Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Blind Item #9

If this foreign born A list celebrity couple want their son to never be the same, they will agree to him being signed by this manager. It would be the worst decision ever.


  1. Derek Harvey2:47 AM

    Cruz Beckam and Biebers manager, Scooter Braun

  2. Hothotheat2:47 AM

    Beckhams, Cowell.

  3. sandybrook2:47 AM

    The Beckhams\ the 11 yr old\Simon Cowell

  4. Derek Harvey2:47 AM

    Can Brand Beckham create the new Bieber? Victoria and David's youngest son Cruz signs with Justin's manager, aged just ELEVEN, as he launches pop career

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  5. Hothotheat2:47 AM

    I like Derek's answer better.

  6. Sunspirit2:48 AM

    Cruz Beckham signs with Scooter Braun thanks to Brand Beckham

  7. Squeege2:51 AM

    that beckham brat

  8. Shorny2:52 AM

    Sounds like the makings of a Black Mirror episode, celeb parents branding their kids.

  9. Squeege2:53 AM

    no one else's comments were visible when i posted that.why is this website so mangled these days?

  10. Derek Hothothot one and the same2:55 AM

    Of course you do, Derek.

  11. RenShaw3:07 AM

    I agree with those that guessed the Beckham kid. Who needs the talent. You have robotics and voice modulators so you just need the image and pedigree to extract money from silly teens. These people have one hell of a racket going.

  12. GoTrollUrSelf3:55 AM

    Why must they push these kids into celeb hell? Don't they have enough money and fame of their own? Jesus, stop it.

  13. This. ^^

  14. Bmoviegirl4:12 AM

    If you think the boys have it bad...Just wait until their little girl is old enough to sing or model. Victoria will have her out there as soon as she can. Worst stage parent ever

  15. GoTrollUrSelf4:42 AM

    She's so creepily desperate.

  16. Derek (AKA BUSTA )5:23 AM

    Hey, it's No One Ewe No

  17. AyyyPapi5:26 AM

    I'd imagine this is more Victoria's doing than David's. He's spoken before about trying to keep the eldest Beckham kid grounded (seems to have failed lately considering he's releasing a Kim K styled selfie book lol).

    A fake marriage, pushing a fake image and the non-existent talent of their kids. It's the Willow & Jaden Smith mess all over again.

  18. I ate my own head7:26 AM

    Another Corey Feldman on the way....

  19. Hot Cola10:52 AM

    You mean sell their son to the devil...

  20. eternalwisdom11:31 AM

    Why is the Beckhams' marriage fake?
    Tho they've become too caught up in all the Hollywood delusion and the fashion industry, they're a pretty grounded couple compared to many others.
    David's never forgotten that he's a lad from Leytonstone with a classic British working class background, Victoria's parents had a business but were and are also very down to earth. It's the Brit, self-made factor.
    Justin Beiber comes from a very different background of unstable families without much money. If you think David Beckham alone would ever tolerate Cruz or other sons being exposed to the creepy/dark side of the system, then you've got him wrong. Victoria won't do that either.
    Now with Brooklyn on the other hand hanging out with Rocco Ritchie - yes, that's a different matter. Anything influenced by Rocco's rather disturbed mother Madonna who epitomises a living warning of the toxic path to success by nasty compromise and delusions of godliness, is a real problem.
    And as for Brooklyn fooling around with young but older than him actresses from Hollywood - I'm glad the Beckhams can afford the best vd doctors for him.

  21. Sheepie2:46 PM

    I wish they'd keep their son away from pedophiles. Seriously, just let him finish school. He wont thank them for the abuse coming his way.

  22. longtimereader2:21 AM

    Nope, fuller the guy behind the spice girls and brand beckham.

  23. LiveYourLife6:07 AM

    Just going to venture a totally different guess, since there was a small report on their son signing with Scooter Braun. Tommy Lee (born in Greece)/Pam Anderson (born in Canada) and their son, Dylan Jagger Lee.
