Monday, December 19, 2016

Blind Item #9

Umm, this is just getting weird. This former Disney actress who loves a good bikini in front of some paps is at it again. Three consecutive "relationships" for publicity, all with guys who prefer guys, but choose not to come out of the closet. Since she always has a pap with her or a phone call away, the guy get publicity and she keeps thing fresh by dating a new guy every few months. Of course, the tabloids dutifully report it like it is all real.


  1. Tricia132:46 AM

    Bella Thorne/Charlie Puth

  2. sandybrook2:56 AM

    + a lot--but she has already come out as bi, so it's no biggie, unless she's out as bi to cover for her not liking guys at all.

  3. mochi3:03 AM

    straight from The Taylor Swift School of Bearding

  4. GoTrollUrSelf3:16 AM

    Even the DM said "That was quick". (Bella Thorne)

  5. Bella Thorn is showing a lot of under boob today. (I forget where.)
    But the photos do look staged.
    Prancing on a beach throwing her arms up ion the air with boobs almost falling out from under the short shirt.

  6. The question should be who are her 3 boifriends.

  7. SHEEPskin4:44 AM

    enty is refering to greg sulkin, tyler posey, and her new guy charlie puth

  8. Hot Cola5:36 AM

    Excuse me, what function do tabloids perform in our life any longer? Besides being an extention of yhe PR machine?

  9. son of enty6:14 AM

    I don't buy Posey as gay...I feel like he was more about damage control for her brand- quickly cover up the news of her sexuality/girlfriend with her suddenly dating a semi-relevant actor that her fan base knows. Puth and Sulkin are definitely gay, though.

  10. I ate my own head6:40 AM

    She's a dyke.

  11. Her behavior signals a very emotionally unhealthy woman right up with Emily Ratowski

  12. RenShaw10:53 AM

    She's sexually fluid herself so I don't see her caring about putting up a front. What is annoying is that she has zero talent and no future in HW. Who the hell gets a job walking the beach in PVC boots. Why doesn't she and Emily do some Broadway and learn how to do read a freaking script, get a minor role or something for a year or two then try HW again. Other than that, they should just do porn already. It's acting, isn't it.

  13. Dizzy2:45 PM

    I dont really buy the dyke thing. Bella clearly likes the attention from guys. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt about being Bi but these days its pretty much popular to be FLUID and most girls identify as Bi. Especially straight HS girls who know its a turn on for 90% of guys.
    Bella seems to be a social climber. Her BF's have all been in the industry and calculated to excite her tween fans.
    Unfortunately she does come off a bit masculine. Not only the husky deep timbred voice but the Lumpy way she walks. While its clear she takes her acting seriously, unfortunately she seems to be playing the same character in every film.
    Yeah, Bella is young and hot and we all know it.
    She has the advantage over Emily R by not have leveraged the goods early on for a quick boost to relevance, which is why Emily R is likely to be the Yasmin Bleeth of her generation.

  14. longtimereader2:26 AM

    Exactly, notice sophie turner following it to the letter. Why? because it works...

  15. w/ u 100%...
