Friday, December 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 14, 2016

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress who has worked for the same boss for nearly a decade is hooking up with this director who always puts himself in his own films. She and the director always hook up even when in relationships with other people.

Lea Michele/Peter Berg


  1. MontanaMarriott1:09 AM

    Ewwww she's definitely doing it to get some work cus he is NOT cute.

  2. sandybrook1:11 AM

    Yet he isn't putting Lea in any of his movies, so they must have real feelings for each other. I'm sure Lea would agree!

  3. MontanaMarriott1:35 AM

    Awwwwww, ok, makes sense

  4. longtimereader2:13 AM

    Wasn't he revealed as a total douche of michael bay proportions earlier?

  5. Alabama2:17 AM

    Two words. Aspen Extreme.

  6. Ashley2:31 AM

    This is widely known to be why Whitney, Chealsea's BFF and creator of 2 Brook Girls dumped him.

  7. Sorry what is Aspen extreme

  8. rtsew6:20 AM

    I thought he used to be handsome. A long, long, long time ago. Watch The Last Seduction. Linda Fiorentino is excellent in that movie.

  9. rtsew6:22 AM

    He used to be cute, a long time ago. Watch the Last Seduction. The first one from '94 starring Peter Berg and Linda Fiorentino.

  10. BTownGirl8:20 AM

    YES! Remember the blind where Whitney was going on HAM on Lea at an event? Glorious.
