Sunday, December 18, 2016

Blind Item #1

There is a huge behind the scenes battle going on right now about a movie that this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress you all know, is filming. Her people want her to stay on the film or to be able to spin why she leaves if she does. The producers just want her gone. Her behavior is out of control and she is bringing the film down with her.


  1. Tricia1310:31 PM

    Kristin Stewart?

  2. CrashDiego10:43 PM

    I'm not enjoying the new Enty's "that you all know" writing tic.

  3. Tricia1310:47 PM

    Or "everyone's favorite "*see next blind

  4. GoTrollUrSelf11:11 PM

    If he says "you all know" or "you all love", I know I'll never guess who it is. Half the time, I don't even know who the subject is when it's revealed.

  5. I've never met her and dont care for her much either.
    so this one is totally lost on me.

  6. Everyone's favorite A+ list model, or teen mom, or housewife, or reality star, or athlete, or celebrity spawn or rapper/singer/DJ. New Year's Goal: don't have any blinds featuring the above list.

  7. I haven't heard about KStew being difficult to work with.

  8. Sarah1:12 AM

    The new Oceans?

  9. Annie Maus2:05 AM

    Someone in Flatliners - Ellen Page?

  10. Louise2:30 AM

    Is this someone on Pitch Perfect? I read they're all fighting

  11. Hot Cola7:38 AM

    Riley whatever from star wars?

  12. Pitch Perfect 3 doesn't start filming until sometime in January. Some of the actresses are just finishing work on other projects & they will have the Christmas break followed by table reads & learning the choreography next month.

  13. AnnieNYC10:52 AM

    Dakota Johnson and 50 Shades Trilogy (the third one)

  14. SnarkIsFun10:58 AM

    @Tricia13 - not only has Kristen Stewart *never* had a reputation of being difficult to work with, the movie she has been working on (Lizzy) has just wrapped principal photography, so it's essentially done. Not her. Besides, it's still 2016 - Enty would be referring to her as being "from that franchise."

  15. Fred842:44 PM

    Right on. Daisy Ridley it is.
