Sunday, December 18, 2016

Blind Item #2

One of the children of this now deceased permanent A+ list mostly television comic actress couldn't wait for their mother to die to start making money off her. They were so greedy that they took fractions of what it would have been worth if they held on to it for a few years.


  1. Derek Harvey1:16 AM

    Lucille Balls daughter

  2. Zilla11:23 AM

    One of Florence Henderson's kids?

  3. Derek Harvey1:29 AM

    That could work

  4. austin1:30 AM

    I would have guessed the son because he was the rebellious kid in the family and had personal issues. I know if they both had held onto the family home on Roxbury Dr for awhile, they could have easily sold it for several times what they let it go for.

  5. austin1:31 AM

    Referring to Lucille Ball's son here.

  6. Courtney1:58 AM

    Lucille Ball died in the 80s though and both her children were well into adulthood with any funds being dispersed long ago. Wouldn't they have either invested or blew thru that money already..? This sounds like it someone more recent I think.

  7. texasrose2:38 AM

    Was Florence Henderson A+? Rivers only had a daughter so not her. Courtney has a good point about Ball dying a long time ago. What other A+ mostly tv comic actresses have died in the last few years?? Might just be an weird blind talking about something from years ago so Ball could work.

  8. S.D.AUNTIE8:10 AM

    Doris Roberys from Ray Romano show. One kid only

  9. S.D.AUNTIE8:16 AM

    Dixiie Carter or Jean Stspelton?

  10. Just4Fun8:19 AM

    Bea Arthur had 2 kids. Her Brentwood home sold fast (37 days) for around $15 mil. last year.

  11. Terri8:46 AM

    Melissa rivers ?

  12. I think this has to be Zsa Zsa, no?

    Worldwide name recognition, mostly television comedies.

    Florence Henderson could never be described as permanent A+, and Lucille Ball died 30 years ago, so it would be lame as shit if this were about her.

  13. I guessed her too, but then I read that Zsa Zsa outlived her only daughter

  14. She would deserve it. I've read she was insufferable to everyone around. She was bull headed know it all that mocked and ridiculed others. She was a extremely unhappy person

  15. I also was reading she gave Betty white hell and deeply hated Betty's character so she lost patience with Betty

  16. I think her only child was already making a killing off her mother. Joan and Melissa seemed to enjoy teaming up with each other.
