Saturday, December 10, 2016

Blind Item #2

This permanent A list singer has made a lot of industry people and fans mad at her in the past week for saying she is better than every other performer in recent times simply because she lived longer.


  1. Derek Harvey1:15 AM


  2. Derek Harvey1:16 AM

    or madonna on James Corden

  3. Derek Harvey1:19 AM

    or maybe Streisand...ok I will stop now...

  4. Such arrogance.smells like Streisand or Diana Ross.

  5. Udsctb1:35 AM

    Madonna at the Billboard Women in Music ceremony. She named the stars she outlived in her speech:

  6. Cessa1:36 AM

    It was Madonna

  7. Derek Harvey1:39 AM

    Strange...I am a Madonna fan but "BEST" singer???? ummm....

  8. Derek Harvey1:40 AM


  9. AndrewBW1:40 AM

    If any of these old bats think they're better than Aretha they've got another think coming.

  10. Derek Harvey1:42 AM

    "She was accepting the Woman of the Year trophy when she literally listed off almost every music great of her era who's died -- from Michael Jackson to Prince -- and buttoned with, "But I'm still standing."

  11. Derek with a side of creamed corn1:56 AM

    You mean Derek's arrogance making guess after guess after guess? I think it's more stupidity than arrogance.

  12. It's definitely Madonna.

  13. Madonna just seems to be baiting the press and fans these days.Anything for shock value.Sayin she would-gasp-remarry Sean.Next she will be straddling the ice cream cart.

  14. Madonna, we'd trade you for MJ or Prince back in seconds.

  15. June Gordon2:05 AM

    "Derek with a side of creamed corn"

    Grow the fuck up, hun.

  16. AlmondJoy2:23 AM

    She had done that for years. It is rather savvy of her to do so, as it keeps her name out there and people talking about her--good or bad. So just when someone is about to snatch away the limelight and maybe try to out shine her--Madonna steps up to the plate and delivers.

  17. Frufra3:01 AM

    What I want to know is, does she still talk with the weird British-like accent? Or did she dump that with her marriage to Guy? Like, I don't want to know bad enough to actually listen to her speak, but let me know if any of y'all know.

  18. Except now she older than Norma Desmond and just as delusional about her close ups.

  19. Barbara RiceHand3:37 AM

    Yeah she's like 'I beat aids!' Not saying she has it but, she can't say she's beat them out after all these years like they died naturally or seomthing.

  20. And-so-on..3:39 AM

    Madonna go home, suck your thumb, pout and hide in the bed .. Here's who]s admired, still proudly standing with excellent singing pipes..

  21. And-so-on..3:40 AM;_ylt=A0SO8yhfWUxYvQkArqhXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyY2I2NHVhBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjMwMTBfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=Aretha+Singing+at+Inauguration&fr=yfp-t-s#id=1&vid=d12f1eae062a7a805a30f39a204c9a81&action=view

  22. Stars on 454:21 AM

    Your humors about as dried up as that crusty pink box you keep hidden under your gingham apron, June

  23. I agree, she is almost pathetic now- many women her age are sexier, she is sad because she truly thinks she is/looks 18. If anyone old enough to remember Mimi Van Duran , almost cartoon like as she acted 18 at 80
    Madge makes me think of her recently- can understand son wanting to live apart

    Much like Angeline, she seems like a victim of childhood sexual abuse and stuck at that developmental state of needing to conquer that by acting out rather than getting help

  24. Silly Savage6:03 AM

    Time for a name change and some new schtick, June.

  25. Zilla16:44 AM

    Streisand actually doesn't have this kind of arrogance. She knows very well she's got the goods, she knows people know it and she knows she doesn't need to sell people on her status. And she is pretty self effacing when I've seen her in interviews.

  26. sandybrook6:51 AM

    the 3 greatest female performers Aretha, Cher and Barbra are about 20 years older than you Madge. You’re lucky because most performers from your decade sucked, and even though you don’t sing or act very well, the limited talent you do have outshone theirs.

  27. Juniper2:02 PM

    My guess was Patti Labelle, cuz she real good at giving that side eye, but narcissistic Madonna sounds pretty accurate.

  28. longtimereader12:58 AM

    I'm a child of the 80's, janet jackson's records>>>>madonna's

  29. Megley1:48 AM

    And yet you comment about it. Stupidity knows no bounds.

  30. Camal192:03 AM

    So why is everyone mad at Madonna for thinking she's better than everyone cause she lives longer. Who cares??? Let her think whatever she wants. She's entitled to her opinion. I just choose to disagree. No sense getting mad about it.
