Saturday, December 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 30, 2016

This B+ list mostly television actress got two of her co-stars to join her in a demand for a raise for their pay cable show. Instead of a raise, the show got canceled. It was on the fence of getting renewed and the actress pushed it over the edge for everyone else, cast and crew.

Lizzy Caplan/Caitlin FitzGerald and Michael Sheen/"Masters of Sex"


  1. Way to go, Erika!

    Never watch the show because the theme seemed too idiotic.

    Oh, well. Next victim!

  2. June Gordon2:08 AM

    The show had run its course long ago.

    It was so Hollywood to cast two good looking people as the gargoyles Masters and Johnson.

    Michael Sheen . . . how do I say this nicely? . . . certainly grew into his part.

  3. S.D.AUNTIE2:21 AM

    Haha June. I remember both Masters and Johnson on Merv Griffin. Masters was easy on the eyes but Dr Johnson was not.

  4. June Gordon3:35 AM

    Here they are:

  5. meshel4:44 AM

    this reminds me currently of whats going on with emmy rossum and shameless, the whole breaking the parity precedent thing.

  6. sandybrook6:54 AM

    This show really blew after the first season.

  7. texasrose7:04 AM

    Here is what I posted on original blind. I still stand by it.

    Despite how blind is written it is probably a lot more complex than portrayed. So leads should take less $$ than they feel they deserve for the benefit of everyone else? Studios/producers lie all the time about profitability of shows so maybe they didn’t know this was the breaking point. Producers may have cancelled show anyway even without the raise requests. As in most ventures the people can only look out for themselves. Sometimes it blows up and sometimes it doesn’t. Cast and crew will most likely land another show but at end of the day not her responsibility- it’s the business they are in.

  8. Clue Yourself In9:49 AM

    "The theme seemed too idiotic"..really?

    No more idiotic than criticizing a show for having an idiotic theme, not knowing it was based on and followed the lives and careers of two real world, major historical figures. FFS, buy a clue.

    Lizzte Kaplan always got on my nerves on thst show, which was, aside from het, excellent.

  9. Megley1:54 AM

    And no more idiotic than posting a comment that is difficult to decipher because you can't spell.

  10. Clue Yourself In11:26 AM

    It's only difficult to decipher if you have difficulty with reading comprehension, dear. What I wrote is crystal clear to those with functioning intellects.

    Typing on a phone occasionally results in misspellings. There is a large difference between a typo on a small keypad and not being able to spell. Please feel free to spellcheck this one too, ok? I know you will.

    Lizzie Caplan. Whew! Now you can sleep at night.
