Thursday, December 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 24, 2016

It is amazing how quickly the illness of this foreign born model turned reality star went away when she was the one who would have to start paying for treatment. Suddenly, everything is great and illness free.

Yolanda Hadid


  1. sandybrook1:09 AM

    nobody should be surprised

  2. What a scam artist. Her whole shtick was totally unbelievable.

  3. Joel Theriot2:07 AM

    Her whole crew are a bunch of grifters.

  4. selenakyle2:47 AM

    And at first she seemed like the most-grounded cast member on RHOBH!

    Her first season I really thought she had it going on. But boy did that tank...

  5. Long Island Girl2:54 AM

    I'm convinced, Lisa Pillowlips Rinna is one of Enty's 'sources'.

  6. I think she knew he was cheating on her and it was an attempt to keep him home and about her....clearly didn't work..What was she the 4th or 5th wife??

  7. Shorny3:42 AM

    And the operative word is...munchausen...
    Either way, though if it's true or not, she wasnt happy in her marriage, her kids were on the verge of leaving home/overshadowing her, and it looked like she regretted being on RHOBH. I can't say that I would be in good health with all that mess.

  8. Love potion #94:21 AM

    She's attempting to emulate pmk and her paychecks..,,I mean kids, and so far it's working.

  9. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:31 AM

    What is BI worthy in the US, is something that happens everyday in Europe thanks to taxed-paid health services (obamacare on steroids). When ill people have to pay for their health care, they often get cured quicker than those guys Jesus met in the Bible (the leper, the blind,and others).

  10. Dookie6:30 AM

    Actually, the improvement from her health was the removal of her implants. I worked for a law firm that litigated the earliest cases against DOW and another implant manufacturer. All of our clients had the same illness and same symptoms as Yolanda until their silicone implants were removed. They suffered from ATypical Neurological Syndrome which causes lesions on the brain. The disease mimics and is almost identical to Multiple Sclerosis. It was the implants making her sick all along.

  11. Yeah, but she got the implants out early on...and there's no mileage in that, now is there?

  12. Guesser9:22 AM

    Remember, she needed a chronic illness to void terms of her prenup. So saying she had Lyme disease kept the money coming,even though she felt better after the implants were removed.

  13. I would say it was the implants but she still acted very sick awhile after she got them removed.

    I could see go with the theory that she knew david was cheating on her so she just decided to waste his money...who knows.

    I just remember Lisa Vanderpump at one point saying that Mohamed said Bella and Anwar didn't have lyme when Yolanda was saying they did...
