Thursday, December 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2 -Mr. X

December 14, 2016

What foreign born outrageous conservative pundit is being offered some big bucks to be on the upcoming season of Celebrity Big Brother? If the price is right, my source told me, he’d do it in a heartbeat.



  1. I've learned through my 60 years of life that sometimes people say and do things just to attract attention to themselves.
    i think Milo is on one of those tracks.
    Hey, Trump said some pretty derogatory things to convince the stupid (I mean: Non-college Educated White) people to vote for him.
    So, it works!

  2. sandybrook12:50 AM

    I wonder how many people would agree to go into the house with Milo if they think he's a racist\anti-gay POS?

  3. longtimereader2:20 AM

    Hillary lost because dems didn't like her and didn't vote for her. She lost the obama voters.

  4. BlanketStatementsFTL2:48 AM

    I guess that would include the people who voted for Obama last time who voted for Trump this time? They suddenly became uneducated? Or are you simply calling more than 60 million Americans "uneducated"?

    My, what an uneducated statement to make!

  5. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:28 AM

    December 23, 2016 at 8:50 am
    I wonder how many people would agree to go into the house with Milo if they think he’s a racist\anti-gay POS?

    And although he is a proud kike/ 2nd f-word, many americans would believe it because they have the only brain needed to be a liberal, but not enough to think by themselves.

  6. Shut Up!5:12 AM

    He only goes by Milo. He's like Cher or Madonna now?

  7. Dannette6:55 AM

    I never understood how anyone could look down their nose at an uneducated electrician who can wire anything up. Or an uneducated master carpenter who makes art with his hands. Oh well, keep it up, Educated People, you must know what you're talking about ..

  8. Cherry7:23 AM

    You do know that Hillary got almost 3 million more votes than Trump, right?

  9. Instructor10:15 AM

    You do know that doesn't matter, right? Where did all you people miss out on the Electoral College in your middle school Social Studies classes? You do know we're a representative republic and not a democracy, right?

  10. Instructor10:23 AM

    Anyone can sell real estate, but not everyone has the eptitude or aptitude to be a craftsman or tradesman. I have two degrees from a top ten US university and am partnered with one of those so-called uneducated white people. He is extremely well-read and well-traveled, has served in the military and makes a very, very good living as a master carpenter. He has a waiting list of projects for clients. We both voted Trump. Therefore, Mr. CRE, your opinion has been debunked and there are many more like us. Too bad you cannot see the forest for the trees.

  11. Cherry10:38 AM

    Yes, well aware of the Electoral College. Interesting that four years ago Trump was against it. But now, he's all for it. Trump does not have a mandate from the people. More people voted against him than for him.

  12. No, it was the Bitter Bernie people who lost the election to the ick thing who appeals to morons.
    Milo is so offensive, he could not possibly get tv time.

  13. Sorry to learn that you are a moron.

  14. That was for Instructor. The "reply" doesn't always take.

  15. S.D.AUNTIE1:50 PM

    Milo reminds me of Chester the Molester. The unhappy queen who hates everyone and wants to surround himself with the Elite. His 15 minutes are almost up and Its not his politics that offend me,.it his racist trolling kind of like how illiterate, unfunny Kermie tries to be. Maybe kermie and Milo should date, now that would be a good reality show. Train wreck anyone?

  16. Actually he's still not a huge fan of the Electoral College -- despite it winning him the election -- but he definitely appreciates its importance to our republic. And to those who keep harping on the "she won more votes", please note that the state of California alone is what gave Hillary the popular vote margin -- and we all know there is zero voter fraud in CA, right.? I mean the governor now wants to give EVERYONE a drivers license AND voters ID regardless of who they are or how they got to the state. I guess we should just blow up any pretense of being a country, right?

    As a reminder to those who don't understand the Electoral College, it was primarily put into place in order to keep this country the UNITED States of America. Long before CA was even a state, our forefathers saw a need to give every state a say in the rule of this country. Otherwise the large populated states like New York and CA would be deciding every single election. As it is, candidates need to compete in all 50 states.

  17. Debbie4:07 PM

    Instructor, you do know that SHOULD matter, right? Basic democratic principles and all that?

    As a non-American, I'm amazed at how you guys can defend your system as the 'greatest democracy on earth' when you ignore the most fundamental of democratic principles like everyone's vote being equal and the winner being the person who got the most votes. We brought in 'one vote, one value' ages ago ie everyone's vote should be equal, whatever state they're in and whether they're in the city or country.

  18. marlo5:37 PM

    David - meanwhile Hillary couldn't even mobilise her army of ghetto gang members, who sign their names with an 'X' and who have 10 children, by 10 equally returded baby mamas, by the time they're 20.
    Yeah, she had the 'educated' vote LMAO!!

    Keep crying snowflake, it's brilliant.

  19. Chandelierxo9:58 PM

    @marlo What an ignorant, racist statement.

  20. Nevada1:20 PM

    Wow. You have a very ugly soul. I feel sorry for those in your orbit of hatred.

  21. marlo5:41 PM


    If only I was as tolerant as BLM , hey ? LOL

    Merry Christmas, libtards.

  22. Ellie8:56 PM

    Right, Hillary lost because no one voted for her. Only 2.9 million more people than Trump.
