Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Blind Item #11

This permanent A list mostly movie comic actor has at the least, a handful of children. He is proud of the fact he has never changed one diaper.


  1. Tricia133:30 AM

    Eddie Murphy

  2. Derek Harvey3:30 AM

    will ferral

  3. Derek Harvey3:31 AM

    nvmnd 3 is not really a handful

  4. sandybrook3:33 AM

    Jerry Lewis just because he was in the news being a jerk last week.

  5. sandybrook3:35 AM

    Has seven, must have plenty of grandkids, can't see him changing one.

  6. Long Island Girl3:38 AM

    The guy doing to interview was an ass. The only thing, age related, that he didn't ask is if he's picked out his coffin yet.

  7. Long Island Girl3:39 AM

    *THE interview...

  8. sandybrook3:42 AM

    Well the interview was supposed to be about celebrities still working in their 90s and why.

  9. Lalalady3:45 AM

    Alec Baldwin

  10. Eddie Murphy. He has 9 kids

  11. Riven5:35 AM

    Why would anyone be proud of this fact? Like "Woohoo go me! Handful of kids and I'm still an asshole who's scared of a little poop!" I hope when he needs help with his adult diapers his wife/nanny/whatevs just stands there laughing. I would.

    I'm also single so don't take life advice from me.

  12. epiphany5:51 AM

    Lewis was hilarious in that interview! The reporter was some clueless millennial who had probably never even seen a Jerry Lewis movie, and just asked a slew of generic, disrepectful questions designed to make an elderly person look foolish. They don't teach the concept of research in journalism school anymore? Lewis' annoyance and bad attitude were right on target.

  13. sandybrook7:12 AM

    Not sure bloggers go to journo school and many magazine writers started off as bloggers somewhere, especially the younger ones. But still no excuse, unless he was supposed to stick to a strict list of questions supplied by his assignment editor. I think I would be intimidated by any of the people he was assigned to interview, most definitely Don Rickles and Lewis.

  14. Courtney9:30 AM

    I don't know Derek lol 3 would be a handful for me....

  15. Trixie12:52 PM

    True, but you know what you're going into with an assignment like that. And even with a prepared list of questions, you can get what you want out of a rock...if you know your way around a rock. That interview was for one of The Hollywood Reporter, a major trade publications, not any old magazine. The reporter should have known something about Jerry Lewis and how to conduct an interview...

  16. a lot of ppl have a live-in babysitters & never change their kids diapers, middle-middle class of usa...

  17. I thinks so. My dad's the same and he's now in 70's upset me and my siblings don't come over but 1 year maybe. When our mother was alive I was over there 3x+ a wk (I was her heart but she never let it show to others). my brother 2xmth. My sister 2xmth. You reap what u sow. Children are an investment.
