Friday, December 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 5, 2016

Why yes, that was a very well known Harry Potter actor passed out from booze on a park bench while out of the country. A passerby threw a ratty blanket over the actor because there was a light rain.

Daniel Radcliffe


  1. hunter1:37 AM

    This is a heartwarming story and I'm glad he got his ratty blanket.

    Alcoholism is a lifetime disease, trying to cope with it from a young age almost (almost!) guarantees a lifetime of frustrations. I'm sure he does his best when he can.

    At least we don't hear about him making a public jackass of himself and hurting others.

  2. longtimereader2:12 AM

    We have all been there....

  3. Do Tell3:00 AM

    No, we haven't all been there. We don't all drink or use drugs. That said, I hope Daniel gets help.

  4. John Paterson3:41 AM

    Alcoholics cannot moderate their intake of alcohol, except through being continuously dissatisfied at stopping at one or two drinks. They can really only enjoy life by not drinking at all or be completely boozed out of their minds when they drink.

    There is no middle of the road with them.

  5. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:46 AM

    After visiting the UK (all except Wales) several times, I wonder if less than 90% of the limeys have already been in this situation, I think it is very unlikely.

  6. Stretch4:55 AM

    Takes one to know one right? Truer words...

  7. what about antidepressants?

  8. John Paterson5:52 AM

    I don't drink myself, but I do qualities within myself that lead me to believe that I run the risk of alcoholism if I tried it. :)

  9. Comment poster11:08 AM

    Alcoholism is true fucking hell. Judging it has never EVER worked long term, but understanding it has. It's ridiculous, and quite frankly pathetic, that people still don't understand this in our day and age to fight it and help.

  10. Why so many recycled reveals today, Enty?
