Thursday, December 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 10, 2016

This permanent A list singer has made a lot of industry people and fans mad at her in the past week for saying she is better than every other performer in recent times simply because she lived longer.



  1. David Brown12:34 AM

    The good news is that she lived longer. The bad news is that she was predeceased by her relevance.

  2. Actually the older she gets, the worse she gets.
    Absolutely pathetic, undignified and, I never thought I'd say this, but a total liberal cliche', with her promises of blow jobs, which nobody took her up on. She should just go away.

  3. So, I must be better than Madonna since i've lived longer than her already!


  4. I'm w/ you. I miss the old Madonna. I liked her when she was sexy, smart and sassy. Now she's just .... sad.

    I'm disappointed. For some reason, I thought out of all the entertainers, I always believed Madonna, Bowie and Prince would all age gracefully. Prince and Bowie have passed on, leaving a huge void in the creative music world that new artists just can't seem to fill.

    I wish Madonna would grow old gracefully and allow herself to be the icon the world needs right now instead of this whiny desperate attempt at superficial social media fame.

  5. lol. nice! +1

  6. And-so-on..1:09 AM

    Me first, center of attention and perfect in every way, has not progressed to well remembered days filled loads of fun and happy memories with lifelong friends..

  7. I watched "Truth or Dare" yesterday. Not a huge pop fan but I get why she was so big. She seemed very inspiring and the show had to be life changing to attend at the time. As has already been stated, the Madonna back then would probably die of embarrasment at current Madonna.

  8. melissa2:01 AM

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
    Dead on.

  9. longtimereader2:11 AM

    Yup, late 80's-early 90's her peak. Like a prayer was a great record.

  10. The start of her career is my favorite. It all went downhill when she married Guy moved to London and became friends with Gwyneth.

  11. Alistdiva4:08 AM

    @glue I don't think narcissist like Madonna can do anything gracefully!
