Saturday, December 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 11, 2016

Just as I predicted, this foreign born A list model who is the worst actress in the world has been out of control with her coke and partying since splitting with her ex. Maybe if she went to rehab, she could take some acting lessons while there.

Cara Delevingne


  1. saras6:57 AM

    Oh that explains why Amber has been papped with her. Gotta get free drugs ECT now that Derp is not paying the tab...

  2. Long Island Girl7:18 AM

    That and a little snatch.

  3. saras7:22 AM

    Lol snatch up everything...

  4. Question: Why does every "model" need to act?
    Why can't they just be a model?

    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah Everyone!

  5. And-so-on..12:11 AM

    She's rich, insulated from troubles with rules and regulations we all have to obey.. she doesn't care about her downward spiral reputation or your silly accusations,.. maybe she will have to be arrested or harm someone to get her to accept for a time ..any rehab help.. she's living the perfect life she loves it yo.

  6. I rewatched Suicide Squad and she wasn't that bad but there is something about her that is just so damn unlikable.

  7. Cara wants to be more than a model. She's actually pretty bright and something of a musician, not a good enough musician to sell records, though. She has had every priviledge (money, education, looks, connections) except decent parenting. Her mother was an addict her whole childhood and her father wasn't much better. Hopefully, she'll figure it out on her own. Some people do.
