Sunday, December 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 9, 2016

This former A+ list mostly movie actor banished to the island of misfit actors thinks all has been forgiven. The thing is though, he is just as much of an a-hole as he was before. Maybe even worse. He is treating people like crap and gone back to his entitled being a jerk ways.

Mel Gibson


  1. Derek Harvey1:07 AM

    I'm surprised Trump has not endorsed him to be Vice-President...

  2. Terri1:18 AM

    Haha Derek!

  3. Zila14:28 AM

    Oh please, Gibson voted for neither candidate, he thought (rightfully) that they were both flaming pieces of sh!t,

  4. Troll Catcher4:31 AM

    Shut up, troll. You don't even live in the USA. I would not be so rude to comment on someone else's country's affairs.

  5. Derek Harvey4:38 AM

    Only a Trump supporter would make such a stupid,nonsensical statement.

  6. Maple Leaf5:56 AM

    It's because Canada's are too boring. Ha!

  7. zilla can't count on derrick for facts as we know , or couth as you pointed out on other blinds-just self obsession,self unawareness (bad combo) self hatred directed at others and in its totality-self destruction (which happens about twice a year.)
    you've been around so you are likely aware of it

  8. now you're insulting boring countries

  9. AppleTartin6:49 AM

    All Hollywood cares about, is getting awards and optics. Hacksaw Ridge got Golden Globe nomination and is a hit. If Woody Allen and Roman Polanski can go right on working as long as they get actors awards and nominations all is forgiven. Same thing for Mel you're always forgiven if you're successful.

  10. Tammy9:36 AM

    I love Trump and I'm not a republican just an American sick of professional politicians
    America first!

  11. Foreigners hate Trump because Trump believes in America while Obama was into one world nation
    Thank god for trump

  12. I ate my own head10:32 AM

    Somebody should have put lithium in his water years ago. Untreated manic depressives are totally insufferable.

  13. Krnrkkdm12:24 PM

    No trump is shit. Fuck that guys man.

  14. Yes, a citizen of any given nation should only be allowed to comment on that nation, because they are not a citizen of earth, just of that one piece of land. In fact, just allow yourself to become totally ignorant of anything that doesn't happen in your own backyard. That's the best way to gain a clear perspective on what's happening.

    Also, tell your detractor to "shut up."

    "Shut up" has been an articulate and well-researched rebuttal used by only the most accomplished bratty kids for ages now.

    As much as Derek annoys me, I find the Trumpeteers more insufferable.

  15. marlo6:10 PM

    Sam - foreigners 'hate' Trump?? All of Europe breathed a sigh of relief when he won!!

    Derek - you're tedious and repetitive and giving a hint of inbreeding. Get a life, you loser. Trump won, stop crying. And start practising 'President Trump', you useless nothing.

  16. marlo6:11 PM

    @Kramer - spot on.

  17. Marlo - As a European I'd like to clarify the statement that his election caused us a sigh of relief. No, incorrect. General consensus across Europe is "oh, shit..."

  18. Mied- you lie. like all inbred lefties.

    A very quick search on multiple internet news sites, shows the comment sections - those are real people endorsing Trump, not fake news, like you must be probably used to.

    Dailymail is the most read internet news site in all of Europe, gets hundreds of thousands of comments each day from all over the world, so anybody can check for themselves, and see you are lying.

    Oh and, BREXIT (yaaaay!!!), and the Italian referendum happened this year, by the same ppl who support Trump. So there you go inbred. Crawl back under your slimy communist lying rock, useful idiot.

  19. So, my aunty by marriage's nephew is one of the lead Aussie actors in Hacksaw Ridge. Not saying who. I'm so disgusted and ashamed by the last few months of family fawning over 'Our Mel.' Everyone thinks I'm a jerk for being appalled by anyone who works with him or thinks he deserves forgiveness or validation.

    It'll be a sticky issue around the Christmas table, to be sure.

  20. Abraxas2:09 AM

    Oh, these celebs are most definitely pizza partying Hillary supporters - so quit with the retarded Trump references.
