Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 30, 2016

If you are employed by or are a friend of this A+ list singer, you don’t talk about her in public without her permission. One person did, and didn’t say such nice things so now he won’t get any business from her and all of the referrals she sent his way will also be leaving. She is ruthless with barely anyone getting a second chance.

Taylor Swift


  1. GoTrollUrSelf1:01 AM

    And who's the shunned guy?

  2. She should just stick to cats

  3. I can't wait until Max Martin declines to work with her -- at the very least, he needs to jack up the prices astronomically for every song he does with her. Every one of her major hits was by him. All of them.

  4. Fluffy1:15 AM

    Good for her! I would too. You don't diss your feeder. Who is the guy though?? Might make more sense.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf1:17 AM

    She hasn't had a new "boyfriend" since Hiddleston, has she? That's a long time for her - and I haven't seen her "strutting her pins" in DM pics in a while, either. I wonder if she's having more secret surgeries or something.

  6. chopp1:18 AM

    I would do the same.

  7. Raine1:20 AM

    Hypocrite. She's launched a career off of publicly trashing people. She has no real friends anyway.

  8. AyyyPapi1:22 AM

    An ego and a thirst for fame that could rival Madonna's.

  9. Stephie1:26 AM

    Not to take up for Taylor but, in this case, I can't say I blame her. If I was giving someone business and referrals and they said bad things about me in public, I'm pretty sure I'd stop helping them too. That's why they say "don't bite the hand that feeds you".

  10. nonstopflight1:28 AM

    imagine if somebody outted her
    and with that, every gay boyfriend she used for song fodder
    it would be the best fireworks

  11. sandybrook1:39 AM

    It says "anything about her in public" and specifies this person wasn't nice. So eff her, people are gonna ask about her so she has to accept it, or else don't publicize your group of lesbians every chance you get.

  12. AMartel1:41 AM

    Some guy said something unkind about her in public and now she doesn't send him business? THAT'S the big scandal? That's the trigger for all these unkind comments?

  13. AMartel1:44 AM

    People claim to admire a strong, independent, successful woman and then one shows up and these same people trash her.

  14. Please stop. One can admire strong, independent, successful women and not care for that fake ass emotionally stunted lesbo that is Taylor Swift.

  15. My Pretty Pony2:04 AM

    Well, no one wants a disloyal friend or employee, do they?

  16. Good for her!!!!!!!!!! If I had a billion dollar empire based on me I would do the same! I dont like her music but I would be just as controlling . for women there seem sto be two ways: too bossy if are your own person or brain-dead like Britney never being in control of her life or billions.

  17. Megley2:22 AM

    And maybe that's why he did it---to get back at her.

  18. almost the same talent though

  19. lesbo as in a bad word or a negative characteristic...?

  20. maybe she has some tiny little bit of talent too that launched her career.

  21. longtimereader2:30 AM

    John newman, he bitched about tay's treatment of his pal calvin to a UK tabloid, called it 'brutal'. Just imagine the horror's he and hiddles had to endure, years of therapy awaits...

  22. Fluffy2:30 AM

    Oooh! The timing makes sense! Since you won't give a clue Enty on the guy leaking this. I'm guessing it's from Calvin Harris camp! Makes sense.The 'Bitter' man.Taylor released her tune via that Country band 'Better Man' which pushed his hit 'My Way' out of no.1 on the ITunes chart. Plus he de-twittered Zayn for making a record with her!! Of course, I could be wrong and it could be Kanye.... Dynamite!

  23. longtimereader2:33 AM

    Erm, she sold tens of millions before she even met him. She saved his career BTW and now appears to prefer work with the guy from Fun who dates lena.

  24. longtimereader2:34 AM

    Erm, her first record went platinumX via hit country songs and touring a lot. She got famous the old fashioned way.

  25. longtimereader2:39 AM

    'Bitter man' is actually about her ex- gf. But the idea the people think it's the d.j gives her more cover.

  26. Fluffy2:43 AM

    So you think Harris is gay too?? No. I don't believe EITHER is gay.

  27. HaveSeveralSeatsPlease2:49 AM

    Erm, and which paid troll of TayTay's would YOU be? Don't you have school today?

