Sunday, December 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 22, 2016

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress is having her people spin to tabloids that she is single. I just think they want to make sure the cheating thing is not discussed or the fact that the cable actor she cheated with has already cheated on her multiple times. Try to make it all go away is what her people want.

Diane Kruger/Joshua Jackson/Norman Reedus (and Norman is still doing it. She will hook up with him even though he hooks up with a co-star and whatever extra/groupie comes along)


  1. She's pathetic and too old for this type of thirstiness.

  2. Simon1:09 AM

    I still want to know who co star is

  3. sandybrook1:42 AM

    I wouldn't disregard Emily Kinney she looks young and is probably his type.

  4. Kathy2:00 AM

    He looks so gross most of the time. I can't believe he has a kid with Helena Christensen.

  5. Simon2:43 AM

    Only thing is doesn't the blind sound like someone still on the show? Otherwise, she's a good guess

  6. A-? More C list. None of these people would get any attention if it wasn't for their dramatic love lives.

  7. texasrose2:58 AM

    If even a fraction of the stories/blinds here about him are true I can't imagine why an attractive celeb in her own right would stand to be near him. Groupies yes.

  8. Karma3:08 AM

    If she threw away her over 10 relationship, almost marriage on a loser drunk cheater, Josh is better off without her and should count his blessings.

  9. Wendy4:21 AM

    Me too. I'm going to guess Christian Serratos, the girl who plays Rosita.

  10. I'd say Melissa McBride. Not usually his type,but I wouldn't disregard her.

  11. Ipoopalot6:27 AM

    She needs to find a rich European husband and retire. If she keeps this up, she will be yachting in no time.

  12. @ Kathy - Are you F'n KIDDING me!? He looks like never bathes & reeks of vomit & cigarettes...not to mention he's fugly as hell! She must have been seriously messed up to sleep with him. :-P

  13. Shut Up!10:21 AM

    Diane Kruger is not and will never be A list or A- list. She's B- or C+ at best.

  14. Hot Cola11:32 AM

    Broken girl. Anyone eles notices the dead eyes?

  15. Nadia1:00 PM

    That's a good guess actually. Probably nothing serious but Melissa is seen with him a lot outside work.

  16. Annonna2:28 PM

    It's pretty much confirmed to be Melissa McBride based on another blind item from this fall where it talked about him and a female co-star from a night that the only female co-star he was out with was Melissa.

  17. Annonna2:31 PM

    It is. Although I wouldn't agree that she's not his usual type. In the media they do usually focus on when he's out with some (often way-too-young) model, but in reality he goes for all types of women, and he's already confirmed that he thinks Melissa is gorgeous, so as long as she's into him too, I'm sure it's happening.

  18. Annonna2:44 PM

    The only thing confusing me about this is: is he actually cheating on Diane, or are they just f**k buddies? He seems like he's at a point where he just has a lot of those (Diane, Melissa, whoever-comes-his-way), rather than "he's cheating on X". I haven't seen any evidence they're dating, f-ing around: yup, I'd believe it. Dating? Not sure about that one.

  19. I also think it's Emily Kinney. They're known to be quite close (the whole cast is close, really). A while ago I saw some pics of them out together and I thought they were hooking up back then, too.
    To each their own.

  20. marlo6:06 PM

    Diane Kruger is an inoffensive, terrible actress and delusional mediocre nobody with a nice face. I once read an interview she gave in Germany, in which she described herself as a 'Hollywood Movie Star'. She thought she'd become Marilyn or Liz, instead she's just decoration, and now due to her age, not even that.

  21. @Annonna what blind item is this?

  22. Jessica7:15 PM

    You're right it sounds like somebody still on the show and Emily was killed off about 3 years ago she stopped being his costar and it's not relevant to his relationship with Diane. There was a rumor back in the day but if they had anything it's over and she spent most of this year on Toronto filming Conviction I doubt they even saw each other.

  23. Hanna7:19 PM

    They might not be dating but she wants people to believe they are.

  24. Jennnn8:44 PM

    It's not Emily. A. She's very serious with her boyfriend Gio. B. They haven't hung out in forever. I agree with the people saying Melissa McBride since he's been seen out with her lately.

  25. Briana10:54 PM

    norman is all about what is convenient to him that's why he hooks up with groupies she is out of the country a lot and he wouldn't catch a plane to europe just to see a woman so i don't see how that "relationship" could work.

  26. Annonna10:57 PM

    Exactly. Basically he's single but f-ing around with a lot of women, including Diane and Melissa. If they're there and they want it, why not you know. But I don't like how attention-seeking Diane is about it. Definitely prefer Melissa in this scenario; at least she's trying to keep it AWAY from the press, not lead them to it!

  27. Clarissa11:47 PM

    Melissa is one of the maybe three somewhat critically acclaimed actors on that show, very kind and humble. She lives a low profile life on GA. Diane is very attention-seeking and bitchy to cast and crew of the projects she works on.

  28. Jordan3:07 AM

    I would say Melissa Mcbride...i mean everyone that follows the show knows they are very very very good friends. Norman adores her....i always said that they were not just platonic friends and i think i got that right. Diane, bless her soul, does that girl tries so fucking hard. I always say girl if he keeps finding excuses to assume you its because he doesnt want too. Melissa is very low profile she lives on GA and is happy with that life she lives. im sure friends with benefits its a very awesome thing for her!

