Monday, December 19, 2016

Blind Item #1

Apparently, one of the conditions for this A list reality star from that reality family to help her broke boyfriend financially is that she now has power of attorney over everything in his life and makes all his financial decisions for him.


  1. No brains controling no money equals no hookers

  2. Glitterandgold11:01 PM


  3. Does anyone really care what these fuckwad kartrashians do anymore? FFS...can the media just stop talking about them? Enough. They are whores who happen to be millionaires. Big fucking deal. Now can we please have blinds about ANYONE else in the world instead of these twats? Thank you.

  4. austin11:03 PM

    Kylie Kardashian and Tyga

  5. Mr Cellophane11:07 PM


  6. Tricia1311:09 PM


  7. Megley11:23 PM

    WHO CARES???

  8. Alistdiva12:21 AM

    I think just about everyone and their mother is sick of hearing about the K-trash family! Now only if we could all stop commenting on stories about them and, won't buy their crap they will be history!

  9. GoTrollUrSelf12:31 AM

    Tyga really needs to work on his facial expressions. Looking bored to death with the girl who supports you is probably not a good idea. Unless she enjoys humiliation.

  10. Renshaw12:43 AM

    The hoes.

  11. They pay a lot of money for fame and news so expect all of them to end up broke in a grey gardens style dilapidated enclave someday!

  12. Haha I love your pun!! 'Whores...millionaires.... Big f'ing deal'

  13. parissucksliterally1:40 AM

    The ones who are seen at a "luxury car" store every other week? Why do people need so many cars? Such a stupid waste of money. Kylie and her loser, of course.

  14. texasrose2:51 AM

    If this is about tyger then shouldn't this actually be a Kindness blind?? No way this dumb motherf*cker should be trusted with anything financial or anything that involves intelligent thinking.

  15. GoTrollUrSelf5:29 AM

    I've never seen so many people shopping every. damned. day.
    Buy a car, buy jewelry, buy, buy, buy, buy...houses, boats, boobs, furniture,'s like they carry a t-shirt gun* stuffed with $1000 bills and wander around spraying money everywhere. Obscene.

  16. GoTrollUrSelf5:31 AM

    He's utterly useless, talentless and, frankly, ugly. I hope she's disgusted with herself when she gets over being dickmatized. She'll never escape the thousands upon thousands of nauseating pictures.

  17. texasrose6:08 AM

    Nor should she ever be allowed to escape them:)

  18. Sorry but I don't buy that the Kardashians are "millionaires." They make money, they're affluent, but all the reports of how wealthy they are and their emotional need to try to flaunt wealth means nothing. Bet the claims of their wealth is about as real as their fake butts and faces. Tyga is broke and does the same.

  19. GoTrollUrSelf8:07 AM

    Their entire lives are built around product placement, I think. The apps make money, but not multiple, multiple $millions.

  20. texasrose9:54 AM

    I wish. Unfortunately Forbes is pretty reputable and they said KK earned over 50 million last year alone. They said almost half was from downloads of her video game. It was downloaded 45 million times last year. I think you might be right about the rest of those turds but KK is definitely the cash 'cow'.

  21. Hot Cola1:32 PM

    And.. Swush... He goes down the drain the kanye Lamar way...

  22. John Paterson2:05 AM

    If this is Kylie, I support her. She's giving Tyga a chance to get his act together before she drops him. That's actually a respectable thing to do.

  23. If it's one of the Kartrashians, they're actually C-list. Their show's ratings are in the toilet and they're boring.
