Monday, December 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 29, 2016

Apparently someone forgot to bring some of the meds this permanent A list “singer” needs daily on her trip and she has been out of control. After a crazy 24 hours, they finally managed to get her meds but not before she trashed a hotel room.

Britney Spears


  1. sandybrook1:34 AM

    She looks pretty lucid and healthy to me.

  2. austin1:55 AM

    How does the same person who performs so well on stage become an uncontrollable room trasher without proper medication? That's a one on me, especially for a female.

  3. Petal1:55 AM

    I'm not sure I believe this. To just stop taking those kind of meds would seriously mess with someone and they wouldn't just go back to being okay the second they had their meds again. I also think (hope!) that they're taking better care of their cash cow than that; her meds is pretty a major thing to forget.

  4. austin1:57 AM

    That's a *new* one on me...

  5. Sunny11092:16 AM

    I had an exboyfriend that was on efexor. He let his prescription lapse once because he didn't have the money for the copay for a few days. He became a completely different person. Some of these psych drugs are scary and missing a dose can cause a severe withdrawal.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf2:29 AM

    I don't believe it at all. She's been in conservatorship for years, they have to have travel procedures in place. Also, her doctors could have called local doctors wherever she was to get her the necessary meds. This is crap.

  7. Bam Bam Funkhauser3:45 AM

    Oh, I can believe it. Sometimes they might trash a room WITH the medication. I speak from experience. Mental illness is a b****

  8. Her entire show is lip-synched, along with any guest appearances she makes elsewhere, like awards shows. It's not exactly performing well.

  9. I ate my own head6:43 AM

    Anti-depressants are a scam and totally dangerous.

  10. hunter8:28 AM

    I suspect Britney can trash a room through entirely normal behavior (for her) just by not putting anything away, spilling shit, dropping burgers on the carpet and more.

    Just a thought.

  11. Choochoomcgoo11:10 AM

    Leave Britney alone!

  12. Phyllis Whitweed11:53 AM

    We all know she has a mental illness. When you take certain meds, like Effexor for example, this can absolutely happen. It's called a rebound effect. Going more than 30 hrs from last dose can make a normal person feel the worst they've ever felt. This is a medical issue.

  13. same. i thought she was finally recovering

  14. lightgirl12:05 PM

