Saturday, December 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 15, 2016

According to this B+ list mostly movie actress, her soon to be ex husband who is an A lister tries to have phone sex with her and also wants to have sex with her. Because she keeps tuning him down, he refuses to do what he previously agreed to do.

Amber Heard/Johnny Depp


  1. longtimereader12:37 AM

    Remember when jonny was cool?

  2. Apparently, Johnny wants to keep the relationship going.
    Must have been very good sex for him.

  3. What are you doing for christmas guys

  4. FairyDogMother1:12 AM

    OMG just looking at him, sometimes I think she earned every penny. It's disrespectful to be so unwashed and stained and expect someone to want to get nekkie with you. It's like he's trying to be gross.

  5. S.D.AUNTIE1:24 AM

    So true!!! @FGM

  6. Think people. Why would he want to have sex with someone that he changed the tat that was about her from slim to scum? He's withholding money because she gave hints he abused her. As if Johnny is desperate.

  7. Hortensia2:58 AM

    So that's the story she's spinning, eh Matey? Not buying it one iota.

  8. I don't believe he wants anything to do with her

  9. According to ... by now people who still have working brain know that Amber lives in her own reality - false accusations, breaching the conditions of their settlement, many lies about everything etc. but media still support her. And according to her last court document he doesn't want to meet with her to discuss some sharing of their property issue.

  10. You clearly haven't seen his last photos.

  11. Amber must be really desperate to sell some items to blind gossip site.

  12. Guest24:09 AM

    You're right AB. Amber is nuts and wants to get Johnny's attention. I think he's the one who need to get protection from her. If this were true she would have recorded it and sold it to the highest bidder.

  13. That you, Johnny?

  14. Dannette6:52 AM

    I don't believe it either. She is defending a $10M lawsuit from London Fields producers and needs money. He ain't no saint but she is a grifter with non-acting talent running out of time.

  15. James6:53 AM

    Johnny became too much of a drinker, smoker, druggie for Vanessa, and now he has for Amber. He needs to stick with his Tiajauna prostitutes.

  16. Hothotheat9:20 AM

    ^This. Grifter is the perfect description of her.

  17. marlo7:54 PM

    I don't believe this at all. I'm sure he's glad to be rid of her.
    Besides, I don't believe anything coming out of her camp.

  18. Chandelierxo7:47 AM

    I don't believe one word that bitch says.

  19. So you are telling me that a man who turned a tattoo of an ex into reading ''scum'' still wants her for sex?Sounds like one of Amber's lies.

  20. Amber Heard is NOT B+ or even B list is Enty serious. Come on man, Amber Heard is C list for sure most people have NEVER heard about her LOL! Heard only reached the mainstream due to getting with Johnny Depp. She is not even a good actress to be honest almost ALL of her movies have bombed and that is the truth.
