Monday, December 19, 2016

Blind Item #7

This B+ list reality star/celebrity who has been in the reality life with a bazillion other siblings says gay people are not normal and should be medically treated.


  1. MontanaMarriott12:30 AM

    The Duggar troll

  2. GoTrollUrSelf12:50 AM

    Hahahahaha! I don't even have an analogy for how bizarre it is for Porn/Sex Addict Duggar to say shit about anyone else on the planet. The delusion of relevance is strong in this one.

  3. Which Duggar troll?

  4. austin12:55 AM

    Medically treated how? lol. If this is one of the Duggars, he/she has a lot of nerve commenting about anyone's sexuality with a brother like never ending sex scandals perpetrator Josh.

  5. I don't understand how anti-gay people don't understand that being gay is NOT cure-able.
    People are either born gay or born heterosexual.
    It's not a disease; or a birth defect. It is what it is.

    Oh, how about: God made them that way!

    Then, again, maybe I should start praying, so I can pray their stupidity away. Do you think that will work?
    Oh, that's right: They were born stupid.

  6. nancer2:50 AM

    who cares WHICH duggar it is? i wonder how many duggars are closet cases whose lives will be a total lie. you know in a family that big, someone is.

  7. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:04 AM

    December 19, 2016 at 9:37 am
    I don’t understand how anti-gay people don’t understand that being gay is NOT cure-able.
    People are either born gay or born heterosexual." How I became gay (and learned to enjoy it) The day i became gay. How I Became Gay

    And I stop here, not even in the second page of google "became gay".

  8. Uninformed hateful person. What are they so afraid of?

  9. Zilla15:45 AM

    Or one of Kate and Jon's older kids. Prolly a Duggar tho.

  10. Hot Cola6:21 AM

    Well she's in for a rude awakening, is she ever leaves small-backwoods-vile

  11. Hot Cola6:22 AM

    Do you think the Digger's could be medically treated out of their delusional beliefs?

  12. & strange daughters/father connections...
