Monday, December 19, 2016

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is also an Academy Award winner gained about 35 pounds since he shot the movie he is promoting now and the studio is not pleased.


  1. Tricia1311:31 PM

    Denzel Washington/Fences

  2. Tricia1311:33 PM

    Though he looks no different than always I think?(He was just on Fallon)

  3. French girl11:54 PM

    +1 if it s about Denzel W

  4. Renshaw12:13 AM

    Denzel was my guess for the roids BI from yesterday. It's muscles!!!

  5. GoTrollUrSelf12:35 AM

    If it's Denzel, don't care - he's still hot. Might be douchey, but still hot.

  6. Ben Affleck? Live By Night? He's definitely well out of shape.

  7. DeeLeeDee1:04 AM

    Chris Pratt. He looks huge.

  8. Fluffy1:33 AM

    Johnny Depp? His weight goes up and down according to his moods, drinking etc... He doesn't seem happy right now, so I'm guessing it's him.

  9. Megley2:27 AM

    Not to be rude, but Pratt, Hill, and Depp haven't won an Oscar.

  10. texasrose2:38 AM

    You are not being rude. People need to point out when guesses are obviously off so we don't waste time debating them. Keep doing it.

  11. texasrose2:41 AM

    Yes. Who is going to be pissed at Denzel if he gains weight???? I don't think this blind is about him though because it is his movie. He directed and is one of the producers.

  12. texasrose2:42 AM

    Or if it is supposed to be about him then a bullshit blind. Ridiculous.

  13. Stephe964:16 AM

    Russell Crowe

  14. Stephe964:19 AM

    The movie being THE MUMMY?

  15. I agree, Denzel could be as big as whale and about to set sail and he'd still be hawt!!! Russell C is what I refer to as a mean fat person.
    Disclaimer: I am also a fat person so any comments I make I am also not afraid to make about myself.

  16. GoTrollUrSelf8:00 AM

    @ryan - LOL! As opposed to the standard Jolly Fat Person such as that Fluffy Comedian Dork?

  17. Dannette8:34 AM

    Is di Caprio and his small dolphin gut promoting anything now?

  18. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)9:30 AM

    I think Denzel's at a point where a weight fluctuation's not going to upset the studio. He's at an age where no one expects him to be sporting a six-pack & he's got a heavy enough fan base who support him for his acting not just his looks. I think it's gotta be someone younger and/or whose looks are a huge part of getting people in the seats.