  29. claire4:24 AM

    Have anyone lost time looking at Diane instagram feed??? Its ridiculous. To the point where you can see the girl have serious ego problems and im sure all of this situation is not helping her. She have been trying to make everyone believe that her and norman are together since i dont even know when. In the end Norman is kind of pathetic and a liar. DK is pathetic and the only one we can save here is melissa which in the end have her thing with norman (and apparently he eats out of her hand) and lives her very quite and pacific life in GA

  30. Susana5:11 AM

    Annonna, where was this other blind item at? I can't seem to find it! Thanks!

  31. Courtney6:29 AM

    I was doubtful about McBride because Norman is usually associated with young models, but they seem to be close and now it intrigues me how no one never noticed. Good for her, bangs him and is not dragged into his mess.

  32. Clare6:32 AM

    @ Susana, i think annonna was talking about this blind:

    Annonna if i'm wrong please correct me anytime! :)

  33. Briana7:30 AM

    i thought it was this one

    it could be either one or both.

  34. jessica7:32 AM

    @Courtney ngl in the end Melissa is the smartest one here. she have the best of the 2 worlds...she bangs him for years and doesnt have to deal with this mess...i guess that is what i call not being thirsty and very secure of herself...(looking at you diane kruger)

  35. clare7:35 AM

    @briana yes i think that could work too...actually i think both do the thing..! thank you!

  36. Patricia7:54 AM

    @Courtney i think everyone noticed but people were choosing to ignore it for different reasons. ones because they thought she was 'too old' for his standards, which is ridiculous, because he is seen with young models but he actually is not picky. other people think melissa would never go to someone as norman and others i dont know...were trying to ignore the obvious. i think melissa is the one winning here by far!!lololol

  37. Nosy Neighbor1:42 PM

    I would say the co-star is also Melissa. Reedus shut down the Kinney rumors immediately. Christian Serratos and Lauren Cohan are both in long term relationships. Also the weekend Reedus was in LA for the award shows, a fan caught McBride arriving into LAX but then there was no sight of her. I thought she would turn up on that show after TWD and that's why she was in town but she didn't.

  38. Britt4:27 PM

    @nosy neighbor that picture you saw was a latergram. was actually her leaving LA after Steven wedding. but everyone knows they are very close for years. i mean they spend a LOT of time in each others houses and she is well know into his family and all of that. everyone back where they film the show knows there is something something there but everyone is respectuful and dont talk about it. not long ago she was even seen driving his Porsche. when she is around he is always a different person...his attention in on her 100%. you can see the friendship is there of course but im sure there is a 'thing' now and again

  39. Annonna6:02 PM

    That's the one, @Clare. Although I hear that the "was not impressed" part is debatable/is at least partially incorrect. My GUESS is that she just wanted him to keep it low-key since they were in public. We'll see what they say here once they reveal it. The blind item is guaranteed Norman/Melissa, that's for sure, but the details of what happened and why are up for debate.

  40. Clare6:46 PM

    @annonna, totally agree. i think melissa is very low profile and she just doesnt like to show off but i think even her was more relaxed that day, but yeah i want to see what they say. Norman is very very touchy when she is around that is for sure. she is more controlled! lol

  41. boy...i did knew Diane was a little bit ridiculous but now reading all the situation....she is beyond ridiculous. so she basically ended up her relationship to be with reedus which in meantime hooks up with a co star (im betting melissa too) and every other woman that looks his way...sounds good. i mean i hope that she goes into this 'relationship' with a chill out approach cause i dont see reedus stopping any of that...specially the thing with the co star

  42. HAHAHA Reedus is shameless. After spending 5 days with DK on Paris last week he was in Georgia yesterday for a total of 24 hours. The only cast member that actually lives in Georgia is Melissa. Guess he didn't want to wait until filming started and guess he thought it was worth it to take a flight to spend only 24 hours there and I guess he doesn't care that people know now.

    I wouldn't like that if I was DK.

  43. Nicole4:04 AM

    @Molly Lol yep as we've been saying all along, Norman doesn't go out of his way for DK, yet he DOES for MMB! He flew to Ga just to see her even if it's only 24 hrs. It's obvious that DK is just FWB, if that much. He didn't see her the holidays so how important can she be to him. Not much, that's for damn sure. This only makes her look even more desperate & pathetic. Serves her right for cheating on JJ. He took the high road & never accused her of anything but everyone knows the truth. Only makes JJ look even better. DK & NR, not so much.

  44. Christina M.3:56 AM

    @Nicole Not only didn't he see DK for X-mas but he also didn't see her for New Years & his birthday (Jan 6) too! Looks like after Mexico she flew to NY to see if Norman would see her instead of LA to pick up her cat but he avoided her like the plague. He spent his birthday with his kid & old friends & she posted on her IG that she was out with friends. She flew to LA the next morning & when she gets back to NY, Norman leaves almost immediately to film his show RIDE. How is this even a relationship?? Obviously it's not. Even f*** buddies hook up while in the same city. Unless of course he ended it when Helena blocked her on IG. Looks like his ex is I approving of her even as just a f**** buddy! Lol

  45. Christina M.3:58 AM

    Meant to say "unapproving" ^^^^
