Friday, December 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 14, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actor is on vacation. He took an actor buddy and a woman whose only job is to be there in case the A+ lister needs to make it look like he has a girlfriend.

Leonardo DiCaprio/Lukas Haas


  1. MontanaMarriott12:20 AM

    Ain't that Leo's long suffering boo?

  2. Guesser12:29 AM

    Enty is on quite the outing kick lately.

  3. sandybrook12:44 AM

    Lukas would be hurt if he knew you just called him Leo's buddy Entern.

  4. Who did he out recently?

  5. longtimereader2:15 AM

    How long have they been together? C'mon it's true love! A sam for frodo.

  6. FairyDogMother5:17 AM

    Leo has his Oscar, wish he could see fit to just live his life "out" and proud instead of encouraging forever adolescence among other grown men his age with dad bods chasing only desperate models.

  7. For him and John Travolta- it is no news anymore. No one cares except when you look silly " over compensating " with the models or talk of a " model marriage". It is a different generation than Tom Selkeck, live your life, this would be a 48 hr story Move on be hapoy

  8. Dorothy8:49 AM

    Lucas Haas is gay??? I did not know that. I follow his "girlfriend", handbag designer, Nicki Erwin on IG. They look so happy though not many photos of them together so I guess that explains why...

  9. timbuktu1:52 PM

    Everyone thinks Kate & Leo should be together but I always thought Leo is like her gay BFF. There is absolutely nothing genuine about his "relationships" with the constant string of models with whom he has zero chemistry.

  10. Dicaprio is gay gay gay! Come on EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THIS LOL! Seriously, go to IMDB.COM look at Lucas Haas acting credits the ONLY acting roles he gets are in Leonardo films. It is suspicious I think I saw the photo of the woman in question as well. Lucas is ALWAYS be Leo side but why not come out. The guy is 42 years old got the Oscar why hide in the closet sad and pathetic I feel.. Leo is a disgrace to the gay male community.

  11. bubbles6:46 AM

    I doubt the gay male community looks to Leo to be a source of pride.
