Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 18, 2016

This celebrity offspring/A- list mostly movie actress is dreading more of the same when it comes to her franchise. She says she doesn’t want to turn into Kristen Stewart and forever remembered for only one role.

Dakota Johnson


  1. Could she not have foreseen this? Youths today are stupid.

  2. June Gordon1:45 AM

    She needn't worry about being remembered for just one role.

    She won't be remembered for anything.

  3. GoTrollUrSelf1:47 AM

    Oh, god. She needs a personality before she gets considered for other roles. She's cold oatmeal in a sizzling fajita market.

  4. Hothotheat1:52 AM

    Known for only one role isn't how I think of Kristen Stewart. Homewrecking Soupuss is how I think of KStew.

  5. If she wasn't the most personalitiless actress currently on screen (other than K Stew), she wouldn't have to worry about it lol, but when you are as engaging on screen as a doorknob and only got rolls in the first place because of your mommy and daddie's fame, what do you expect? She should be thankful directors are even letting her ruin their movies in the first place.

  6. Guesser2:20 AM

    She should be grateful she is known at all, she should spend. All thatmoney on acting lessons instead of drugs, and do indie movies.

  7. Sharper Teeth2:30 AM

    But like, that role she doesn't want to get stuck with IS the non Mormon version of Kristen Stewart's Twilight role. A little forethought would've come in handy.

  8. AndrewBW2:35 AM

    @June https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oShTJ90fC34

  9. I thought she was the only thing that made that g*d awful movie remotely watchable.

  10. She should consider herself lucky to be remembered for anything. It will get her work far past her due date.

  11. Whatever4:05 AM

    I totally agree with everyone else. One of the most drab, dreary people to ever make it to this level in Hollywood. She has none of Griffiths' star quality, charm or poise, plus she's average looking at best. She won't be remembered.

  12. TiggyTea4:28 AM

    Personality of a wet mop

  13. +
    and that odd little smirk...

  14. Stacey7:31 AM

    She is too ugly to be remembered for anything. At least Stewart is pretty.

  15. texasrose7:32 AM

    Don't worry Dakota. No danger of you being Kristen Stewart. Only a fraction of her numbers will see your movie. Be happy you have a job. Probably not a ton of them in the future.

  16. Dumblesnore9:37 AM

    She is so damn plain. She should be grateful that nepotism got her a franchise to begin with.

  17. Zilla111:58 AM

    Boring, mediocre, one-note Jennifer Aniston apparently set, way back in the 90's, the brass standard for today's crop of "actresses."

  18. Be grateful you got an acting gig sweetie. If your parents werent famous you would be another waitress in L.A. waiting for her big break and hoping to at least score a toothpaste commercial.

  19. Penelope212:11 AM

    Dakota has been in a million things already, and for some reason I can't remember any. What role does she worry she'll be remembered for? (This sounds awful, but aside from the movie with Sean Penn, I can't remember anything she did)

    The ugly comments are ridiculous, Dakota is very beautiful.
