Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Blind Item #8

This foreign born former A list "singer" from a group is still A list. She has been getting procedures done to her face to try and make her look younger but they just are making her look abnormal. She is always scared her A+ list husband is going to leave her.


  1. Tricia1312:45 AM

    Victoria/David Beckham

  2. GoTrollUrSelf12:58 AM

    Maybe Posh should have another baby. She always looked a bit elfin. I couldn't think of a reason for him to marry her originally, except that he must be really stupid. Now he acts like the unworthy bad little boy because he screws around all the time and grovels at the Madonna's feet. Eww.
    It's a weird, symbiotic relationship and she married way way up, looks-wise. The kids are average but they keep trying to foist them off on the public as talented and/or attractive and/or interesting.

  3. longtimereader2:03 AM

    David might not be the sharpest kinife in the drawer but he understands how their brand makes them $$$'s. Maybe when harper grows up?

  4. Lol, he must be really stupid.

  5. Tricia132:59 AM

    He does seem a bit -underserved in the wits department

  6. Hot Cola11:12 AM

    That's a terrible way of life: to live in fear. Never mind what that fear may be.
    Battling now one of my biggest fears.
