Sunday, December 18, 2016

Blind Item #4

By my count, this reality family has shown off 14 new animals they have acquired over the years. Once the initial luster fades and enough photos have been taken, they tell an employee to find a new owner. They then put the animal out of their mind and move on to the next photo op.


  1. Tricia1311:31 PM


  2. Tricia1311:32 PM

    Even one more reprehensible character(or lack of)traits they have!

  3. HaveSeveralSeatsPlease11:42 PM

    Kartrashians. These trash bags are never home, always overseas or hawking their latest K trash products. They could never properly care for an animal. Hopefully they're finding good furever homes for these babies.

  4. I've seen this blind here many times before, if your gonna constantly write about them, please write new shit to tell!...damn! And that goes for blinds about others as well!

  5. Osbournes?

  6. Ms. Anne Thrope1:40 AM

    The Fixer Upper couple, Chip & Joanna. They're always showing cows, horses & dogs they adopt or buy from the auction.

  7. Hothotheat2:03 AM

    Agree with Chip and Joanna.

  8. RenShaw2:52 AM

    I think this is the trash family. Kiley apparently is sticking with her dogs which had puppies (I hate myself for knowing this). I've seen Kendull with different dogs occasionally. And yes they are never home. The Gaines have a 40-acre working farm with horses, cats, dogs, goats, cows, and turkeys all in all about 60 animals which get featured on their show. They have a lot going on so I suspect they hire people to watch over the kids, their farm, and their store from which they grow and sell produce.

  9. they really have a farm & talk about 100+ animals (not 14 over the years) & they r not crazy for photo ops, i hate his 'goofy schticks', her ship-lock,dusty books & sings "designs", but it's sounds more ktrash...
    P.S. couldn't believe i defend them...

  10. hunter8:41 AM

    Hey - this (thinly veiled) blind says they ask employees to "find new homes" for these unwanted pets.

    It does NOT say the Kardashians ask them to "take this animal to the pound."

    Not that I'm a KTrash apologist (I'm not) but let's check our outrage shall we?

  11. hunter8:42 AM

    "find a new owner"

    whatever - please excuse my poorly sourced quote

  12. I said what I said9:09 AM

    This is really sad...I can see them doing this as they are never at home. I don't know why I am shocked?

  13. Yo mama11:13 AM

    The vanderpumps?

  14. Chandelierxo5:54 AM

    This is the Trashbag family for sure

  15. Jesus Juggs6:52 AM

    Vanderpumps. They even have a line of pet products. Besides their "flagship" dog, Jiggy, there is that mini horse, the geese, lab puppies, retriever puppies, Pomeranians... never ending list of pets to make them more "likable."
