Thursday, December 08, 2016

Blind Item #8

In what should have been a fun event yesterday for this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee turned into her leaving early. Apparently there were a lot of cold shoulders and even some quiet hisses and boos directed her way for what she has said the past few months.


  1. Sunspirit12:46 AM

    Reese Witherspoon

  2. Jennifer Hudson?

  3. Dtown301:03 AM

    Susan Sarandon

  4. loveless1:04 AM

    Susan Sarandon?

  5. sandybrook1:06 AM

    Emma Stone at Ryan Gosling's walk of fame thingy

  6. Dtown301:10 AM

    Event... EBay Giving Charity shop?

  7. LiveYourLife1:12 AM

    Emma Stone is not an Academy Award winner yet, though.

  8. Sadie1:20 AM


  9. Stephie1:22 AM

    Good guess.

  10. sandybrook1:25 AM

    @live she was nominated for Birdman, so I guess she counts. (I always get corrected here for that )

  11. Sarandon for her anti Hillary comments is a good guess. Stone hasn't said anything controversial and much of Hollywood has thrown support for her Oscar run.

  12. sandybrook1:35 AM

    if it's Sarandon it's the Thelma and Louise reunion yesterday morning, but no mention in the DM that she was booed or left.

  13. LiveYourLife1:53 AM

    Seems like Enty usually doesn't say 'winner/nominee' unless they have won once and been nominated multiple times. He says 'nominee' at times, too, to distinguish from 'winner/nominee.'

  14. RandomGuy2:24 AM


    I don't think Enty would call Sarandon B+. He'd probably label her a solid A

  15. longtimereader2:26 AM

    Good for susan, she was right. Biden, Jerry brown, michelle O, Warren or sanders would have crushed the election. Corrupt DNC and the clinton's gave us trump. Next time, don't pick a candidate with sky high negative ratings who understands how the electoral college works, 2m+ extra voters in cali don't mean s***.

  16. RenShaw3:01 AM

    +1 On the Sarandon guess. She was very anti-Hillary and pro Bernie and she was right. Hills felt robbed 8 years ago when Obama was green-lighted and entitled this time come hell or high water but mostly, cheated to block other party candidates.

  17. mariaj3:40 AM

    If this is about Sarandon, thrue, she was right...she didn't feel like to vote for Hillary, she had the right to vote as she wanted.

    But maybe the blind is not about her

  18. texasrose4:21 AM

    What has Stone been saying that last few months that has pissed people off?

  19. texasrose4:23 AM

    Sure sounds like Sarandon given her anti-hillary rants. That shit won't fly in hollywood.

  20. You are batshit crazy if you honestly think Sanders or Jerry Brown would've won over middle and rural America. Bat.Shit.Crazy.

  21. Iowa Rex11:27 AM

    She had the right to vote as she wanted but she also had a moral obligation to stop Trump. And that meant voting for his opponent, however distasteful she may have found this proposition. When the dark days come---and they will---she will regret not voting for Hillary.

  22. Shiba3:23 PM

    Michelle O is not a politician, Biden, Warren, Brown didn't run.
    Americans only vote when they're "energized" about a candidate...that's how you elect Prom King, not The President of the United States.

    Apathy gave us Trump.

  23. Shortie4:16 PM

    I agree that Bernie Danders would have had a better chance to win over Hillary. The DNC ran the wrong candidate and now look what we have to deal with.
    If Susan Sarandon she is right. Too late now.

  24. Shortie4:17 PM

    Bernie Sanders, sorry.

  25. maria7:30 PM

    See...over here in Italy we have had Berlusconi, sometime i have voted reclutantly for people i didn't like, just to stop him. THen, the very same people i had voted for disappointed me VERY much, and i has voted for them, i even spend time and energy on them to get voted. But there i was, regretting to have voted for them. I might not agree with her, but i don't blame her for choosing not to fell bad about voting in a way she didn't like.

    Not to count...if people choose Trump, ( like here they choose Berlusconi) perhaps is cause some things have to follow their course, people have to grow, even with missteps.

  26. Camal1910:46 PM

    Politics has become so dirty and ugly. I think the people have become even worse than the politicians. Instead of freedom of speech and being allowed to have an're bullied by the masses if you disagree. That's what makes this country great. You can express how you feel. Not anymore. You can express how you long as you agree with everyone else.

  27. Bonnie12:51 AM

    Sanders didn't have a hope. He would have been hammered over his socialism - he was given a free pass on that in the primaries, but you think the Republicans would have let him get away with it? A 20 year old who wasn't taught much history in school could be excused for embracing that word, but a 75 year old who lived through 20th century history should know better.

    Biden would have been nice though. And O'Malley should have been given proper consideration too, given the other two choices on offer.

  28. longtimereader2:46 AM

    Would that be the sanders from a rural, largely white state? Or the jerry in charge of cali's resurgence?

  29. longtimereader2:50 AM

    Thanks for proving my point. By 'anointing' clinton, the DNC prevent a creditable candidate from running/winning.

  30. Quiet Observer6:49 AM

    And alas, she won't regret it as much of those she's thrown under the bus. It's moral abstraction to some, to her; it's a present and growing personal danger to others.

  31. Jess Sayin'3:41 PM

    "A moral obligation to stop Trump"?

    a) Nonsense. HRC is arguably as bad, anyhow. (She's the one who wants war with Russia, remember.)

    b) Sarandon's one vote isn't going to matter, anyhow. NOBODY's single vote matters; all you're doing by voting is expressing your conscience. Good on Sarandon for sticking to her principles.

    c) Sarandon lives in California, which Clinton won by 4,000,000 votes without Susan pitching in. (Or me, for that matter.) So the moot point is even more moot.