  28. No lesbo as in "I pretend to be straight and have fairy tale romances with guys to appease by 12 year old fans". Not cute for a woman headed to 30 years old.

  29. longtimereader2:57 AM

    Nope, an insecure man who spent fortunes on his appearance (see the before and after pics) who wanted fame and adulation in the US. It's a business deal. The others at least has a reason to hide.

  30. Fluffy3:02 AM

    Nice fantasy. No if it was a business deal, he wouldn't have been so BITTER! Seriously! OK, Tay might 'possibly' go both ways, but there is no denying they were a couple in love for a year.

  31. cebii3:07 AM

    She's kind of been outed - at least anyone who pays attention knows.

  32. GoTrollUrSelf5:01 AM

    If that was the Teardrops on my Guitar era, there's no accounting for taste.

  33. GoTrollUrSelf5:05 AM

    These TayTay acolytes/cat ladies have taught me to never revisit an item once I've commented.
    This shit is bananas.

  34. GoTrollUrSelf5:05 AM

    Maybe they're on holiday break and are done with their shopping.

  35. Oh boy. Calvin Harris should be embarrassed by what a squealing little girl he's been about her. Wouldn't he know he was a "beard" according to what the gossip says anyway. He acts like a classic person with NPD. Burn and squeal.

  36. Chelseabuns7:26 AM

    I can't wait till this betch's fanbase have grown up and moved on, she's slowly on the way down. This tired "they all done me wrong" act will get old quick then hopefully she'll fuck off and come out the closet.

  37. GoTrollUrSelf7:56 AM

    @Chelseabuns - I also think she's on the downside of her career. I'm betting she'll decide she's an actress any minute now.

  38. Dannette8:21 AM

    "She got famous the old fashioned way." That's right buddy, daddy bought it for her.

  39. Are you out of your mind? Do you even know who Max Martin is? Tay-Tay has nowhere near his ability to write a song.

  40. Patricia Richey who recorded out of the same Nashville studio was much nicer more beautful and more talented ...just less ruthless and thirsty as Taylor

  41. I cannot wait until this evil, calculating cunt finally falls from grace. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a suicide toll from her self-centered shenanigans.

    "Because she's a life ruiner. She ruins peoples' lives." - Janice Ian.

  42. weak unremarkable vocals, bad guitar/piano playing, horrible dancing, corny/primitive lyrics : A+star tay-tay ..

  43. Dumblesnore2:47 PM

    Her gf Karlie is loyal, and that's all that should matter. Keep on with that cheesy J Crew ad life tay-tay.

  44. Sandy, are you saying you would support someone who talked crap about you? I doubt it! I don't blame her. If people who work for me are dumb enough to talk about me you better believe I'd fire them. That's just common sense. I can't believe this is considered bad on her end. People who work at the pentagon can't give any opinions on the president on social media so if the president can fire someone for bad mouthing I could understand why the rest of the world would

  45. Lola and are the only logical ones here I guess. I would not forgive and give business to someone who bad mouths me. I think some of the people on this page committing are just out for a witch hunt. Like to hate on her no matter how silly they look. When most people if put in her place would do the same. Does anyone actually read it and put it in perspective before they comment? I'm actually dumbfounded why anyone would think she'd let someone bad mouth her and help them out????

  46. suspect10:58 AM

    That relationship was a huge photo op to cover up the fact she managed to out herself on camera. He gets songs and media (and US exposure) out of it, she gets to have a girlfriend without any more media speculation derailing her business.

    If they were a couple in love for year, why did he repeatedly get himself deliberately photographed outside brothels? Come on, really? Enty's already told us he was being hooked up with escorts to keep him quiet.

  47. Penelope26:47 AM

    This doesn't sound like a blind, it sounds like a kindness. If someone was talking **** about me behind my back, I wouldn't hire them for ANYTHING. I wouldn't refer them to anyone (why, so he can find out their secrets and talk crap about them too? Why would I do that to a friend), and she didn't out him or trash him, she just made the smart move to not hire him again. She was too kind.

  48. Exactly. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. I would do the same thing, as would most others.
