Friday, December 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 28, 2016

His wife had to wait patiently OUTSIDE their car, while this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee spent an hour applying makeup just perfectly for a quick photo op. The application of the makeup took twice as long as the appearance.

Eddie Redmayne


  1. Zilla11:29 AM

    What a prima Don.

  2. Tricia131:29 AM

    Maybe he's vain,or idiosyncratic (tad creepy at times)but as is I sat and watched The Danish Girl for the 3rd or so time recently I again marveled at his talent(which is apparently boundless). What a revelation of an actor.

  3. Tricia Nailed It1:36 AM

    I hope our favorite shut-in will let us know whether she "nailed it"

  4. austin1:46 AM

    @Tricia, excellent actor yes. I'd bet the farm the 'hour' it supposedly took him is quite an exaggeration however.

  5. Diva odour

  6. Tricia131:56 AM

    @austin-if I was a gamblin'gal I'd bet right there with ya:)

  7. texasrose2:12 AM

    I don't think he had to think too long before accepting The Danish Girl role.

  8. Sharper Teeth6:47 AM

    I don't blame him. I can't count how many times I've gotten into my car and thought "I should be doing my makeup/plucking my eyebrows in here!!!" The lighting in there is just right to see every unplucked eyebrow hair, or any mistake I've made putting on my makeup.

  9. he's a good actor, a little vain but a lot of bad actors r vain & w/ face fillers & uneducated & a creepy assholes in a real life...

  10. Laura Palmer10:06 AM

    he's gorgeous, delicious, and I've never even seen him in a movie. I just love his freckles his skin, his beautiful face and physique.

    he doesn't really need mascara, but ok

  11. It's possible he's super insecure and thinks he needs it :-/
