Thursday, December 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 2, 2016

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress/celebrity offspring almost passed out doing press for her new film. She is eating once every couple of days in order to slim down even though she doesn’t need to lose weight at all.

Bryce Dallas Howard


  1. Sunspirit2:17 AM

    She looks great

  2. She looks fantastic and is extremely talented. My heart is breaking for her that she feels she has to starve herself to make others happy. Sad way to live.

  3. Long Island Girl2:50 AM

    That doesn't make sense, at all.
    She could eat fruits, salad with a little olive oil and lemon for dressing and loads of vegetables and still lose weight. There's no reason to starve yourself.
    Eating the right foods increases your metabolism.
    Hell, her father is Ron Howard, FFS. She could have a personal trainer and nutritionist on staff daily.

  4. Shorny3:35 AM

    She gets 5 stars from me. Blip, blip, blip.

  5. Donald J. Trump3:46 AM

    I'd fuck the chub off of her.

  6. Tara179:14 AM

    I agree with you Long Island girl. Eating like that should actually allow her to lose more weight in the same period of time. She's teaching her body that she lives with periods of scarcity and starvation. She may end up with a very low metabolism. And I'm well placed to know this.

    I wish her well. She was fantastically good in Stranger things.

  7. Dazzle12:16 PM

    She's a beautiful girl and doesn't need to lose weigh.

  8. I was actually just thinking that she looked thinner in a recent picture. Which sucks because she looked great before. It's nice to see a normal sized woman in the sea of bobbleheads.

  9. She wasn't in that was she?
