Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 23, 2016

This B list mostly television actress on a hit cable show now has much higher name recognition than she probably thought she would get. Apparently she doesn’t want to endanger her new status and paid her ex $50K to stay quiet about dates and timelines. Her friends are all selling some very damaging information about her to tabloids.

Meghan Markle


  1. What are these damaging items that they've been selling? I haven't seen anything (although I haven't been following it that closely either) other than some of her family members complaining that she doesn't spend enough of her money on them. They seem like grody trailer-trash types.

  2. She could deny a lot of it as hearsay.
    But, the boyfriend's info may include pictures that would be harder for her to deny.

    So, it's her turn to be 'Cinderella' with a 'Prince Charming' courting her.

    Good for her. I don't think this romance will last that long...if the Queen has a say.

  3. Guesser12:45 AM

    @s, she's not even that rich, I did notice in her Wikipedia and press release she makes herself sound important.

  4. I can't believe I'm saying this but I kinda feel bad for Prince Harry. I think he's getting played.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf12:54 AM

    Me too - and the poor bastard detoured to Canada the other day to spend the night with her when he was supposed to go directly to London from the Caribbean.

  6. sandybrook12:55 AM

    The only damaging thing I can guess is she got divorced because she cheated on hubby?

  7. AndrewBW1:01 AM

    Her "friends".

  8. I think she's pregnant -seems like too much fuss around her for them to be just dating

  9. TiggyTea2:52 AM

    Am concerned for Harry as well. Am hopeful Queen Liz steps in to stop things. I've read that there is considerable "overlap" from when Meghan's 2 year relationship ended (with celebrity Toronto chef Cory Vitiello) and things with Harry started. Heard that Harry and Meg have been together for more like 1 year. So Meg cheating on top of everything else in her past (divorce, Catholic, American, actress) isn't desirable. I smell an opportunist.

  10. No doubt she has been trying to get pregnant since the first night. This gold digging trash is as smug as they come. It would all make sense if she is.

  11. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:26 AM

    I love this site commenters' sexism in this issue.
    Most of the time many of them are liberals and almost "feminazi/femicommunist" but in this issue, poor Harry, he has been doing hookers all of his previous life, going to strippers, being pictured naked, and all of that stuff, but it is this broad who is making him go wild.

  12. Take it easy Meghan.

  13. texasrose7:35 AM

    Harry needs a better picker.

  14. Stacey7:43 AM

    How can Harry not realize he is getting played? Does he really think she didn't out them to the press?

  15. Hortensia9:14 AM

    So much bashing of Ms. Markle! So far, there's been NO damaging news/facts published anywhere.

  16. Dumblesnore9:41 AM

    I feel sorry for her. All this bashing over a ginge who will likely not age as well as her.

  17. Zilla112:12 PM

    Why feel sorry for her? She'll just barnacle herself onto the next wealthy guy.

  18. i hope she's pregnant too

  19. We know. It means a pay raise for you by your boss Meghan.
