignored and likely get the nomination?

    They are both lowlifes. Neither one deserves to have their misdeeds glossed over. That is the point.

  18. Alabama2:31 AM

    Um no. More on weekends and holidays, less during the week. But whatever.

  19. Nate Parker was acquitted and the world should let it go! Whether you agree with that verdict or not (I don't, he's guilty) the jury system worked in his favor not the victims. It's only as good as the weaknesses, prejudices and misunderstanding of the human beings on the jury. At least he genuinely turned his life around and didn't repeat the crime like so many other reckless celebrities. It's been ten years and no other women have emerged claiming to be additional victims. For that, Parker deserves public forgiveness for his long ago crimes.

  20. SnookumsLynn6:49 AM

    I believe his attitude killed it... made me feel like he was even more guilty

  21. SnookumsLynn6:49 AM

    probably a little payola and the fact that he's white...

  22. There was a blind here or somewhere else that hinted that an actor in an upcoming move was (or his studio) paying off several women for some reason or another. Casey Affleck was a suspect.
