Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 5, 2016

This A- list singer/part-time actress is trying to get some PR for her new music and tour and is leaking that she is buying Sharon Tate memorabilia. Umm. She thinks it makes her sound edgy and cool.

Lady GaGa


  1. sandybrook1:14 AM

    do the little monsters even know who Sharon Tate is?

  2. She needs to stop dragging out Tony Curtis' corpse for publicity....!

  3. She needs to stop dragging out Tony Bennett's' corpse for publicity....!

  4. Joel Theriot2:00 AM

    She needs to stop with the drugs and the alcohol.

  5. Another idiot who thinks she's hot shit. I think the world is "over" Gaga and her shenanigans.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf5:42 AM

    Predates the Gagster, too. I can't imagine there's a lot of Sharon Tate memorabilia unless Polanski's having a garage sale.

  7. I ate my own head6:42 AM

    She has talent, why cheapen herself with stupid antics?

  8. melissa6:46 AM

    Honestly, I think she is one of the fakest, lamest people to ever show face in the music industry.
    Everything she does is premeditated to get attention.
    It's all such bullshit and her music is total crap.
    Sad thing is, the chick can sing but to actually sing like a normal talented human being would simply not garner the same attention acting like a mentally unstable, spoiled teenager does.
    This chick is over, I have no idea how she has extended her fame this far.

  9. Hot Cola6:46 AM

    The drug haze delirium is a killer...

  10. Phyllis Whitweed7:34 AM

    The truth is most artists just aren't prolific. For most who experience moments of genius, they are limited.
