Friday, December 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 30, 2016

This foreign born A list dual threat actor was forced by his wife to hit a red carpet with a strained happy face. There were no smile before or after the photographers. Everything is miserable.

Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. sandybrook2:37 AM

    Cumberbitch page view day alert!

  2. Did she throw a bottle of mini wiskey on hos throat before the pose?

  3. GoTrollUrSelf3:21 AM

    I don't believe any of the Cumberbatch blinds. I think they're OK - maybe not a spectacular romance, but OK - and just don't play Cue The Paps, so gossip sites hate them.

  4. mariaj3:30 AM

    Let's unleash the Hell in the comments !

  5. mariaj3:31 AM

    ( waiting for the " defensors of the couple, especially )

  6. No thanks. I don t offer myself as a sacrifice stone for today as I already had my backside smacked for Mendez :) kidding. But I can enjoy a CumbuHun punches if I see them, Mariaj

  7. Ha! There are always more "cue the crazies" comments these days than actual comments about Cumberbatch. Clearly the most interesting thing about him is his CRAAAAAZY fanbase. SNL thinks so, you all think so. And people said SNL had terrible writing. Funny.

    He's gay. He subs for her. And yet they remain the most uninteresting couple. I'm sure he prefers it this way. I can't wait until the cat's out of the bag though. He needs something more interesting than crazy fans.

    Speaking of beating a dead horse, I do think she can be a switch at times. So smooth with the rough, these high class problems.

  8. mariaj6:14 AM

    Damn :)

  9. Yeahsure7:42 AM

    Truly. LOL, his nutso skeptic crowd is far more interesting psychologically than he and his boring upper-class Hampstead marriage are. And having seen the perfectly boring, normal photos of the alleged forced RC, it is becoming abundantly clear that Enty will put up anything the Hunter Hate cabal sends him, and you can't trust any of the BIs about BC.

  10. @Yeahsure: they're not "upper-class", they're upper-middle. i don't get why there's always that one token commenter who comes here to push "she's from a super wealthy family and doesn't need his money" angle every time a blind comes up here

  11. Mmmmmm8:47 AM

    Right? Her dad is a professional card player, retired from insurance of all things. He teaches Bridge. And her mom is/was a school administrator. Sure they had some family money but "super wealthy"? No. They mingle with the super wealthy. No surprise there.

  12. 'upper-class','upper-middle', 'middle-middle','low-middle','upper-low','middle-low','low-class','low-low', 'funny -af'....
    P.S.vassal of my vassal isn't my vassal...

  13. Ipoopalot2:46 PM

    What's your proof he's gay Mac?

  14. longtimereader12:34 AM

    He went to harrow, upper class is correct. Those that get million's in taxpayer funds for their land are the the aristocracy.

  15. The Cumberbatch flacks are obviously rife. There are five "those crazy fans!" posts for every one "he's gay" post. Strange, that. Nobody really cares one way or the other.

  16. NeNoMe8:54 AM

    Enty, if he chosen Dak...a - would his face look "really happy" on the red carpet these days?....
    His popularity diminishes, that's a fact.
