Monday, December 05, 2016

Blind Item #9

Award season is 50/50 for this host/producer/mogul and whether he needs a beard. Usually he confines himself to the summer. This year though he had a special favor so, in return, she gets to be his "girlfriend" through award season and all the after parties. After their last run together, she had a massive boost in her income.


  1. sandybrook2:47 AM

    Seacrest/Nina Agdal

  2. Tricia133:07 AM

    Seacrest/Adriana Lima

  3. SarahS3:13 AM

    Yep. Hence the bike ride

  4. GoTrollUrSelf3:24 AM

    Seacrest/Shayna Taylor
    Went to a wedding in Bora Bora, now seen around.

  5. Bumpy3:54 AM

    Seacrest: insert name of any model yearning for money and career advancement.

  6. Terri1:12 AM

    You know what I don't get ? Why is Hollywood even doing this beard baloney anymore? Aren't we changing as a society? We say we have to stop bullying the LGBTQ community because being gay is fine and yet we have celebrities pretending to be someone they are not.
    My daughter was infatuated with 1D. I explained that a couple of them were gay. She was so confused and asked me why they pretended to like girls. And then she asked me if it was wrong for them to like boys. I had to explain yeah it's fine for them to like boys. Sorry to ramble. Not trying to rip on 1D either because Harry is the man especially when he told his fans not to go to Seaworld.
    I want it to be OK for girls to date girls and boys to date boys and the world will not stop turning on its axis if Ryan Seacrest stops bearding.
